Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Bitwine

Miss Ann

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--- Quote from: pfizer on September 10, 2020, 05:14:15 AM ---miss ann has always been right about poi's reaction & his thinking & behaviour
her timeframes never accurate; and she refused to tell when most of the time.
her shortly maybe up to 6 months
so if you wanted timeline, never go to her, as frustrated as life could be lol

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It’s amazing how a reader will work for someone and not for someone else lol Miss Ann told me I’d be wedding planning and sending out wedding invitations with my ex in February of this year....we broke up last May and never spoke again! Go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️

yes, it amused me how different ppl connected with different readers.
exact same thing happened to me, ari has most of the time accurate for me (mostly picking up that person's feelings)
but if her predictions were accurate; i should have been married and have a kid now  :P :P :P :P

--- Quote from: PinkyD on September 10, 2020, 05:35:12 AM ---
--- Quote from: pfizer on September 10, 2020, 05:14:15 AM ---miss ann has always been right about poi's reaction & his thinking & behaviour
her timeframes never accurate; and she refused to tell when most of the time.
her shortly maybe up to 6 months
so if you wanted timeline, never go to her, as frustrated as life could be lol

--- End quote ---

It’s amazing how a reader will work for someone and not for someone else lol Miss Ann told me I’d be wedding planning and sending out wedding invitations with my ex in February of this year....we broke up last May and never spoke again! Go figure 🤷🏻‍♀️

--- End quote ---

I’ve had 3 readings with her over 3 years and can confidently say nothing she ever said has come to pass.

I just had a reading with her. I hope she is accurate.

For questions and answers: This lady got a lot right, like all the events leading up to the outcome were right, but then she got the outcome totally wrong lol.

I did also get her yearly wheel of fortune forecast things and BOY! Every month has gone exactly as she said it would. I take that back. The first month was off cause she said she saw me in a relationship which didn’t happen but I think that was just her interpretation of it. Cause it was a happy month.. and she got the 10 of cups I just wasn’t in a relationship. That was April. Then literally May-December has literally been on point. Every theme she said was going to happen for the month happened lmao. She even predicted the theme of this month December being about a move/travel/leaving something behind (8 cups). At the time I was like no way cause my lease doesn’t end till April 2021. Welp - turns out covid pooped on my life and now my Roomate and I are having to move and we just found out this week and have short notice.. it’s been a disaster. Long story. But that part was crazy. She predicted like last month being a really positive month for me /tons of love and it was also true. I gained like 400,000 followers on a social media app and had a ton of support, it was also my birthday month so I got a lot of outreaches. These are just examples of her themes and how they unfold. Next month is “9 of cups” so wish me luck cause idk how my life is going to transform from what it is to that at this point 😂😂 suppose to be the “wishes coming true” month lol. but i trust it cause the theme of every month has been super accurate and I definitely would go back to this lady again

At least for her yearly wheel of fortune
Cause WOW—


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