Author Topic: Jennifer Leigh  (Read 2166 times)

Offline tacobelle914

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Jennifer Leigh
« on: November 25, 2018, 11:41:21 PM »
Hello everyone, this is my first post! (Well, second... I realized I posted the other one in the wrong forum!)

I have recently had a couple of readings with Jennifer Leigh on Keen. She seemed to pick up on a lot very quickly, without much information coming from me.
She also was consistent with timing even though it seems the second time around she did a fresh reading.

Has anyone else read with her? How did it go?
She looks like she may be a newer Keen reader so not sure whether any outcomes will have come to pass for anyone.


Offline tacobelle914

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Re: Jennifer Leigh
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2019, 08:05:53 PM »
An update on this since I never followed up - I called her a longg while back when feeling down/emotionally vulnerable... she sounded distracted or drunk and told me to give up, that this man would never love me. Very very rude and alarming. First two readings were great and felt like a discussion, the third time she went a bit hysterical.