Author Topic: Stop getting readings!  (Read 15351 times)

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #30 on: March 18, 2019, 09:28:45 PM »
So, some thoughts about this thread / topic.

There is an entire topic heading on here, the second most used one, called "The Vent" and subtitled:
"Vent your pain, frustration, sadness, anger and let it all out on this board : )"

I don't see anything wrong with well-meaning people like Baypark, who have loads of experience and a cautionary tale to share, posting their opinion and suggestions that people try to ease off or stop getting readings altogether. If you have a healthy relationship with readings and want to keep going at whatever pace you are going, go for it! No one can 'make you' feel bad about that and just because some users advise otherwise -- based on their experience -- doesn't mean they are judging or targeting you. If you don't want to read other peoples' vent, don't.

I have been getting readings for 20+ years. Only once I started using online psychics through platforms like Keen and California Psychics did I start to have my eyes opened to the ugly and potentially harmful side to this pursuit. A few years ago, I would have defended getting readings altogether, saying it could be a healthy. fun, empowering activity that promotes spiritual development at best and is entertainment t worst. Now I see that it can be insidious and dangerous if not kept in check. I'm not judging anyone else when I say that, and I am not saying 'never get a reading again' ... in fact I still get readings. But I respect the people who have been through a difficult time with the whole thing and for whom readings took a nasty turn and think they (we) should be able to connect about the darker side of psychic readings here if we want to. After all, there's even a board called 'the vent' and multiple conversations by multiple users that suggest some people want and need to do that.

I don't usually rant on here, but one thing that irks me is people trying to control what can be discussed. There aren't very many places that people who are struggling with psychic dependency and related issues can connect, so if that becomes part of the conversation on here, and it's not hurting anyone, I have no issue with it. And if you feel judged by people supporting those who do struggle to stop reading... then maybe you should consider why that pushes your buttons and you can't just ignore those conversations.

@Baypark, thanks for coming back on and sharing your experience. I, for one, find it valuable...

Nothing wrong with sharing your vent with how things went down for you. But not fair to make a general trying aimed at others to be made to feel bad to have a reading or enjoy them.   If you have an addiction that's a problem that needs to be addressed with the right venue. But not everyone is an addict. Different people have different uses, some may only get a reading once every few months, or few weeks etc. Not everyone on here has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for some this may be a form of therapy they need at the moment, that a different type of professional may not understand on the level they need them to.  My annoyance is when posters have had their revelation and think others need to as well.  Everyone will find their point of no return and know when to stop. When they've hit their rock bottom, and that is different for everyone. For one it could be 10k and another 500 dollars.

I am having a hard time understanding the insistence on objecting to this thread.

One person posted her opinion, based on her experience, suggesting others save their money and not get readings. That one post resonated with several people; I counted about 11 or 12 different users who replied with some sort of a cheers or positive response. In the post, the original poster did NOT try to make others feel bad... at least I don't read that into it at all.

I am sorry to be thick but I am honestly not getting why that should offend anyone to whom the post does not apply. I mean if it said something like: "those of you who get readings are stupid" or "everyone getting readings has a problem.." but it doesn't.

I'm kind of done with this thread as the conversation seems silly to me, but since you've quoted me I am trying to express my main point, which is essentially, if this topic doesn't resonate with or apply to you no problem. Just move on. It's not hurting anyone and enough people appreciate it that it may even be helpful to some, so based on that I suggest it doesn't need to be picked apart.


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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2019, 09:34:04 PM »
So, some thoughts about this thread / topic.

There is an entire topic heading on here, the second most used one, called "The Vent" and subtitled:
"Vent your pain, frustration, sadness, anger and let it all out on this board : )"

I don't see anything wrong with well-meaning people like Baypark, who have loads of experience and a cautionary tale to share, posting their opinion and suggestions that people try to ease off or stop getting readings altogether. If you have a healthy relationship with readings and want to keep going at whatever pace you are going, go for it! No one can 'make you' feel bad about that and just because some users advise otherwise -- based on their experience -- doesn't mean they are judging or targeting you. If you don't want to read other peoples' vent, don't.

I have been getting readings for 20+ years. Only once I started using online psychics through platforms like Keen and California Psychics did I start to have my eyes opened to the ugly and potentially harmful side to this pursuit. A few years ago, I would have defended getting readings altogether, saying it could be a healthy. fun, empowering activity that promotes spiritual development at best and is entertainment t worst. Now I see that it can be insidious and dangerous if not kept in check. I'm not judging anyone else when I say that, and I am not saying 'never get a reading again' ... in fact I still get readings. But I respect the people who have been through a difficult time with the whole thing and for whom readings took a nasty turn and think they (we) should be able to connect about the darker side of psychic readings here if we want to. After all, there's even a board called 'the vent' and multiple conversations by multiple users that suggest some people want and need to do that.

I don't usually rant on here, but one thing that irks me is people trying to control what can be discussed. There aren't very many places that people who are struggling with psychic dependency and related issues can connect, so if that becomes part of the conversation on here, and it's not hurting anyone, I have no issue with it. And if you feel judged by people supporting those who do struggle to stop reading... then maybe you should consider why that pushes your buttons and you can't just ignore those conversations.

@Baypark, thanks for coming back on and sharing your experience. I, for one, find it valuable...

Nothing wrong with sharing your vent with how things went down for you. But not fair to make a general trying aimed at others to be made to feel bad to have a reading or enjoy them.   If you have an addiction that's a problem that needs to be addressed with the right venue. But not everyone is an addict. Different people have different uses, some may only get a reading once every few months, or few weeks etc. Not everyone on here has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for some this may be a form of therapy they need at the moment, that a different type of professional may not understand on the level they need them to.  My annoyance is when posters have had their revelation and think others need to as well.  Everyone will find their point of no return and know when to stop. When they've hit their rock bottom, and that is different for everyone. For one it could be 10k and another 500 dollars.

I am having a hard time understanding the insistence on objecting to this thread.

One person posted her opinion, based on her experience, suggesting others save their money and not get readings. That one post resonated with several people; I counted about 11 or 12 different users who replied with some sort of a cheers or positive response. In the post, the original poster did NOT try to make others feel bad... at least I don't read that into it at all.

I am sorry to be thick but I am honestly not getting why that should offend anyone to whom the post does not apply. I mean if it said something like: "those of you who get readings are stupid" or "everyone getting readings has a problem.." but it doesn't.

I'm kind of done with this thread as the conversation seems silly to me, but since you've quoted me I am trying to express my main point, which is essentially, if this topic doesn't resonate with or apply to you no problem. Just move on. It's not hurting anyone and enough people appreciate it that it may even be helpful to some, so based on that I suggest it doesn't need to be picked apart.

We're not offended or intimidated and its not this post per se but in a lot of these similar posts there's an undertone as if they found the other side and the rest of us need saving. Like they sympathize with us or they've been there when some of us on here just want to read reviews and not have an intervention party. It's obvious that many can see it which is why we reply the way we do.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 09:36:00 PM by ladya »

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2019, 09:52:08 PM »
So, some thoughts about this thread / topic.

There is an entire topic heading on here, the second most used one, called "The Vent" and subtitled:
"Vent your pain, frustration, sadness, anger and let it all out on this board : )"

I don't see anything wrong with well-meaning people like Baypark, who have loads of experience and a cautionary tale to share, posting their opinion and suggestions that people try to ease off or stop getting readings altogether. If you have a healthy relationship with readings and want to keep going at whatever pace you are going, go for it! No one can 'make you' feel bad about that and just because some users advise otherwise -- based on their experience -- doesn't mean they are judging or targeting you. If you don't want to read other peoples' vent, don't.

I have been getting readings for 20+ years. Only once I started using online psychics through platforms like Keen and California Psychics did I start to have my eyes opened to the ugly and potentially harmful side to this pursuit. A few years ago, I would have defended getting readings altogether, saying it could be a healthy. fun, empowering activity that promotes spiritual development at best and is entertainment t worst. Now I see that it can be insidious and dangerous if not kept in check. I'm not judging anyone else when I say that, and I am not saying 'never get a reading again' ... in fact I still get readings. But I respect the people who have been through a difficult time with the whole thing and for whom readings took a nasty turn and think they (we) should be able to connect about the darker side of psychic readings here if we want to. After all, there's even a board called 'the vent' and multiple conversations by multiple users that suggest some people want and need to do that.

I don't usually rant on here, but one thing that irks me is people trying to control what can be discussed. There aren't very many places that people who are struggling with psychic dependency and related issues can connect, so if that becomes part of the conversation on here, and it's not hurting anyone, I have no issue with it. And if you feel judged by people supporting those who do struggle to stop reading... then maybe you should consider why that pushes your buttons and you can't just ignore those conversations.

@Baypark, thanks for coming back on and sharing your experience. I, for one, find it valuable...

Nothing wrong with sharing your vent with how things went down for you. But not fair to make a general trying aimed at others to be made to feel bad to have a reading or enjoy them.   If you have an addiction that's a problem that needs to be addressed with the right venue. But not everyone is an addict. Different people have different uses, some may only get a reading once every few months, or few weeks etc. Not everyone on here has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for some this may be a form of therapy they need at the moment, that a different type of professional may not understand on the level they need them to.  My annoyance is when posters have had their revelation and think others need to as well.  Everyone will find their point of no return and know when to stop. When they've hit their rock bottom, and that is different for everyone. For one it could be 10k and another 500 dollars.

I am having a hard time understanding the insistence on objecting to this thread.

One person posted her opinion, based on her experience, suggesting others save their money and not get readings. That one post resonated with several people; I counted about 11 or 12 different users who replied with some sort of a cheers or positive response. In the post, the original poster did NOT try to make others feel bad... at least I don't read that into it at all.

I am sorry to be thick but I am honestly not getting why that should offend anyone to whom the post does not apply. I mean if it said something like: "those of you who get readings are stupid" or "everyone getting readings has a problem.." but it doesn't.

I'm kind of done with this thread as the conversation seems silly to me, but since you've quoted me I am trying to express my main point, which is essentially, if this topic doesn't resonate with or apply to you no problem. Just move on. It's not hurting anyone and enough people appreciate it that it may even be helpful to some, so based on that I suggest it doesn't need to be picked apart.

We're not offended or intimidated and its not this post per se but in a lot of these similar posts there's an undertone as if they found the other side and the rest of us need saving. Like they sympathize with us or they've been there when some of us on here just want to read reviews and not have an intervention party. It's obvious that many can see it which is why we reply the way we do.

Right, well, thanks to everyone who is trying to clarify why this is annoying (hopefully that's the appropriate word). I, for one, will try to be more sensitive if engaging in conversations about psychic addiction and techniques to cut down on calling etc. -- to not be making assumptions (which incidentally I don't think I do) that all forum users need to cut down or be saved in any way.

That said, I plan to continue using this forum for reviews as well as to learn about and discuss topics related to psychic use. Hopefully those users who ONLY want reviews can be a bit more accepting of the peripheral conversations and experiences that go on without taking things too personally.

One more comment here is I'm really hoping this doesn't devolve into an us vs them thread or topic. I get that some people liked Baypark's post and that others found it annoying. It doesn't mean there's only two ways of seeing things and that we all have to divide down the middle... I think there are lots of people on here who can appreciate Baypark's perspective (for example) AND not need to stop readings altogether... As a previous poster said, we all have our own thresholds and it's for each of us alone to know what those are.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2019, 10:17:51 PM »
So, some thoughts about this thread / topic.

There is an entire topic heading on here, the second most used one, called "The Vent" and subtitled:
"Vent your pain, frustration, sadness, anger and let it all out on this board : )"

I don't see anything wrong with well-meaning people like Baypark, who have loads of experience and a cautionary tale to share, posting their opinion and suggestions that people try to ease off or stop getting readings altogether. If you have a healthy relationship with readings and want to keep going at whatever pace you are going, go for it! No one can 'make you' feel bad about that and just because some users advise otherwise -- based on their experience -- doesn't mean they are judging or targeting you. If you don't want to read other peoples' vent, don't.

I have been getting readings for 20+ years. Only once I started using online psychics through platforms like Keen and California Psychics did I start to have my eyes opened to the ugly and potentially harmful side to this pursuit. A few years ago, I would have defended getting readings altogether, saying it could be a healthy. fun, empowering activity that promotes spiritual development at best and is entertainment t worst. Now I see that it can be insidious and dangerous if not kept in check. I'm not judging anyone else when I say that, and I am not saying 'never get a reading again' ... in fact I still get readings. But I respect the people who have been through a difficult time with the whole thing and for whom readings took a nasty turn and think they (we) should be able to connect about the darker side of psychic readings here if we want to. After all, there's even a board called 'the vent' and multiple conversations by multiple users that suggest some people want and need to do that.

I don't usually rant on here, but one thing that irks me is people trying to control what can be discussed. There aren't very many places that people who are struggling with psychic dependency and related issues can connect, so if that becomes part of the conversation on here, and it's not hurting anyone, I have no issue with it. And if you feel judged by people supporting those who do struggle to stop reading... then maybe you should consider why that pushes your buttons and you can't just ignore those conversations.

@Baypark, thanks for coming back on and sharing your experience. I, for one, find it valuable...

Nothing wrong with sharing your vent with how things went down for you. But not fair to make a general trying aimed at others to be made to feel bad to have a reading or enjoy them.   If you have an addiction that's a problem that needs to be addressed with the right venue. But not everyone is an addict. Different people have different uses, some may only get a reading once every few months, or few weeks etc. Not everyone on here has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for some this may be a form of therapy they need at the moment, that a different type of professional may not understand on the level they need them to.  My annoyance is when posters have had their revelation and think others need to as well.  Everyone will find their point of no return and know when to stop. When they've hit their rock bottom, and that is different for everyone. For one it could be 10k and another 500 dollars.

I am having a hard time understanding the insistence on objecting to this thread.

One person posted her opinion, based on her experience, suggesting others save their money and not get readings. That one post resonated with several people; I counted about 11 or 12 different users who replied with some sort of a cheers or positive response. In the post, the original poster did NOT try to make others feel bad... at least I don't read that into it at all.

I am sorry to be thick but I am honestly not getting why that should offend anyone to whom the post does not apply. I mean if it said something like: "those of you who get readings are stupid" or "everyone getting readings has a problem.." but it doesn't.

I'm kind of done with this thread as the conversation seems silly to me, but since you've quoted me I am trying to express my main point, which is essentially, if this topic doesn't resonate with or apply to you no problem. Just move on. It's not hurting anyone and enough people appreciate it that it may even be helpful to some, so based on that I suggest it doesn't need to be picked apart.

We're not offended or intimidated and its not this post per se but in a lot of these similar posts there's an undertone as if they found the other side and the rest of us need saving. Like they sympathize with us or they've been there when some of us on here just want to read reviews and not have an intervention party. It's obvious that many can see it which is why we reply the way we do.

Yes, thank you, you get what i mean.   Intervention party is the absolute perfect way to describe it.  Especially when those types of comments get posted in the reviews themselves and have nothing to do with the review itself.

Offline njlady

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #34 on: March 18, 2019, 10:30:25 PM »
We're not offended or intimidated and its not this post per se but in a lot of these similar posts there's an undertone as if they found the other side and the rest of us need saving. Like they sympathize with us or they've been there when some of us on here just want to read reviews and not have an intervention party. It's obvious that many can see it which is why we reply the way we do.

I agree with this but on the flip side, I do think that there are quite a few people here that have a real problem with calling and actually pray that they will put down the phone and deal with whatever is driving them to do this, and stop blaming the people on the other end of the phone, especially if you are psychic hopping and asking everyone basically the same question or about the same person/issue. 

Each time you call it puts off dealing with reality for a little while.  He's coming back in 3 weeks.  You call a few more to get more reassurance.  You cling to all those readings.  It doesn't happen.  You call again. More reassurance. A new time frame. It never ends.  But now you have found a new and better psychic.  More calls.  You never actually deal with the loss.   No one hands over so much emotional and psychological control over their very being to a voice on the other end of the phone without having a serious problem.  The more you call, the more ramped up and invested, both financially and in your head, you become to the "predictions" and the harder it is going to be to stop.

Watching people destroying themselves financially and emotionally is not fun.     

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2019, 11:07:03 PM »
I’ve been getting reading for maybe 7 years and I’ve had countless predictions pass. I think that being positive as well as not holding onto timeframes helps.

Offline ArcherBullFish

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2019, 12:18:30 AM »
The reason people get riled up over post with this subject matter is the assumption made that:

1. We're all addicted and spend all of our time staring into an 8 ball looking for answers, never see the light of day and only emerge from inside when someone turns the hose on us AND even then sunlight scorches our skin without impunity.

2. We're all financially inept, broke, destitute and cobble our pennies together AKA we can't afford to get readings.

3. Post like these feel kinda born again Christiany. You have the one friend who's the biggest good time girl she falls ill has an ephihany and promises God if she pulls through she'll turn her life over to him. She pulls through and proceeds to spend all of her free time telling her former mates they're gonna burn in the everlasting fire of hell if they don't repent.

I don't know about anyone else but getting readings aren't my addiction I do have one though and because I'm aware of it I budget myself accordingly.  That is the best you can hope for on the financial end on the emotional side you've got to say to yourself if nothing is coming to pass MAYBE it's not for me. Maybe I'm throwing my energy behind the wrong person, place or thing. I've seen people try to turn a one night stand into the royal wedding. Maybe I should stop calling.

People you can't blame psychics for your choices.

I'm not judging at all...

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2019, 07:23:56 AM »
The reason people get riled up over post with this subject matter is the assumption made that:

1. We're all addicted and spend all of our time staring into an 8 ball looking for answers, never see the light of day and only emerge from inside when someone turns the hose on us AND even then sunlight scorches our skin without impunity.

2. We're all financially inept, broke, destitute and cobble our pennies together AKA we can't afford to get readings.

3. Post like these feel kinda born again Christiany. You have the one friend who's the biggest good time girl she falls ill has an ephihany and promises God if she pulls through she'll turn her life over to him. She pulls through and proceeds to spend all of her free time telling her former mates they're gonna burn in the everlasting fire of hell if they don't repent.

I don't know about anyone else but getting readings aren't my addiction I do have one though and because I'm aware of it I budget myself accordingly.  That is the best you can hope for on the financial end on the emotional side you've got to say to yourself if nothing is coming to pass MAYBE it's not for me. Maybe I'm throwing my energy behind the wrong person, place or thing. I've seen people try to turn a one night stand into the royal wedding. Maybe I should stop calling.

People you can't blame psychics for your choices.

I'm not judging at all...

Agree with everything you said <3 I am out there living my life and only getting readings when I want to....

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #38 on: March 23, 2019, 10:46:32 PM »
The reason people get riled up over post with this subject matter is the assumption made that:

1. We're all addicted and spend all of our time staring into an 8 ball looking for answers, never see the light of day and only emerge from inside when someone turns the hose on us AND even then sunlight scorches our skin without impunity.

2. We're all financially inept, broke, destitute and cobble our pennies together AKA we can't afford to get readings.

3. Post like these feel kinda born again Christiany. You have the one friend who's the biggest good time girl she falls ill has an ephihany and promises God if she pulls through she'll turn her life over to him. She pulls through and proceeds to spend all of her free time telling her former mates they're gonna burn in the everlasting fire of hell if they don't repent.

I don't know about anyone else but getting readings aren't my addiction I do have one though and because I'm aware of it I budget myself accordingly.  That is the best you can hope for on the financial end on the emotional side you've got to say to yourself if nothing is coming to pass MAYBE it's not for me. Maybe I'm throwing my energy behind the wrong person, place or thing. I've seen people try to turn a one night stand into the royal wedding. Maybe I should stop calling.

People you can't blame psychics for your choices.

I'm not judging at all...

I think these are assumptions made the other way around about people who stopped getting readings, either assuming that we think these things about people who are still getting readings, or that we were actually doing these things ourselves, that we are all financially inept or destitute or that we were desperately hanging on to predictions instead of living our lives. The interesting thing is I'm so satisfied with my decision not to get readings anymore, that I couldn't care less what people think about it.

Question - why continue to come to this board if you are not getting readings? I know this is a review board and if you are not reading what are you reviewing?
Just curious :)


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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2019, 11:17:29 PM »
The reason people get riled up over post with this subject matter is the assumption made that:

1. We're all addicted and spend all of our time staring into an 8 ball looking for answers, never see the light of day and only emerge from inside when someone turns the hose on us AND even then sunlight scorches our skin without impunity.

2. We're all financially inept, broke, destitute and cobble our pennies together AKA we can't afford to get readings.

3. Post like these feel kinda born again Christiany. You have the one friend who's the biggest good time girl she falls ill has an ephihany and promises God if she pulls through she'll turn her life over to him. She pulls through and proceeds to spend all of her free time telling her former mates they're gonna burn in the everlasting fire of hell if they don't repent.

I don't know about anyone else but getting readings aren't my addiction I do have one though and because I'm aware of it I budget myself accordingly.  That is the best you can hope for on the financial end on the emotional side you've got to say to yourself if nothing is coming to pass MAYBE it's not for me. Maybe I'm throwing my energy behind the wrong person, place or thing. I've seen people try to turn a one night stand into the royal wedding. Maybe I should stop calling.

People you can't blame psychics for your choices.

I'm not judging at all...

I have literally said this exact thing. exactly what it feels like. this post is great. thank you.

Offline Smmcoffman

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #40 on: March 23, 2019, 11:21:33 PM »
I like this post because I do enjoy readings I also know I had a problem and was not moving on with my life.  It makes me think is this worth bringing back the pain and sorrow that haunted me for several years. Like a alcoholic sometimes it takes a good friend to say you have a problem to realize you do have a problem.

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #41 on: March 23, 2019, 11:49:13 PM »
The reason people get riled up over post with this subject matter is the assumption made that:

1. We're all addicted and spend all of our time staring into an 8 ball looking for answers, never see the light of day and only emerge from inside when someone turns the hose on us AND even then sunlight scorches our skin without impunity.

2. We're all financially inept, broke, destitute and cobble our pennies together AKA we can't afford to get readings.

3. Post like these feel kinda born again Christiany. You have the one friend who's the biggest good time girl she falls ill has an ephihany and promises God if she pulls through she'll turn her life over to him. She pulls through and proceeds to spend all of her free time telling her former mates they're gonna burn in the everlasting fire of hell if they don't repent.

I don't know about anyone else but getting readings aren't my addiction I do have one though and because I'm aware of it I budget myself accordingly.  That is the best you can hope for on the financial end on the emotional side you've got to say to yourself if nothing is coming to pass MAYBE it's not for me. Maybe I'm throwing my energy behind the wrong person, place or thing. I've seen people try to turn a one night stand into the royal wedding. Maybe I should stop calling.

People you can't blame psychics for your choices.

I'm not judging at all...

I have literally said this exact thing. exactly what it feels like. this post is great. thank you.

Except nobody (in this thread) actually said ANY of those things, so you are making an assumption about what you think is an assumption...

