Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Bitwine
Rachel Marie
I just wanted to come on here and say that after reading for YEARS, Rachel Marie has been pretty darn accurate. I just re-read my 2020 transcript with her (it was my first and only reading with her) and now, years later, I can say that her reading was probably around 95% accurate. Honestly, the only reason she doesn't get the 100% spot on award from me is for one reason.
Her timing is WAY OFF. She said somethings were happening/changing in weeks, things that were really specific. Well, they did end up happening.. YEARS LATER.
--- Quote from: serenejoy on October 17, 2024, 07:41:25 PM ---I just wanted to come on here and say that after reading for YEARS, Rachel Marie has been pretty darn accurate. I just re-read my 2020 transcript with her (it was my first and only reading with her) and now, years later, I can say that her reading was probably around 95% accurate. Honestly, the only reason she doesn't get the 100% spot on award from me is for one reason.
Her timing is WAY OFF. She said somethings were happening/changing in weeks, things that were really specific. Well, they did end up happening.. YEARS LATER.
--- End quote ---
One reading?
No offense, I’m glad she worked for you.
I’ve heard horror stories of ppl reading with her for years, cutting her clients off, over charging and then flaking on them.
I mean if she worked for you great
I read with her about 3 times and what keeps me from going back is the horror stories of how she treats her long time clients.her negative reviews on here and bitwine. And I still can’t confirm what she said was accurate or not roughly 11 month later
But she does have some really hard fans
Is that to say you’ll go back? And if you haven’t then why not?
Yeah, I only read with her that one time. The answer to your question is a mixture of different things. The first one being that she’s a bit complicated to get a hold of, bitwine is crappy because you can’t get on a queue; you’re constantly just having to refresh the page hoping to get lucky. The second reason being that I read with her so early on in my situation that I was able to confirm a lot of what she said was going on in the present, but because she gave me timeframes that were supposed to come up in weeks and they didn’t happen, I just assumed she was wrong.
As far as the other stuff, I don’t know what you’re talking about so I can’t comment on that. From my one reading with her, she seemed ethical and kind, but I understand that might not be everyone’s perception or experience.
Sometimes she has a certain behavior that’s frustrating…
I’m not the kind of customer who will confront someone if things don’t play out . If you’ve had a lot of hits and only a few misses, I’d let it slide and probably come back.
I just can’t pay $100 in one go for a full reading. That’s why I choose the 10-minute sessions. But instead of giving me value in that short time, she’ll often just cut me off, and doesn’t ask if I want to add more minutes she just hangs up. There have even been times when she ended the call before really starting the reading.
I can’t say for sure whether some of her predictions were accurate or not. Maybe it’s like Yona says—bad things happen first. She told me my POI would leave me again, and here I am, ghosted once more. But the following events she mentioned? That hasn’t happened.
This reader was very popular during my psychic binge days and was very wrong for me. The last time I read with her was in 2018 and she told me a lot of stuff that actually the opposite happened less than a year later. She told me my partner wouldn't want to settle down for a long time and it would frustrate me and eventually I'd leave the relationship. He ended up proposing 6 months after that reading and then we got married 6 months after the engagement. I think the only one who saw the engagement was actually Indio from CP and I remember I didn't tell her anything about my relationship
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