Author Topic: My Experience  (Read 4745 times)

Offline MidwesternSun

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My Experience
« on: March 06, 2019, 05:21:46 AM »
Good evening all,

I suppose I am just venting... perhaps I am seeking out about your own experiences.  But since last month, I have been on a bit of a binge with this forum and making my own calls to random psychics.  Now, I will say that I tend to be rather limited in the details I provide... usually stating things like 'That is accurate' or 'I would agree.' 

The first psychic blew me away... with just my name, this psychic seemed to know what I was calling about (but, to be honest, most of us - I would imagine - are calling about relationships).  However, the psyhic also mentioned some additional details about my POI... including this person's lack of dating history, things my POI had said.  This psychic's advice seemed to make sense... "POI didn't expect to fall in love... she didn't think, at the beginning, that you were her type, but she fell completely in love you.  However, the relationship was moving far too quickly for her and it scared her, caused pressure, and out of her fear she broke it off.  She's taking control of the relationship and slowing it down."  Really, I had only given our names (don't believe DOBs), and then the psychic said something about "Double 2's."  Well, on the 22nd, I got a letter in the mail from the POI... didn't quite say what I wanted, but this psychic did indicate I would receive something on double 2's... so I guess that counts?  He also mentioned that my POI's parents went through something similar after they got married... I know this for a fact because I once took my POI's mother out for coffee where she discussed this. 

I also spoke with two other seemingly reputably psychics on this same network, and they both, in their own way, described the same situation... with just my name they indicated that "she broke it off out of fear/pressure, this was her first real relationship and you are her first real love, she was being pulled in too many directions, she loves you but is afraid of the finality of marriage although she wants to get married and have a family, she is confused/regretful about her decision, she wants you back but is unsure how to proceed, the separation must run its course, etc."  One psychic even went so far, within the first 30 seconds, to describe my previous career, my current career, and my POI's current career.  So, I felt "at ease" with thinking that they seemed to be correct or have some talent.

However, I continued calling other psychics looking for confirmation I suppose, which is rather silly if you think about it.  I mean, they could all be wrong, right?  I spoke to two psychics on Keen who said similar stories of, "She is heart-broken, she wants you, the relationship was moving too fast, there is misery through separation for both of you, but movement forward as she slowly realizes her mistake, etc."  I guess you could call these fairy-tale readings, right?  I mean, who doesn't want a happy ending?  I did call one of these psychics in December after my POI and I had an emotional discussion (certainly not an argument) and the psychic described it and indicated that we would have a break-through in January though I would likely start pushing again... which I did.  I would say that we did have a break-through as my ex and I agreed that January was one of the happiest months of the relationship... until I started poking about marriage again. 

Yet, my calls didn't end there.  After browsing this forum, I found a few names on Bitwine who seemed to be highly reputable.  All four of these psychics wanted first names and DOBs, and, not to my surprise, all said similar things... "She is heart-broken, she is remorseful, she still keeps the memories and gifts you gave her, she will contact you... but, when she does reach out, she will be scared you won't answer and that you won't let her in, she is/will be terrified that you won't give her opportunity to restore what she broke." 

I guess I am somewhat skeptical of most of these readings despite the fact that I strongly desire my POI back.  What bothers me the most is that most of these psychics gave roughly the same outcome "She will re-establish communication, and you two will have another opportunity, but you need to be more keenly aware of the pressure she puts on herself," and they all had roughly the same time frame... between 3rd week of March to some time in early May.  Most said that marriage is definitely a possibility, with two saying that we are very compatible - based on the pre-marriage books my POI and I read together, and the questions we asked of each other, I would agree. 

The only psychic who said, "You will definitely not get back together" was Shaman Kira, although admittedly I did word my question in a way that might insinuate a fight or conflict. 

I read with these psychics:
AskNow: Denny, Clarissa, Jozette
Bitwine: Miss Ann, Psychic Ari, Rune Mistress, Rekha
Keen: Fairie Moon Child, Miss Marla. 

Is it wrong to think that since so many see a happy ending that it is possible?  I don't know... I have largely let go of the pain of loss over the last several weeks.  Truthfully, I do want the POI back, as, for the first time in my life, I genuinely felt like I found "the one" for me. 

For those who keep calling looking for reassurances, take the time after a break-up, regardless of how raw the pain is, to go no contact and work on yourself.  You are worth more than the anxiety that you will draw upon yourself wondering which psychic is right, which is wrong, and when predicted events will take place. 

Offline happyk

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2019, 05:42:22 AM »
Hi MidwesternSun, when I was reading through your post and I saw 22, I was already thinking, is that Denny? lol. Your whole story sounds just like mine. Everyone saying the same thing. There is clearly a pattern here, not saying that you won't hear from your POI, I hope you do, I truly do, however, the time line and whatever was said, sounded exactly the same. How likely is it that we get dumped by people who love us because they are scared of "love" itself? Or the relationship developing further? I am just beginning to open my eyes slowly and see what the truth is. Apparently, we have spoken with some common readers and having read what they told you makes me doubt in their predictions. I am sorry we are both going through this and I hope you find the strength to get through this. I truly hope though, that you hear from her. Coming to this forum has actually helped me a lot as I can filter through the readers. I agree with you on working on ourselves, although it is a foreign concept for me really. I really don't know how to conclude but seeing everything that was told were exactly the same disappoints me. I hope I do not come off too negative for you, I apologize if I do.

Offline MidwesternSun

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2019, 05:48:06 AM »

I can appreciate your feedback, and while it may be disheartening, I seek only to speak the truth. 

One thing I have done that has helped me is watch a YouTube channel, "Coach Craig Kenneth," a psychotherapist and relationship coach.  Craig has done a few videos that discuss situations similar to my own, and he is a big proponent of the "no contact" rule.  Apparently, many dumpers do reach out 30-90 days after a breakup, and many do seek a second chance, especially if the relationship was real, genuine, and outside stresses cause one partner to break up... which sounds like my relationship.  If the dumpee can focus on himself/herself and understand which of their behaviors contributed to the breakup, a second can and often does succeed. 

Perhaps these psychics are correct, and perhaps their timelines are accurate... it would fall within the 30-90 day rule.  But who knows?  I'd like to think that Denny was correct since his "double-2's" prediction came to pass... but who knows? 

I wish you well friend.  Turn to God and you will be well kept. 

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2019, 05:57:48 AM »
Hi there, i just want to say, don't expect anything from any psychics, what i mean here is any (regardless good or bad). Just let it flow..if not you will miss out a lot of things in your life, enjoy your life as how it goes. If bad news, take it as a lesson and it will become a blessings for you later on :) I would say i had missed out lots of things in past 1.5 years. But i learnt my lesson and now i am letting it go as it is... i still don't know what the outcome is, but I know I will be better than what I am now. I do hope you will hear good news, but don't watch the time, let it come to you.

Offline happyk

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2019, 05:58:22 AM »
Hi! I am watching his video right now lol, thank you for the recommendation. I was told the same by Denny but not sure anymore which 22 he was talking to me about (it was supposed to be 2/22). I have not contacted him at all and letting go has been difficult and I know it's not the same but I am giving up. Well, good luck to you!

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2019, 06:05:41 AM »
Hi! I am watching his video right now lol, thank you for the recommendation. I was told the same by Denny but not sure anymore which 22 he was talking to me about (it was supposed to be 2/22). I have not contacted him at all and letting go has been difficult and I know it's not the same but I am giving up. Well, good luck to you!

@happyK, letting go is difficult and don't do it all at once, a bit by bit..who knows he may come back, or not, it doesn't matter. Most important you don't miss out other things in your life. I wish you good luck as well. Don't lose hope. I had been knocked down many times when i keep faith and hope, but I stand up again. There are much more things that in life for us to see and experience, relationship is just part of it. Hugs if you need one :)

Offline happyk

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2019, 02:41:37 PM »
Hi! I am watching his video right now lol, thank you for the recommendation. I was told the same by Denny but not sure anymore which 22 he was talking to me about (it was supposed to be 2/22). I have not contacted him at all and letting go has been difficult and I know it's not the same but I am giving up. Well, good luck to you!

@happyK, letting go is difficult and don't do it all at once, a bit by bit..who knows he may come back, or not, it doesn't matter. Most important you don't miss out other things in your life. I wish you good luck as well. Don't lose hope. I had been knocked down many times when i keep faith and hope, but I stand up again. There are much more things that in life for us to see and experience, relationship is just part of it. Hugs if you need one :)

Thank you Flyingsoul and yes the hug was much needed :) I am trying my best to enjoy my life but things are not the same but yes, I'm taking baby steps. I hug you back ♥️

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: My Experience
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2019, 05:42:27 PM »
Has there been any movement since your prediction was for the 3rd week in March?