Author Topic: For those waiting on predictions... .  (Read 2296 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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For those waiting on predictions... .
« on: March 15, 2019, 02:02:55 PM »
It seems like i always have to wait weeks for predictions to play out.  Since reading with Angel Reading and her stressing out the need to not have additional readings so that things don't get pushed back.... i feel slightly fidgety. 

What do you do in the mean time while you wait for the universe to play out? Normally if something is predicted for 3 weeks out i would get a reading in the middle of the week to kinda spy on my poi.  I know its horrible but with free will someone could easily come into the picture that wasn't seen during the reading.


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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2019, 02:32:34 PM »
It seems like i always have to wait weeks for predictions to play out.  Since reading with Angel Reading and her stressing out the need to not have additional readings so that things don't get pushed back.... i feel slightly fidgety. 

What do you do in the mean time while you wait for the universe to play out? Normally if something is predicted for 3 weeks out i would get a reading in the middle of the week to kinda spy on my poi.  I know its horrible but with free will someone could easily come into the picture that wasn't seen during the reading.

I think that’s something you need to work out on your own. Why do you feel a rando can come in and take away what you and him have, ya know? I mean everyone has doubts that creep in and what not it’s normal but if it’s a pervasive feeling/fear, perhaps that’s something you can work on in the mean time. People simply just reflect back what we feel about ourselves (for the most part). Try to fill your time with things that will keep you busy or things you enjoy doing. Go the gym, pamper yourself, go have a drink with friends, buy yourself a new pair of shoes (you can never have too many🤫)
Time is never wasted when you’re doing things for you and to better yourself.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2019, 02:40:14 PM »
Ladya, you are seriously a ray of Sunshine. 😘

Honestly i think some rando can come in because I myself have had several exes keep wanting to rekindle things and new suitors.  So i have the option to just drop this on again off again theme and start fresh.  So i just figured he does too.  I know we won't ever find someone with the kind of chemistry we have but this relationship takes work.  The real question is are we both willing to be vulnerable and put the effort in.  I know i am but have been told he had a wall up now.  Which i have definitely noticed.  It will never work if someone keeps you at arms length and then you yourself do the same because you don't want to get hurt.

Offline tacobelle914

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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2019, 02:42:23 PM »
Something I have learned the heard way... what is truly yours will be yours no matter what.

Patience is really difficult, I know, but if you get a reading (or a few) it is best to give yourself some time to see how things play out. Take a breather before getting another one - not because of the 'delays' that it might cause, but for your own peace of mind.

It is super difficult, but I suggest trying to learn how to be there for yourself and have a bit of confidence that the universe has your back, no matter how things play out. It may or may not influence the outcome, but it will make day to day life a lot easier. Then, after the time frame has passed you can check in again.

In the scheme of things, 3 weeks isn't a very long time (though it can feel like an eternity). Hang in there!

I hope this is helpful. :)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2019, 02:46:50 PM »
Thank you tacobelle914.   3 weeks isn't long but added to a month of wondering wth is going one because neither one of us wants to be the one to reach out really sucks.   

This man seems to think i should be chasing him and there is no way i will.  I am an open book and he is so afraid to express himself that i need him to show me what he wants with his actions.  At this point if April rolls around and he doesn't give me a sign that he wants to work things out i will just have to right him off.


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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2019, 02:55:52 PM »
Ladya, you are seriously a ray of Sunshine. 😘

Honestly i think some rando can come in because I myself have had several exes keep wanting to rekindle things and new suitors.  So i have the option to just drop this on again off again theme and start fresh.  So i just figured he does too.  I know we won't ever find someone with the kind of chemistry we have but this relationship takes work.  The real question is are we both willing to be vulnerable and put the effort in.  I know i am but have been told he had a wall up now.  Which i have definitely noticed.  It will never work if someone keeps you at arms length and then you yourself do the same because you don't want to get hurt.

Think of it this way lol if he has that wall up with you, he prob will have it with everyone else lol so doubt it would go very far. I do agree that 2 people need to be willing to put in the work but I believe you can only suppress your feelings for so long. You know the feelings that exist between the 2 of you can’t be found elsewhere so when he works out his issues he knows where to find you. What you choose to do after the fact is up to you and should do what’s best for you when the time comes. Predictions are hard with other people but I believe that if 2 people are meant to be and 1 is gearing too far off the path, the universe will force their hand or throw in a “tower moment” as they say to redirect them.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2019, 03:00:24 PM »
That's what i am hoping for.  Lol i think if we do work things out where we get to see each other i may choke him before i hug the man. 😤

Offline tacobelle914

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Re: For those waiting on predictions... .
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2019, 03:13:52 PM »
Thank you tacobelle914.   3 weeks isn't long but added to a month of wondering wth is going one because neither one of us wants to be the one to reach out really sucks.   

This man seems to think i should be chasing him and there is no way i will.  I am an open book and he is so afraid to express himself that i need him to show me what he wants with his actions.  At this point if April rolls around and he doesn't give me a sign that he wants to work things out i will just have to right him off.

I understand that - I was in a situation with a stubborn man, and it was soooo hard not to get a million readings, questioning each one along with my sanity when he wasn't messaging me immediately.

I've gone through fear, uneasiness, and straight up panic. And you know what - when I stopped obsessing and listened to my gut (I felt that he was coming back, in spite of 3 months of silence) he came back.

Yes, I got a few readings in the meantime, but with the 3 readers I have come to trust most... before if someone wasn't online I would come on here to scout out the next best psychic and get triggered if it was something I didn't want to hear lol.

Personally, I believe people are more psychic than they know and can pick up on the energies of someone they are connected to. What I would say is that a time limit is great, but I wouldn't think of it as writing him off. I would think of it more as shifting your attention/focus to yourself and your life.

That way you can really address and process things instead of burying it. And - if he does come back - you can make an honest assessment about him and whether you really want to pursue something with him.

Anyway, that's the way I see things. You can always message me if you'd like to chat about things in depth or just take whatever tidbits are helpful to you/your situation from this message. I'm really rooting for you - I'm sure at the end of the day things will work out just fine, even if it's in a different way than expected.

