Author Topic: Who would you read with?  (Read 18765 times)


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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2019, 12:57:33 AM »
Cant believe Kisha is leading this poll Oo

I'd put her far below every single other listed here.

Right! I was SURPRISED!!!

I know!! :p

Like her accuracy isn't great at all. Especially compared to many of the ones listed on that list. I'm baffled as to how that happened.

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2019, 12:06:30 PM »
Every single one of these gave me a positive for some form reconciliation and so far every one was wrong. For now I voted Yona, just because some other things were accurate. I can’t say the big prediction was right, though. Also, I have yet to get to speak to Cookie. I feel like Happy, she’s this mystical unicorn I hear exists but can’t get any proof! Lol

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2019, 12:07:38 PM »
Btw, I really like this idea. I wish more people would participate!

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2019, 10:33:52 PM »
This is a tough question for me.

I guess I’d say Cookie and possibly Yona, and I say possibly because her reading blew me away, however her predictions haven’t happened yet and seem to be farther off. Cookie I have validations and had actual predictions occur.

I know most of you can’t stand Kira but she’s been about 90% for me.

I trust Kisha for work predictions. A little less or 50/50 for romantic relationships. And statically speaking negatives will more often be right. She also totally missed a question, a huge deal to me, back in November about my family. Like huuuge. She should have gotten it.

Anne is good for me for like a month but she remembers too much from other readings and I feel she just extrapolates off that sometimes.

I haven’t spoken to Gaylene in almost a decade and as nice as she is she was totally wrong for me back in the day.

So I guess I will say Cookie for sure and possibly Yona once I start seeing proof of her predictions.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2019, 11:18:53 PM »
This is a tough question for me.

I guess I’d say Cookie and possibly Yona, and I say possibly because her reading blew me away, however her predictions haven’t happened yet and seem to be farther off. Cookie I have validations and had actual predictions occur.

I know most of you can’t stand Kira but she’s been about 90% for me.

I trust Kisha for work predictions. A little less or 50/50 for romantic relationships. And statically speaking negatives will more often be right. She also totally missed a question, a huge deal to me, back in November about my family. Like huuuge. She should have gotten it.

Anne is good for me for like a month but she remembers too much from other readings and I feel she just extrapolates off that sometimes.

I haven’t spoken to Gaylene in almost a decade and as nice as she is she was totally wrong for me back in the day.

So I guess I will say Cookie for sure and possibly Yona once I start seeing proof of her predictions.
Make sure to add your vote at the top of the thread! I agree with all of the above!

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2019, 11:40:01 PM »
I have predictions still outstanding, some from months and months ago that said nothing would happen until spring or summer of this year. So the only one I can say I do NOT want to read with again on that list is Cookie.

I kept thinking she was going to be right because I thought she got some things via remote viewing right. I’m still not even sure about that now or if it was lucky guessing and coincidence because some of it now I’ve read she’s said to others. But her predictions went from great positive outlook to crappy outlook and I spent around $700 on her over the last 19 months. So for her predictions not to actually happen ... and based on the last call I had with her... no. I can’t bring myself to get mentally sucked in to thinking her prediction will happen (positive or negative) and get myself in that headspace again. It was not at all helpful as it turned out.

All the others? Don’t know. Cant say the only one I didn’t read with was Raven Star literally all the others either didn’t give me a time frame and I think it’s slightly possible it could still happen (call me crazy) or the time line hasn’t entirely passed yet or is so close to passing that I can’t really say.

Definitely after end of June I would be able to say if Kisha was right about something. And to be honest it seems like her prediction could be most likely. But you never know I guess...


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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2019, 11:44:09 PM »
none of them hah

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2019, 01:52:50 AM »
I am honestly shocked that Kisha is in the lead. I truly believe she is gifted. I love her on career and her emails make so much sense. But her relationship readings can be so varied.

I was honestly thinking expecting Yona to be in the lead. Or perhaps Cookie.

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2019, 01:56:25 AM »
I hope more ppl can vote

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2019, 04:08:54 AM »
I am honestly shocked that Kisha is in the lead. I truly believe she is gifted. I love her on career and her emails make so much sense. But her relationship readings can be so varied.

I was honestly thinking expecting Yona to be in the lead. Or perhaps Cookie.
Meeee tooo! I’m shocked

Those who have voted for Kisha - mind sharing if it was career or love that she got right?
Sooooo curious!

Looks like Yona is catching up though

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2019, 05:13:21 AM »
I am honestly shocked that Kisha is in the lead. I truly believe she is gifted. I love her on career and her emails make so much sense. But her relationship readings can be so varied.

I was honestly thinking expecting Yona to be in the lead. Or perhaps Cookie.
Meeee tooo! I’m shocked

Those who have voted for Kisha - mind sharing if it was career or love that she got right?
Sooooo curious!

Looks like Yona is catching up though

I have been reading with Kisha since 2012. She has been consistent and accurate for me in both love and career, although I rarely call about love life issues or a POI. Yona is fairly consistent for me enough to get 1 or 2 readings a year and an occasional top up, but Yona has also thrown random things at me that have not happened and has made far-fetched predictions. I also do not like how many people on this forum have double standards when it comes to Yona vs anyone. If any other reader is one day off in timing, it’s 100% proof they are inaccurate, while encouraging others to wait years for Yonas predictions. I like Yona, and she is not accountable for how others portray her and she has been fairly accurate for me and remains fairly accurate, but she has never gotten one love prediction right for me since 2015. Kisha has been more accurate for me overall. Gaylene is good for me when it comes to finding misplaced items and a few random predictions. I think we all connect to different readers differently though. I don’t think any reader is one size fits all.

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2019, 05:31:19 AM »
The few people I did try on this list was wrong for me . But Aries has had predictions pass for me in earlier relationships years ago. Nothing with my last one tho....actually missed the level of cheating he was doin as a whole

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2019, 10:47:20 AM »
I am honestly shocked that Kisha is in the lead. I truly believe she is gifted. I love her on career and her emails make so much sense. But her relationship readings can be so varied.

I was honestly thinking expecting Yona to be in the lead. Or perhaps Cookie.
Meeee tooo! I’m shocked

Those who have voted for Kisha - mind sharing if it was career or love that she got right?
Sooooo curious!

Looks like Yona is catching up though

Kisha has been the most accurate (thus far) for career and in hindsight for love out of all the readers I've used. I think you have to consider a few things though. Her timing is usually off. Sometimes early, sometimes later. You can't read with her too often or the messages can get jumbled, but I think that's with any reader. She is clearer in her emails, but I recently did have a 10 min phone reading that was very clear and concise. I think depending on the what you're asking about, the message can be clear and succinct or it can be confusing. For instance, last year my POI was all over the place. He was in and out. He'd be friendly one minute and short and difficult the next. One minute he wanted to see me and the next min he would cancel at the last minute. Kisha struggled to tell me what she thought would happen and her reading was confusing over the phone. The one thing she said last year over and over again was that he could not be consistent. She said he would be in and out, but lacked any desire for a commitment. It didn't make sense to me as to why he would be in and out if he didn't want any commitment, but in hindsight, that's exactly what happened. I think if the situation is an obvious one, meaning it's pretty cut and dry that they've moved on, she's good. I think she rambles when there are too many messages/situations/scenarios that can happen and she tries to interpret them in a fixed amount of time over the phone. That's when her emails are clearer. Maybe she just needs the time to organize what she is getting. For what it's worth, her predictions match others (Yona, Mattie, Anastasia, Micah, Cookie), but she gives a lot more detail around past, present, and the step by step progress of the future. Her actual numbers seem to be off more than not though. Also, like Cookie, she's pretty good about explaining why the other person is acting or thinking a certain way, but spares me me all the "you lost weight", "I see a move", "you changed your hair" stuff that Cookie can never seem to avoid.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 10:57:16 AM by Fidget1028 »

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #28 on: June 30, 2019, 02:13:38 PM »
Mattie for me, Every other month, Always a delight

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Who would you read with?
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2019, 10:12:51 PM »
Gaylene is good for me when it comes to finding misplaced items and a few random predictions. I think we all connect to different readers differently though. I don’t think any reader is one size fits all.

I am assuming Gaylene is tarot reader. If you don't mind, can you please share with us how she can help to find misplaced items?