Author Topic: Stop getting readings!  (Read 15352 times)

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2019, 03:59:10 AM »
There is nothing intimidating, or attacking, about the message that was posted to start this thread.

Offline happyk

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2019, 07:01:53 AM »
Maybe it should've gone to "Vent" section but Baypark's heart is in the right place. Her saying save your money does not sound wrong at all. Personally, I wish I could accept Baypark's message and move on as I've had more negatives come out of me reading addiction than positive. Again it's just ME. There are people who do this in a healthier better way and that's amazing. But I've also read of people who let psychics tell them what to do and wait for POI for years, people have been misled. I have too, more time than often and I take responsibility for that. And to break the pattern I have to step back and stop reading altogether. I keep saying I'll talk to this one reader and I'll stop but I don't! So, personally I want to and need to listen to Baypark. Having said all that we're all entitled to our opinions and we deliver our opinions and frustrations differently.

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2019, 08:52:32 AM »
Take it or leave it that’s all I will say. I don’t find anything wrong in this post. Take it if you find beneficial, leave it if it’s not. You have your own judgement after all.

Offline sharon

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2019, 01:41:52 PM »
Baypark is sharing her disappointment about psychic experience over the years.

To cut it short: No future prediction happened for her.

I don't understand why some people feel threatened by her post.

Thank you Baypark!

Offline Chelle9054

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2019, 03:13:37 PM »
Yes, Baypark, THANK you! Your experiences have helped me begin to make changes to move forward. This can be a dangerous, slippery slope and I appreciate all your insight, pain, growth and strength. You, and everyone else whose stories are so similar to mine. Let’s continue to support. I appreciate you!

Offline happyk

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2019, 04:48:24 PM »
Something that everyone who gets readings might think about...would you want to be in a relationship with someone who has an expensive habit like this? Let's say it wasn't readings, but something else you had no interest in. Maybe they spend lots of money on an expensive hobby that doesn't include you.

Yep...we can all decide for ourselves what we want to do. And then think, well anyone who doesn't approve, that's none of their business. So what difference does it make, what someone on a forum thinks. Do whatever you want. But if you want to get married, it is definitely going to be their business what you spend money on. And what would they think, if they find out you spend a lot of money on readings?

I mean I know if I hear a man justifying his habits the way I see people on this forum getting defensive over their choices...that would be a huge red flag to me. We all have things we like to do for ourselves, and there is nothing wrong with that, but there are times in life where you also have to be willing to set those things aside.

A guy who wanted to date me last year, told me he lost over 10,000 gambing one weekend. I was like NOPE. Sorry. I can relate and all in all I am not that much different, although I did it spread out over several years instead of all at once like that. It's not like I am standing in judgement over it or saying I'm better. But that's just it...why get involved with someone who probably shares or reflects my own weaknesses? What bothered me was that it was very recent and he expressed no deeper insight into why he did it or how he was going to stop. He wasn't happy about it but acted like it was no big deal either. I would never want to get emotionally involved with someone like that, much less financially involved. What if we shared a bank account, and he impulsively drained our account on a gambling trip? No freaking way!

One of the biggest things that made me quit, is I kept thinking about how a potential partner would feel knowing I spent this much money on readings, especially since a large portion of that was spent calling about other men. I know I would hate to be in that position, if I knew that the man I wanted to be with had spent years and thousands of $$$$ pining over another woman. I could definitely relate, but all the reasons why I could relate to it would likewise scare me away! Or worse...what if some guy had been getting readings about ME? I would not be flattered!

Or what if the readings weren't about romance at all...instead it was just for advice or having someone to talk to?? I'd be better learn how to turn to ME for that! I don't want to be with someone who calls strangers and tells them our personal business! I wouldn't want to be business partners with someone who has a habit like this either, or work for them! In's not an attractive habit!

People talk about feeling judged here...uhhhhh...people out in the real world, will judge you and they should because your habits could make or break their own well being if they get involved with you, whether personally or financially. And people on this forum, relatively speaking, are VERY supportive compared to what you would most likely hear elsewhere. It shows just how much your priorities and perspective are out of balance, if you get bothered by not having 100% support and agreement with your own life choices.

I wish there were a like button! 👍🏼👍🏼


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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2019, 08:37:07 PM »
These journals are filled with readings over  3 year time.  Not ONE thing in these journals came true. There's probably $25000 worth of readings here. They are going in the trash. I haven't had a reading in over a year. Please please please stop wasting your money!!!!!! Go live your life. Whatever you're calling about will happen or not regardless if you call.  Live your life, be happy where you're at and SAVE YOUR MONEY and buy a house!!!!

OMg I feel ya on this.  I have spent probably enough to buy a house over the 20 years of psychic readings and people who have not spent a dime have all that I hoped to have when I bought the readings lol  I could have been studying in sweden now or something. Anyways, the past is the past. best for us to move on.  Even if there are some gifted readers out there, I feel like for some, getting too much information is not good. I am still struggling with this idea of fate. I dont buy it... however, one reader did warn me about a particular person to show my emotions more with him or he would move on. in my mind i thought i was doing a good job.  Either way , he went to the other person and they are married now and have a kid.  maybe it was meant to be? who knows...  but her warning didnt change anything if those two were meant to be together. 

If it is hard to really quit, make a long term budget plan because it adds up without you even knowing... it adds up to a trip overseas , a gym membership, a hermes bag lol,

200x12= 2400 (enough for a trip to the Bahamas)
300x12= 3600 ( fun with a couple of escorts)
400x12= 4800 (down payment on a car or land)

however if you spend no more than 50 dollars a month on psychics ... darn that is still a lot. it comes out to 600 dollars... back to my calculations... 25 a month is 300. 

Offline mstiv

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2019, 09:16:07 PM »
Just wanted to express my thoughts about this topic. I understand not everyone might agree with it but this are just my thoughts.. I totally agree with everyone who thinks there was nothing wrong with the initial post since I think that over time this place has in some sorts become a place where some people can vent about their experiences and in some ways part of their lives. I do believe that maybe a few people (not everyone tho) develop this addiction to online reading b/c they might in some sorts feel a little lonely or lost in regards to some aspect of their lives. This forum should remain a safe haven for everyone who wants to come express themselves b/c you never know if a simple post of someone venting might help someone else who is struggling at that particular moment.

That getting said, I think that getting online reading is not bad at all if you are aware that you are getting the reading for "guidance and advice" and not for relaying on them 100%. Unfortunately, we can not deny the fact that getting to into online reading can leave your pockets empty for sure.. and if that happens to you and you end up feeling horrible about it just remember that it is OK.. it has happened to lots of us and you are always free to come on here and read different threads to give you strength and make you feel a lil better or maybe even tell us your story if that is something that will make you happy.

Offline Wishful Thinker

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2019, 12:56:07 AM »
Firstly, i don’t understand why people are saying that some were intimidated by the initial post.  I’m not intimidated by anything or anyone on here.  I’m looking at things logically and not emotionally.  And what I interpreted her post saying “since I’ve had readings upon readings for years and nothing has happened for me, they’re not going to happen for you either so save your money.”  Just because predications didn’t happen for her doesn’t mean they won’t or haven’t for anyone else.  If you have spent that much money on Psychics, you have a much bigger problem that needs to be addressed. 

Offline doubleoh8

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2019, 01:29:30 AM »
It may be mercury in retrograde that is making me “vent”, but if you’ve been getting readings for years and absolutely nothing has happened for you, maybe, just maybe, it’s you.  There are people new and old on here who want to express themselves about things that have come true for them on here but feel intimidated because they will be attacked by those who have gotten readings and nothing has come to pass for them. 
I also understand that there is a vent tab in this forum; however, I don’t see a tab where it says to save your money and don’t get readings.

@WishfulThinker, am I mistaken, or wasn't it you who introduced the idea to this thread that people feel intimidated. It's right there in your post above...

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2019, 02:06:20 AM »
I can totally relate to Baypark and what she has posted. I dont think she said anything with the intention of "bashing" or "intimidating" anyone. At least I personally dont feel like either. Also I dont think she is saying those getting the readings must stop. She is saying "please" to me it is more like an implore than a command. So you can take it or leave it. Learn from her experience or go your own way. I am with you Baypark I wish I can one day get to your level of strength and give up all together. I am so close :-)

Offline Beesa

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2019, 05:07:59 AM »
So true , its really best to save money and live life and rely on your own instinct. A lot of us need guidance sometimes with bad situations and going to trust-worthy readers can be really healing but getting caught relying on it over time is addiction because then you don't trust yourself at all! It's important to create self-trust because really who else is there when it comes right down to it. Getting readings is good for short term help. the best readings I ever had were in person from a woman I went to in person every 6 months or something and she nailed everything but it was every half a year. When I tried to go more than that she got super attitude with me and told me to live my life and stop bugging her  because she had other people that needed her help ;D It was rude and I wasn't happy but it was really the true. She said go live your life, what are you doing, your being dumb and I know your not dumb so why are you doing this to yourself. And give me some peace  lmao

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2019, 08:50:08 PM »
This is a forum made with the intention of recommending and not recommending psychics.  I hate to put this to you, but this isn’t a support group for psychic addiction nor is a place to bash people for getting readings.  You’re obviously on here making this comment and are contradicting yourself.  Things have come true for me with certain Psychics; however, I am improving myself and continue to live and not depend on them.  Now I think it’s great that people are connecting with each other and encouraging others to change their lives.  But, we must remember at the end of the day, this is psychic review forum.  Don’t condemn or try to make others feel bad because they’re getting readings.  That’s placing your will onto someone else. 
I see people come on here constantly putting people down due to psychics they have read with who didn’t work for them or attacking people who are trying to rebuild relationships.  Or constantly saying that a psychic didn’t work for them when others say that that particular psychic worked for them.  It is not our place to judge anyone.  If you don’t like what people are saying on here, you don’t have to log onto the forum.  I rarely come on and provide feedback because people are constantly attacking others or making others feel bad about a reading that went well.  If you feel like you have an addiction, just like any other addiction, seek help.  Just because some of us are on here, doesn’t mean we’ve given our lives over to Psychics.

This!!!!! I can't agree enough with this statement. Completely on point. just because one or a few have this experience, doesn't mean it holds true for others.  You're not the only one reluctant to provide feedback for these reasons, i've read the same from others many times. It goes both ways. Nothing wrong with honest reviews, they are encouraged, it's the people who attack those who have their experiences that's not cool. Not every reader works for everyone, and that's okay. But that doesn't mean that they don't work at all.

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2019, 08:59:42 PM »
So, some thoughts about this thread / topic.

There is an entire topic heading on here, the second most used one, called "The Vent" and subtitled:
"Vent your pain, frustration, sadness, anger and let it all out on this board : )"

I don't see anything wrong with well-meaning people like Baypark, who have loads of experience and a cautionary tale to share, posting their opinion and suggestions that people try to ease off or stop getting readings altogether. If you have a healthy relationship with readings and want to keep going at whatever pace you are going, go for it! No one can 'make you' feel bad about that and just because some users advise otherwise -- based on their experience -- doesn't mean they are judging or targeting you. If you don't want to read other peoples' vent, don't.

I have been getting readings for 20+ years. Only once I started using online psychics through platforms like Keen and California Psychics did I start to have my eyes opened to the ugly and potentially harmful side to this pursuit. A few years ago, I would have defended getting readings altogether, saying it could be a healthy. fun, empowering activity that promotes spiritual development at best and is entertainment t worst. Now I see that it can be insidious and dangerous if not kept in check. I'm not judging anyone else when I say that, and I am not saying 'never get a reading again' ... in fact I still get readings. But I respect the people who have been through a difficult time with the whole thing and for whom readings took a nasty turn and think they (we) should be able to connect about the darker side of psychic readings here if we want to. After all, there's even a board called 'the vent' and multiple conversations by multiple users that suggest some people want and need to do that.

I don't usually rant on here, but one thing that irks me is people trying to control what can be discussed. There aren't very many places that people who are struggling with psychic dependency and related issues can connect, so if that becomes part of the conversation on here, and it's not hurting anyone, I have no issue with it. And if you feel judged by people supporting those who do struggle to stop reading... then maybe you should consider why that pushes your buttons and you can't just ignore those conversations.

@Baypark, thanks for coming back on and sharing your experience. I, for one, find it valuable...

Nothing wrong with sharing your vent with how things went down for you. But not fair to make a general trying aimed at others to be made to feel bad to have a reading or enjoy them.   If you have an addiction that's a problem that needs to be addressed with the right venue. But not everyone is an addict. Different people have different uses, some may only get a reading once every few months, or few weeks etc. Not everyone on here has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for some this may be a form of therapy they need at the moment, that a different type of professional may not understand on the level they need them to.  My annoyance is when posters have had their revelation and think others need to as well.  Everyone will find their point of no return and know when to stop. When they've hit their rock bottom, and that is different for everyone. For one it could be 10k and another 500 dollars.


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Re: Stop getting readings!
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2019, 09:16:34 PM »
So, some thoughts about this thread / topic.

There is an entire topic heading on here, the second most used one, called "The Vent" and subtitled:
"Vent your pain, frustration, sadness, anger and let it all out on this board : )"

I don't see anything wrong with well-meaning people like Baypark, who have loads of experience and a cautionary tale to share, posting their opinion and suggestions that people try to ease off or stop getting readings altogether. If you have a healthy relationship with readings and want to keep going at whatever pace you are going, go for it! No one can 'make you' feel bad about that and just because some users advise otherwise -- based on their experience -- doesn't mean they are judging or targeting you. If you don't want to read other peoples' vent, don't.

I have been getting readings for 20+ years. Only once I started using online psychics through platforms like Keen and California Psychics did I start to have my eyes opened to the ugly and potentially harmful side to this pursuit. A few years ago, I would have defended getting readings altogether, saying it could be a healthy. fun, empowering activity that promotes spiritual development at best and is entertainment t worst. Now I see that it can be insidious and dangerous if not kept in check. I'm not judging anyone else when I say that, and I am not saying 'never get a reading again' ... in fact I still get readings. But I respect the people who have been through a difficult time with the whole thing and for whom readings took a nasty turn and think they (we) should be able to connect about the darker side of psychic readings here if we want to. After all, there's even a board called 'the vent' and multiple conversations by multiple users that suggest some people want and need to do that.

I don't usually rant on here, but one thing that irks me is people trying to control what can be discussed. There aren't very many places that people who are struggling with psychic dependency and related issues can connect, so if that becomes part of the conversation on here, and it's not hurting anyone, I have no issue with it. And if you feel judged by people supporting those who do struggle to stop reading... then maybe you should consider why that pushes your buttons and you can't just ignore those conversations.

@Baypark, thanks for coming back on and sharing your experience. I, for one, find it valuable...

Nothing wrong with sharing your vent with how things went down for you. But not fair to make a general trying aimed at others to be made to feel bad to have a reading or enjoy them.   If you have an addiction that's a problem that needs to be addressed with the right venue. But not everyone is an addict. Different people have different uses, some may only get a reading once every few months, or few weeks etc. Not everyone on here has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Also, for some this may be a form of therapy they need at the moment, that a different type of professional may not understand on the level they need them to.  My annoyance is when posters have had their revelation and think others need to as well.  Everyone will find their point of no return and know when to stop. When they've hit their rock bottom, and that is different for everyone. For one it could be 10k and another 500 dollars.

VERY well stated!!