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--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:53:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 02:37:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:16:11 AM ---Why have a section for people to discuss how they don’t believe (or lost belief)  in psychics? Like that doesn’t need to be a board but a WHOLE NEW WEBSITE lol

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Because people get triggered whenever it is mentioned. And if it was discussed more it may help people. Those are the kinds of posts that helped me when I first came to this forum. It used to be the norm here. Now people act like this forum is supposed to be all in favor of getting readings. It was not founded on that.

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If this a Psychic Review website - I would assume that this site was founded on not only getting readings, but reviewing readers when reading with them

So when you first came to this board you were seeking to get over reading with psychics? (Not to single you out but this may be just a general question who may have the same perspective as you)

I’ll say - this site didn’t signal that to me...i was looking for reviews of good readers to read with - who typically worked and who didn’t and amazing predictions that actually came to pass (i love reading those types of stories)

I rarely look at things that didn’t work or didn’t come to pass unless i was thinking about reading with them to help make my decision- honestly i thought that the title Psychic Reviews was all about

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It seems to me that part of the problem here is around expectations. I think a lot of people take the name of the site 'The Psychic Reviews' at face value, and expect it to be all about pure reviews. But if you look a bit deeper into it, there is a lot more is going on. There are already boards on the site called 'The Vent' and 'Connect with Others', for example.

And then there's what forum users are talking about. There are all kinds of conversations going on... from 'are psychics really just reading our minds' to 'taking a break this month' to 'how to ask questions to make sure you're not giving leading info' to 'how ethical is it to do spell work.' These conversations are just happening. And you can try to control it all and keep telling users -- stick to the reviews only, but if people want to talk about those related topics, you can't really stop them.

I'm trying to think of an analogy and the one that comes to mind is a book club I used to go to where we'd discuss the book for all of about 10 minutes and then the conversation would go on all sorts of tangents. It would come back to the book every once in a while, but I would say about 2/3 of the time it was non-book chat. It's similar here, except in general the overarching topic is psychic readings and readers.

I came on here looking for reviews originally -- both good and bad. As time went on, I started to question the value of readings in my life. Along with that shift, I found I was enjoying the conversations that were a bit more philosophical in nature. I definitely don't have all the answers, but I think we can learn a lot from each other if we stop trying to pinch off all those conversations, whether they are about belief, addiction, healing ... etc.


--- Quote from: doubleoh8 on March 24, 2019, 03:36:58 AM ---

--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:53:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 02:37:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:16:11 AM ---Why have a section for people to discuss how they don’t believe (or lost belief)  in psychics? Like that doesn’t need to be a board but a WHOLE NEW WEBSITE lol

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Because people get triggered whenever it is mentioned. And if it was discussed more it may help people. Those are the kinds of posts that helped me when I first came to this forum. It used to be the norm here. Now people act like this forum is supposed to be all in favor of getting readings. It was not founded on that.

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If this a Psychic Review website - I would assume that this site was founded on not only getting readings, but reviewing readers when reading with them

So when you first came to this board you were seeking to get over reading with psychics? (Not to single you out but this may be just a general question who may have the same perspective as you)

I’ll say - this site didn’t signal that to me...i was looking for reviews of good readers to read with - who typically worked and who didn’t and amazing predictions that actually came to pass (i love reading those types of stories)

I rarely look at things that didn’t work or didn’t come to pass unless i was thinking about reading with them to help make my decision- honestly i thought that the title Psychic Reviews was all about

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It seems to me that part of the problem here is around expectations. I think a lot of people take the name of the site 'The Psychic Reviews' at face value, and expect it to be all about pure reviews. But if you look a bit deeper into it, there is a lot more is going on. There are already boards on the site called 'The Vent' and 'Connect with Others', for example.

And then there's what forum users are talking about. There are all kinds of conversations going on... from 'are psychics really just reading our minds' to 'taking a break this month' to 'how to ask questions to make sure you're not giving leading info' to 'how ethical is it to do spell work.' These conversations are just happening. And you can try to control it all and keep telling users -- stick to the reviews only, but if people want to talk about those related topics, you can't really stop them.

I'm trying to think of an analogy and the one that comes to mind is a book club I used to go to where we'd discuss the book for all of about 10 minutes and then the conversation would go on all sorts of tangents. It would come back to the book every once in a while, but I would say about 2/3 of the time it was non-book chat. It's similar here, except in general the overarching topic is psychic readings and readers.

I came on here looking for reviews originally -- both good and bad. As time went on, I started to question the value of readings in my life. Along with that shift, I found I was enjoying the conversations that were a bit more philosophical in nature. I definitely don't have all the answers, but I think we can learn a lot from each other if we stop trying to pinch off all those conversations, whether they are about belief, addiction, healing ... etc.

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True that was my assumption by the site name - as for expectations well yep I’d say expected reviews but didn’t mind haveing other boards for specific things like connecting and all that - I get that.

I even get the board for “The Vent” or the other items listed - but I just didn’t get having a board specifically for looking to stop reading with psychics (whatever that may be called) - by the title of this forum I wouldn’t be been “drawn” here to this board to get over psychics if that makes sense....


--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 01:03:10 AM ---
--- Quote from: doubleoh8 on March 24, 2019, 12:06:16 AM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on March 23, 2019, 10:28:06 PM ---I would rather see a space dedicated to skepticism of the accuracy of psychic ability and exposing scammers, rather than "usage." Too often people here want to excuse the inaccuracy of readings on user error. This forum is not moderated closely enough to have a safe space for people who are seeking support. If there is a section dedicated to "use and abuse" it will only turn into a place for people to be blamed for not getting readings the right way.

These issues are naturally going to come up in the middle of threads in the review well it should because it's a good idea to see if a particular reader has a lot of clients who are having "usage" problems. Some readers get more of that than others, and sometimes it is a problem with that reader. Why would you want to divide that out into a separate section?

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I guess I just see it a bit differently than you. I feel that the conversations about accuracy and scammers belongs in the threads for specific psychics... and that a conversation about addiction and related topics (like how to overcome it) is not attached to specific psychics but more universal -- at least for users here who are struggling in general. That said, you have a point about some readers getting more of that than others.

This suggestion was originally a response to the backlash to Baypark's thread 'Stop Getting Readings,' where a number of people complained vehemently that they didn't want review threads highjacked with opinions on the subject of abuse. My response to that backlash was, if you don't feel that the advice to stop getting readings is relevant to you, ignore it... and I thought, well, maybe that will be easier if it's in a dedicated discussion board. But you may be right; that dedicated board may turn into a place where people place blame and judgement.

TBH I don't have a strong opinion about having a separate board. It was just a suggestion. My opinion is more along these lines:
- some people really struggle with impulsive and compulsive reading
- that's very sad and also very hard to deal with
- on this forum, a fair number of conversations revolve around addiction issues
- I don't think the thing to do is silence those conversations; I think the thing to do is make space for them... and frankly I don't care what thread or board they're in

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Oh don't get me wrong...I like the idea, especially of having it be a place where people can seek support. But it would take more moderation than this forum currently gets, to make it a safe space. That's up to the admin, really. But I wouldn't want to see it turn into a place where people just get blamed for using readings the wrong way, or get written off as addicts when they are just trying to cut back on spending.

Maybe I'm wrong on this but I feel like people find it more intrusive in review threads when peolle say that readings just aren't accurate, in general. It might help to have a separate section for that. There are a fair number of people who have had readings and never had anything significant come to pass. It has gotten to the point that every time someone brings that up, people automatically point to them as being the problem, instead of discussing which readers were wrong or why those readers may have missed things.

Case in point...every time someone has a big prediction come to pass, people want to know "who did you read with?" But they rarely ask that when someone says nothing came to pass.

If we had a section specifically for people who have had bad results with readings, or who lost belief in it, I think a lot of interesting information would come out of it that would ultimately help everyone. Of course it belongs in the threads and sections that already exist here, but people get triggered by it, especially if it comes up in reference to a psychic they like. If it was in a separate section, then it would be like, well you know what to expect if you go looking in that part of the forum.

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All good points @still tired. Not sure what the answer is, but I hadn't thought of the possibility that people would get written off or blamed in a dedicated thread, and that's not my intention.

The idea of a thread or discussion board dedicated to bad results / lost belief is an interesting idea. I think it may have similar results in a way -- i.e. some users would just write it off as a bunch of cynics or people who are too negative to get good results. That said, I am personally open to all manner of discussion and find the more  varied perspectives the better. I am at a place where I am trying to make sense of the whole thing and TBH pretty confused ... having had some mixed results and a bit of an emotional roller-coaster over the past few years. I imagine that there are other people on here, like me, who are still forming their beliefs and would benefit from hearing the experience of other users -- both positive and negative.


--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 03:54:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:53:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 02:37:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:16:11 AM ---Why have a section for people to discuss how they don’t believe (or lost belief)  in psychics? Like that doesn’t need to be a board but a WHOLE NEW WEBSITE lol

--- End quote ---

Because people get triggered whenever it is mentioned. And if it was discussed more it may help people. Those are the kinds of posts that helped me when I first came to this forum. It used to be the norm here. Now people act like this forum is supposed to be all in favor of getting readings. It was not founded on that.

--- End quote ---

If this a Psychic Review website - I would assume that this site was founded on not only getting readings, but reviewing readers when reading with them

So when you first came to this board you were seeking to get over reading with psychics? (Not to single you out but this may be just a general question who may have the same perspective as you)

I’ll say - this site didn’t signal that to me...i was looking for reviews of good readers to read with - who typically worked and who didn’t and amazing predictions that actually came to pass (i love reading those types of stories)

I rarely look at things that didn’t work or didn’t come to pass unless i was thinking about reading with them to help make my decision- honestly i thought that the title Psychic Reviews was all about

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When I came here, I wasn't necessarily trying to stop having readings...I was mostly just trying to figure out why certain readers had such great feedback on Keen if they sucked so much for me. It was seriously messing with my mind because I thought maybe I was the only one who didn't have predictions come to pass. Coming here I found out it was more the norm not to have predictions come true. Most of the original forum members had figured that out and warned others about it. And this place was pretty much dead at that point because most of those members had given up on readings.

People like me, have put all our trouble with psychics out on the line here, and many peopke here have probably been able to avoid some of the bad readers because of us...but now when newer members come here no one sees it that way. It's just like why is this b*&%$ Still Tired still posting if she doesn't get readings anymore? I mean come on I know that's what you are getting at.

--- End quote ---

Nah i was just curious ...def didn’t think about the “b” word lol
But thanks for the explanation! Makes sense now

I have a friend that has serious trouble having things come to pass as well so i totally get it and understand how dissapointing it is- if it were to happen to me I’d prob be the same way (wonder why this psychic phenomena works for sooo many - or not) but I’m not sure if I’d still check the board because I’d be like “eff it” just like my friend cuz the “ish” didn’t work lol but that’s just me lol
But I totalllly get where you are coming from

I’ve been on the board for 3 years so def not a Veteran but def not new


--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 04:04:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 03:54:26 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:53:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on March 24, 2019, 02:37:21 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sparkle002 on March 24, 2019, 02:16:11 AM ---Why have a section for people to discuss how they don’t believe (or lost belief)  in psychics? Like that doesn’t need to be a board but a WHOLE NEW WEBSITE lol

--- End quote ---

Because people get triggered whenever it is mentioned. And if it was discussed more it may help people. Those are the kinds of posts that helped me when I first came to this forum. It used to be the norm here. Now people act like this forum is supposed to be all in favor of getting readings. It was not founded on that.

--- End quote ---

If this a Psychic Review website - I would assume that this site was founded on not only getting readings, but reviewing readers when reading with them

So when you first came to this board you were seeking to get over reading with psychics? (Not to single you out but this may be just a general question who may have the same perspective as you)

I’ll say - this site didn’t signal that to me...i was looking for reviews of good readers to read with - who typically worked and who didn’t and amazing predictions that actually came to pass (i love reading those types of stories)

I rarely look at things that didn’t work or didn’t come to pass unless i was thinking about reading with them to help make my decision- honestly i thought that the title Psychic Reviews was all about

--- End quote ---

When I came here, I wasn't necessarily trying to stop having readings...I was mostly just trying to figure out why certain readers had such great feedback on Keen if they sucked so much for me. It was seriously messing with my mind because I thought maybe I was the only one who didn't have predictions come to pass. Coming here I found out it was more the norm not to have predictions come true. Most of the original forum members had figured that out and warned others about it. And this place was pretty much dead at that point because most of those members had given up on readings.

People like me, have put all our trouble with psychics out on the line here, and many peopke here have probably been able to avoid some of the bad readers because of us...but now when newer members come here no one sees it that way. It's just like why is this b*&%$ Still Tired still posting if she doesn't get readings anymore? I mean come on I know that's what you are getting at.

--- End quote ---

Nah i was just curious ...def didn’t think about the “b” word lol
But thanks for the explanation! Makes sense now

I have a friend that has serious trouble having things come to pass as well so i totally get it and understand how dissapointing it is- if it were to happen to me I’d prob be the same way (wonder why this psychic phenomena works for sooo many - or not) but I’m not sure if I’d still check the board because I’d be like “eff it” just like my friend cuz the “ish” didn’t work lol but that’s just me lol
But I totalllly get where you are coming from

I’ve been on the board for 3 years so def not a Veteran but def not new

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Hey @still_tired I just wanted to say much respect to you for coming on here and sharing your story and your wisdom. I know you get a lot of flack here, and I also see that you are a strong person and can stand up for yourself. In fact you and I have clashed at least once... but I know how hard it is when you have been through the ringer with readings - the psychological toll it can take, so kudos to you for hanging in and for sharing your opinion and experience. I think it very valuable!

And @Sparkle, that's not meant for a second to take away from the positives that are happening for you. I think everyone on here likes to see a success story, myself included, so it's great to see you've had some really good things coming through. I wish you all the best and have taken away from your posts some good advice about NOT looking for outcomes or for timelines.

If it's not obvious, I like harmony and value diversity... but I honestly think there is room here for many voices and topics.


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