Author Topic: Ways to break the calling cycle  (Read 16122 times)

Offline doubleoh8

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Ways to break the calling cycle
« on: April 03, 2019, 03:25:41 PM »
Hi all (who are interested). I see the admin added new boards for this and for Bitwine. Thanks!

Since I asked for it, I'll start a topic here. I came across an article on Leanne Halyburton's blog called "HAVE YOU BECOME A PSYCHIC JUNKIE? HOW TO BREAK THE HEARTBREAKING CYCLE":

Thought I would share as it had some good advice. Her first tip, about being honest with yourself about possible red flags, definitely applied to me.

[and for the record, I have no association with Leanne. I have never even read with her but was checking her site out after reading posts on here one day and saw the blog post.]

Offline sunshineluv7

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 08:21:09 PM »
I figured I'd chime in. Nothing that's published on how to stop out there worked for me. Because it's a learned distress tolerance behavior for those of us who overdo it.

Here's what worked. Stop talking to the psychics and talk to your POI instead IF YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD. It will either go well, or it won't, and you will allow yourself to know the truth, heal, and eventually move on. If you feel you should wait and leave it alone, and allow life to show you other things, then do that. Get in touch with what YOU feel "pushed" to do personally. Then do it.

"But what if I talk and it isn't the best timing and I ruin it?"

If it's truly meant to be - this is your person - you cannot do anything to ruin it. People cheat and stay together. I'm not recommending you try completely disregarding and becoming a wild woman (or man) and using that as insurance to do whatever you like.

But if you cannot have a conversation with them. You cannot have any kind of healthy relationship with them. Sometimes conversations have to "sit" with the other person a bit for things to go the direction you hope for, so don't expect an immediate response.

That's my best advice.

Offline tacobelle914

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 08:30:06 PM »
I figured I'd chime in. Nothing that's published on how to stop out there worked for me. Because it's a learned distress tolerance behavior for those of us who overdo it.

Here's what worked. Stop talking to the psychics and talk to your POI instead IF YOU FEEL YOU SHOULD. It will either go well, or it won't, and you will allow yourself to know the truth, heal, and eventually move on. If you feel you should wait and leave it alone, and allow life to show you other things, then do that. Get in touch with what YOU feel "pushed" to do personally. Then do it.

"But what if I talk and it isn't the best timing and I ruin it?"

If it's truly meant to be - this is your person - you cannot do anything to ruin it. People cheat and stay together. I'm not recommending you try completely disregarding and becoming a wild woman (or man) and using that as insurance to do whatever you like.

But if you cannot have a conversation with them. You cannot have any kind of healthy relationship with them. Sometimes conversations have to "sit" with the other person a bit for things to go the direction you hope for, so don't expect an immediate response.

That's my best advice.

I agree and think it is great advice!

Going cold turkey can be hard, however, so if you do not feel comfortable letting go of psychics completely maybe try a reading once a month. Outside of that, let your intuition guide you and take note of whatever predictions do or do not come to pass. Eventually, you will get so used to following your own inner guidance that the psychics will no longer be necessary.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2019, 01:05:23 PM »
I agree, talking to POI definitely helps. I wasted years talking to psychics instead of being direct and honest with POI. Psychics always told me NOT to ask too much of him, not to tell him what I want because it will scare him away. So I did that but I was left in a state of confusion and I'd go to psychics and they would reassure me everything was okay. So yes, more money for them.

So I talked to POI but that still didn't make me stop talking to psychics. Because I would ask psychics "well, did POI tell me the truth? what's gonna happen still?"

The only thing that stopped my interest in psychics is me deciding that I am no longer going to chase my POI. That if he wants to be in my life, he will reach out, he will tell me so, I will see it in his actions. But I no longer desire to chase and hope.

I made that decision and since then thinking of calling psychics is appalling to me. And stupid. Thinking of consulting tarot cards sounds so silly. Because I have called tons and I mean tons of psychics and have done tons of tarot readings and everything I was told, some of it came true and some didn't. And it's only because I was told general things that could have come true or couldn't. I wasn't told anything that came true 100% where I could be like: oh yes, they were so right. It was all half and half, and I was told a bunch of other things that none were true, negative things were not true, positive things were not true either. I didn't get any substantial readings from the 100 or so psychics that I contacted.

My own experience and me deciding that life is so much more than wanting a specific person in your life...these two things combined, have made me stop talking to psychics.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2019, 01:12:51 PM »
I agree, talking to POI definitely helps. I wasted years talking to psychics instead of being direct and honest with POI. Psychics always told me NOT to ask too much of him, not to tell him what I want because it will scare him away. So I did that but I was left in a state of confusion and I'd go to psychics and they would reassure me everything was okay. So yes, more money for them.

So I talked to POI but that still didn't make me stop talking to psychics. Because I would ask psychics "well, did POI tell me the truth? what's gonna happen still?"

The only thing that stopped my interest in psychics is me deciding that I am no longer going to chase my POI. That if he wants to be in my life, he will reach out, he will tell me so, I will see it in his actions. But I no longer desire to chase and hope.

I made that decision and since then thinking of calling psychics is appalling to me. And stupid. Thinking of consulting tarot cards sounds so silly. Because I have called tons and I mean tons of psychics and have done tons of tarot readings and everything I was told, some of it came true and some didn't. And it's only because I was told general things that could have come true or couldn't. I wasn't told anything that came true 100% where I could be like: oh yes, they were so right. It was all half and half, and I was told a bunch of other things that none were true, negative things were not true, positive things were not true either. I didn't get any substantial readings from the 100 or so psychics that I contacted.

My own experience and me deciding that life is so much more than wanting a specific person in your life...these two things combined, have made me stop talking to psychics.

I agree with this 100%!

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2019, 07:01:37 PM »
I stopped calling when stuff wasn't happening. I deleted my account, burned my notes and moved on with life. My situation was complicated, but I knew that it wouldn't be an easy fix anyway, so why waste money?

Offline Hillcam

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2019, 07:58:11 PM »
I started slowly, by taking breaks for a month at a time. After that, it got easier to not call at all.

After that, I closed my account. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I took time to self reflect. What is it that triggered a binge for me? What can I do differently to avoid pushing myself into a reading?

I started taking accountability for my own actions. It’s nobody’s fault but my own that I kept feeding my addiction. I knew predictions weren’t coming to pass yet I continuously returned for more because of my own vulnerability.

I started taking my physical health more seriously and my mental health quickly followed. I genuinely believe that my own lack of self love contributed so so much to my psychic addiction. I was seeking validation from men that didn’t care enough to attempt to give me the love I was seeking and deserve.

Lastly, I still read my notes and emails if I ever get the urge to purchase a reading now. I know that my own actions and decisions played a HUGE role in my dependency but at the end of the day, 99% of these readers were wrong for me.

I also believe that if I had tried to quit before I was truly ready I wouldn’t have been successful. Luckily reading everyone’s stories here helped me open my eyes to my issues and addiction.

Offline twinflame93

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2019, 10:47:41 PM »
It's been 2 weeks now since I stopped calling. All the psychics kept getting the timeframes wrong for when my POI would contact, then commit and be consistent I was getting fed up.

It's funny because the moment when i first discovered calling psychics I started seeing him less and less, then when i became addicted our relationship was broken and over. he broke up with me. since then it has been on and off communication for 2 years and we have not seen each other in 2 years.

Fast forward till 2 weeks ago. I came on this forum and heard a lady had come into 'union and marriage' and now expecting their child. From a man she wanted commitment from for years. She said what helped was Lanie Stevens pussy whipped and burned with desire book. I took the plunge and read both in 2 days.

Well... after 5 days of reading PW my POI contacted me and he sent me the nicest message like he normally would have 2 years ago!!!

With LOA we can predict our own future, our own destiny and can call up our POI using visualisation to contact us. Trust me ladies if you want to speed up timeframes, want a prediction to come true so bad etc STOP CALLING PSYCHICS AND DO VISUALISATION AND LAW OF ATTRACTION PRACTICE. Not only that but many work opportunities have come my way past 2 weeks. Opportunities I would have dreamed about.

From my experience visualization and lanie stevens books is the step to take to break the cycle  :)

Offline julesdsm

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2019, 11:03:54 PM »
Wow! That’s awesome. I love LOA. Congrats!!

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2019, 11:09:21 PM »
It's been 2 weeks now since I stopped calling. All the psychics kept getting the timeframes wrong for when my POI would contact, then commit and be consistent I was getting fed up.

It's funny because the moment when i first discovered calling psychics I started seeing him less and less, then when i became addicted our relationship was broken and over. he broke up with me. since then it has been on and off communication for 2 years and we have not seen each other in 2 years.

Fast forward till 2 weeks ago. I came on this forum and heard a lady had come into 'union and marriage' and now expecting their child. From a man she wanted commitment from for years. She said what helped was Lanie Stevens pussy whipped and burned with desire book. I took the plunge and read both in 2 days.

Well... after 5 days of reading PW my POI contacted me and he sent me the nicest message like he normally would have 2 years ago!!!

With LOA we can predict our own future, our own destiny and can call up our POI using visualisation to contact us. Trust me ladies if you want to speed up timeframes, want a prediction to come true so bad etc STOP CALLING PSYCHICS AND DO VISUALISATION AND LAW OF ATTRACTION PRACTICE. Not only that but many work opportunities have come my way past 2 weeks. Opportunities I would have dreamed about.

From my experience visualization and lanie stevens books is the step to take to break the cycle  :)

You’re right. It does work. My boyfriend and I had been out of contact for 3 weeks, due to a fight. I read Lanie Stevens, did Agnes meditations, did LOA manifest a text message... andddd he contacted me within a day of the LOA manifest a text and 3 days of the other practices. I’m putting all of my effort into LOA and positivity from now on

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2019, 08:02:59 PM »
I just downloaded both these books and I’m starting today!

It's been 2 weeks now since I stopped calling. All the psychics kept getting the timeframes wrong for when my POI would contact, then commit and be consistent I was getting fed up.

It's funny because the moment when i first discovered calling psychics I started seeing him less and less, then when i became addicted our relationship was broken and over. he broke up with me. since then it has been on and off communication for 2 years and we have not seen each other in 2 years.

Fast forward till 2 weeks ago. I came on this forum and heard a lady had come into 'union and marriage' and now expecting their child. From a man she wanted commitment from for years. She said what helped was Lanie Stevens pussy whipped and burned with desire book. I took the plunge and read both in 2 days.

Well... after 5 days of reading PW my POI contacted me and he sent me the nicest message like he normally would have 2 years ago!!!

With LOA we can predict our own future, our own destiny and can call up our POI using visualisation to contact us. Trust me ladies if you want to speed up timeframes, want a prediction to come true so bad etc STOP CALLING PSYCHICS AND DO VISUALISATION AND LAW OF ATTRACTION PRACTICE. Not only that but many work opportunities have come my way past 2 weeks. Opportunities I would have dreamed about.

From my experience visualization and lanie stevens books is the step to take to break the cycle  :)

Offline flora0250

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2019, 09:19:04 PM »
Well I just calculated out how much money and how many readings I’ve gotten with which advisors over the last 19 months.

Approximately $9,500. Approximately 100 different readers.

I think that should be sufficient information for me to curb the habit. Where in the world did I ever have $9,500 from?!?!? Oh believe me, I’m in debt.

Wow. Imagine all the amazing things I could have done with that much money. All I can do now is change my future habits and learn from what I am looking at in black and white.

Now to go back and revisit the predictions and who was at least somewhat accurate or where the jury is still out. There are not many at all.

I will post separately about all of that hopefully soon somewhere else.

Bottom line: TOTALLY not worth it.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2019, 10:53:13 PM »
Breaking the cycle is not easy, I am at the withdrawal phase, I see why it's so hard for drug addicts or people who gamble have a hard time withdrawing, once you move on and keen dangles some nice coupon in your face, you are like one more time, addiction is real. my life feels much settled but I/we find something to call about, we call about the silliest thing, I have not spoken to my besties since 2017, I can take the phone and call her, she attempted  months ago and I completely ignored her because she did not call on my phone but hangout,! I was really annoyed! I have been annoyed with her for things she did after the death of her parents I saw her selfish self, well she warned me but I refused to see it, I will always love her but at this point it's pride that's keeping me from reaching out, people have been calling me regarding her, I could use that as an excuse, I wanted to go see her since she moved states, hmmmmm I am just venting ! maybe I should call and hung up and let her call me right ...... NO psychic reading!!! yeah if I call a reader this is what I will expect

These are not actual reading just crap shit I made up

Cookie- If you don't reach out she may not
Aries Intuition _ I see communication but I don't know when or I see 7 surrounding this hahaha
Yona _ she's not popping up in your reading  _ ok I don't know what she will say
Qofcups18_ I see 3 around communication
Barbara4848 _ There's a female that you were friends with but don't trust, don't worry she will call you in August


Well I just calculated out how much money and how many readings I’ve gotten with which advisors over the last 19 months.

Approximately $9,500. Approximately 100 different readers.

I think that should be sufficient information for me to curb the habit. Where in the world did I ever have $9,500 from?!?!? Oh believe me, I’m in debt.

Wow. Imagine all the amazing things I could have done with that much money. All I can do now is change my future habits and learn from what I am looking at in black and white.

Now to go back and revisit the predictions and who was at least somewhat accurate or where the jury is still out. There are not many at all.

I will post separately about all of that hopefully soon somewhere else.

Bottom line: TOTALLY not worth it.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2019, 11:00:37 PM »
Breaking the cycle is not easy, I am at the withdrawal phase, I see why it's so hard for drug addicts or people who gamble have a hard time withdrawing, once you move on and keen dangles some nice coupon in your face, you are like one more time, addiction is real. my life feels much settled but I/we find something to call about, we call about the silliest thing, I have not spoken to my besties since 2017, I can take the phone and call her, she attempted  months ago and I completely ignored her because she did not call on my phone but hangout,! I was really annoyed! I have been annoyed with her for things she did after the death of her parents I saw her selfish self, well she warned me but I refused to see it, I will always love her but at this point it's pride that's keeping me from reaching out, people have been calling me regarding her, I could use that as an excuse, I wanted to go see her since she moved states, hmmmmm I am just venting ! maybe I should call and hung up and let her call me right ...... NO psychic reading!!! yeah if I call a reader this is what I will expect

These are not actual reading just crap shit I made up

Cookie- If you don't reach out she may not
Aries Intuition _ I see communication but I don't know when or I see 7 surrounding this hahaha
Yona _ she's not popping up in your reading  _ ok I don't know what she will say
Qofcups18_ I see 3 around communication
Barbara4848 _ There's a female that you were friends with but don't trust, don't worry she will call you in August


Well I just calculated out how much money and how many readings I’ve gotten with which advisors over the last 19 months.

Approximately $9,500. Approximately 100 different readers.

I think that should be sufficient information for me to curb the habit. Where in the world did I ever have $9,500 from?!?!? Oh believe me, I’m in debt.

Wow. Imagine all the amazing things I could have done with that much money. All I can do now is change my future habits and learn from what I am looking at in black and white.

Now to go back and revisit the predictions and who was at least somewhat accurate or where the jury is still out. There are not many at all.

I will post separately about all of that hopefully soon somewhere else.

Bottom line: TOTALLY not worth it.

Tellmewhy, you have me giggling because how you described Kisha/Cookie/Anne answering is totally how I would expect them to answer lol. I’m still too new to Yona to say for sure.

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Re: Ways to break the calling cycle
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2019, 10:15:56 PM »
Just wanted to say I downloaded the Lanie Stevens book pussy whipped and did the technique last night. Havent heard from my ex since last weekend and he reached out 30 minutes after the technique !!