Author Topic: Ways to break the calling cycle  (Read 16269 times)

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2019, 11:02:58 PM »
Just wanted to say I downloaded the Lanie Stevens book pussy whipped and did the technique last night. Havent heard from my ex since last weekend and he reached out 30 minutes after the technique !!

WOW!! Yeah her stuff works.
I just got tired of focusing so much on the POI though lol

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2019, 11:18:43 PM »
Just wanted to say I downloaded the Lanie Stevens book pussy whipped and did the technique last night. Havent heard from my ex since last weekend and he reached out 30 minutes after the technique !!

Holy! I just started back at it last night. I better get on it! That's amazing.


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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2019, 11:21:47 PM »
congrats! does she have anything for like career manifestation?


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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2019, 11:33:44 PM »
Hmmm would it help with women contacting men??

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2019, 12:53:36 AM »
congrats! does she have anything for like career manifestation?

No, she's purely a love manifester.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2019, 09:01:31 PM »
I was amazed but will keep at it !

I actually did it on two men haha . The other one is obviously being stubborn as I haven’t heard from him yet.

But I will. I’m sure.

Offline twinflame93

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2019, 09:25:15 PM »
congrats! does she have anything for like career manifestation?

She has a couple of career meditations I purchased from her website but I found those ineffective.
I have a business and could say I am now sort of comfortable financially. What helped me which I have been practising on and off for 3 years is Bob Proctors 20 min “visualisation” on YouTube. Helps you create the picture of the lifestyle you want. However it must be done with pure feeling (it’s ok to cry). If no feeling is put in it won’t materialise. You have to be consistent at it and put in as much feeling as possible as to why you deserve it, who you are serving and helping in order to receive this money... even if it’s your boss, think of all their positive qualities. with these consistent feelings it will materialise quicker. The first things you will notice is opportunities coming your way.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2019, 07:05:34 PM »
The meditations on the Calm app kind of help me. I like the body scan ones myself.

Offline twinflame93

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2019, 08:02:42 PM »
UPDATE: It's been a month and a half now since I have stopped calling. Even though my relationship with my POI is not yet where I want it to be I feel so much better with myself.

I previously posted on here that Lanie Stevens PW and BWD books helps with how to stop calling psychics with regards to a POI. A few things that help me stay consistent with NOT calling is the following:

1. The subtle art of not giving a f*ck  - a must read book for anyone who hates uncertainty and how to control your worries and start living your life each day at a time with complete uncertainty of what may or may not happen. It's also a book about how we all have worries and problems but how to control your emotions relating to them. This book really helps rewire your brain to start worrying less.

2. When I am feeling insecure I pull out 1-3 cards from a pack of "angel cards". I ask what the messages are from the universe to help me with my certain worries. You can buy any angel card pack that you are drawn to the most

3. I like to go by this quote "overthinking is the biggest cause of depression". In the early stages of stop calling when I felt eager to call I kept telling myself no and kept myself busy doing something else.

All the money that I would have wasted on calling psychics have been put away into a separate savings account so I can feel proud of the progression I have made by overcoming my addiction. The more I see the money rise, the less tempting it feels to call. I rarely have the desire to call now and its a wonderful feeling. I keep saying to the universe "what will be will be, I am grateful for what I have in my life in the present... I am willing to accept the uncertainty"

Offline Wanderlust619

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2019, 07:41:36 AM »
Reading this forum helps me. When it doesnt, I use the tarot cards on the CP app. If that doesn't do it I look at past readings and gasp at the money I've spent! Counting all the other things I could have done with it.  :P

Offline naturegirl

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2019, 04:04:18 AM »
I've thought a lot about my addiction to psychics over the last few months as I stepped away from the chat platforms. I've had four email readings this year and I'm not sure I'll ever give up psychic readings completely, but I've come a long way in my recovery. As someone who spends a lot of time on mountain trails, these are some of the things I've contemplated and reminded myself.

Life is a hike. It's full of sunlit mountain tops and low, shadowed valleys. Sometimes the climbs are daunting so we use whatever method necessary to help us keep climbing. For those of us here, at least one of those things is psychics.

I believe everyone, every single human on this planet, has a drug of choice. For some it's food, for some it's work, for others it's substance, for others it's working out. The list goes on. It's something. We are not alone in our addiction; it's simply that ours is laughable and irrational to some, and it's expensive! We know there ARE those with gifts though, so we keep searching for that next high, that better, purer drug. I know who I am and you know who you are; we are not lost, yet something within us, at this time in our lives, prevents us from moving forward without this help, this guidance, this blind faith we place in strangers to tell us our fate.

So every day I tell myself to keep climbing and to take moments to enjoy the climb. When I start a descent and the anxiety over knowing I'm headed into shadows and valleys again, and I fear the darkness and loneliness of that part of the trail, I remind myself that it won't last - IF I just keep going. The sun will break through, and after the darkness it always seems to shine so much brighter. Life is beautiful, in all its' highs and lows. Even in the valleys there is beauty if we search hard enough. The most challenging part can be not knowing when we'll reach the summit or how long we'll get to stay there before a storm rolls in again.

Sometimes I wonder why human emotions are so hard and run so deep. Then I remember that the human spirit is extraordinarily resilient. It can bend and bend and bend and yet not break. We are capable of handling every heartbreak, every loss, every rejection, and every failure. We are capable, but it isn't always easy. It doesn't help that we say things to ourselves that we would never dare say to another human because of the cruelty in the words and criticism. We listen to the lies that anxiety and depression tell us. How can we not when they are looking us directly in the eyes with a straight face while they whisper? They ARE liars though and they play upon our darkest fears. I'm not great at affirmations because they feel like platitudes, but we do need to treat ourselves like we would treat our closest friends, with kindness and compliments and gratitude for our strengths and gifts. We need to silence the liars within us. We are complex, magnificent beings - mind, body, and spirit. We are truly extraordinary, all of us, and each of us in our own unique way as well. If we fall and we give into our addiction to help us get back up, we need to brush ourselves off and remind ourselves that yes, maybe we could've gotten up on our own and saved ourselves some money or spared ourselves from receiving false hope once again, but at least we're up - and then we need to simply keep moving forward, one foot in font of another in front of another. We have today. We can't worry about yesterday and we shouldn't worry about tomorrow. We can only do our best today - to love ourselves, to be kind to ourselves, and to try to climb without using our drug of choice as a walking stick, today. Just today.

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2019, 04:20:31 AM »
recently Ive been watching a lot of youtube tarot videos and that has really helped me stop calling readers. see what they say on there is pretty positive and frankly speaking you'll feel like it is tailored just for you:))

Offline anewstart

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2019, 10:53:46 PM »
I feel badly because I had a horrible addiction for 10 years and spent 10s of thousands of dollars. I finally stop calling. I went bankrupt. Eventually, I just decided to let go and listen to my inner voice. I was calling about a POI at the time and he did return as predicted but never for good and married someone else. They all said he was unhappy with this woman and he told me so too, but he married her anyway even when most psychics assured me he wouldn't. He's one of 2 POIs I called about over 10 years.

Once I decided that I was content with what I had, lived more in gratitude and was in acceptance, I didn't even feel the urge to call. I can't say "happy" because that's been a fleeting feeling, but content and in acceptance of what I cannot control. I changed my thinking. I started using that money I was wasting on psychics to do cool things I wanted to try. And I felt better. My inner voice spoke loud and clear. I am in a good relationship now for 3 years and like they say, just comes when you're not so anxious about it. I was on a dating app but was very non-chalant and kept it fun and remained content if nothing came of it and I remained single. And I never needed to call about him because HE told me and SHOWED me how he felt about me.

Well, years after not calling, I have "relapsed" due to a job situation and career change and the anxiety of "not knowing" caused me to spiral. So once again, calling like crazy spending 100s of dollars a week for the past couple months. The psychics all have something different to say, timing has not even once panned out.  At the end of the day, when I stop calling in general, and just listen to my inner guidance, let go, control what I can and STOP trying to control what I can't, sit in the uncertainty, I connect to my own intuition. That's when I feel I get "messages." Time will tell and I have gotten better at getting information straight from the horse's mouth by confronting situations and people head on.

I am feeling shame that I have relapsed and slipped into so much debt AGAIN, but this stint was much shorter and I'm proud of that. I am pulling myself together much more quickly this time. I am going to let time unfold. My own inner guidance has served me best and if I shut up the spiraling in my mind and LISTEN, I'm going to get as much as I need to know at this moment in time. And finally, I have a little faith that I will be ok.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2019, 11:20:11 PM »
I’m very sorry about your job, I was in the same space years ago, had a stable relationship but my career was lacking, I was calling about 10 psychics a day, it was draining but it gave me hope! Even when I first talked to Yona, I was jobless, she saw me buying a home, of course I didn’t believe her! Who would if they don’t even have a job, she predicted my current stable job but in between I had a job but were not stable, I got my home 18 months after the first reading! Who would have thought. My point is that it will get better.
I feel badly because I had a horrible addiction for 10 years and spent 10s of thousands of dollars. I finally stop calling. I went bankrupt. Eventually, I just decided to let go and listen to my inner voice. I was calling about a POI at the time and he did return as predicted but never for good and married someone else. They all said he was unhappy with this woman and he told me so too, but he married her anyway even when most psychics assured me he wouldn't. He's one of 2 POIs I called about over 10 years.

Once I decided that I was content with what I had, lived more in gratitude and was in acceptance, I didn't even feel the urge to call. I can't say "happy" because that's been a fleeting feeling, but content and in acceptance of what I cannot control. I changed my thinking. I started using that money I was wasting on psychics to do cool things I wanted to try. And I felt better. My inner voice spoke loud and clear. I am in a good relationship now for 3 years and like they say, just comes when you're not so anxious about it. I was on a dating app but was very non-chalant and kept it fun and remained content if nothing came of it and I remained single. And I never needed to call about him because HE told me and SHOWED me how he felt about me.

Well, years after not calling, I have "relapsed" due to a job situation and career change and the anxiety of "not knowing" caused me to spiral. So once again, calling like crazy spending 100s of dollars a week for the past couple months. The psychics all have something different to say, timing has not even once panned out.  At the end of the day, when I stop calling in general, and just listen to my inner guidance, let go, control what I can and STOP trying to control what I can't, sit in the uncertainty, I connect to my own intuition. That's when I feel I get "messages." Time will tell and I have gotten better at getting information straight from the horse's mouth by confronting situations and people head on.

I am feeling shame that I have relapsed and slipped into so much debt AGAIN, but this stint was much shorter and I'm proud of that. I am pulling myself together much more quickly this time. I am going to let time unfold. My own inner guidance has served me best and if I shut up the spiraling in my mind and LISTEN, I'm going to get as much as I need to know at this moment in time. And finally, I have a little faith that I will be ok.

Offline anewstart

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2019, 02:18:58 AM »
Thank you for responding and sharing that. It's the timing that is hard to nail down. And which job. And that's where I'm confusing myself and they are confusing me! And I am so burnt out from the job search so it's like a way to relieve some of that exhaustion to call them but I am even more exhausted now Lol. They all keep telling me these 2 major companies will be calling me for an interview. I did pass first levels of screening. But they predict differently who it will work out with and of course there's a third one in the mix now that no one saw coming. And it may be NONE of these jobs that work out! Or the one no one saw coming! But I'm working on contracts and I have to sign a fall contract like right now to ensure some income but that will interfere with the full time job situation. So the timing is a gigantic mess which is why I am so anxious I think.

