Author Topic: Bitwine - Psychic Ari  (Read 45299 times)

Offline wishes215

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2019, 06:42:00 AM »
She was right for me 3 times with contact predictions.

Do u mind me askin how long had u been without contact when she got the first contact prediction right?

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2019, 07:13:58 AM »
5 weeks. And she said within 3 days from then because she could feel him getting paranoid and antsy and looking at the clock, fighting the urge to reach out lol. And then she said he wouldnt be able to fight it much longer... next day he contacted me at 3pm. So I think that’s where the 3 came from.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2019, 07:52:56 PM »
I spent 60$ on a reading with her for my POI to disappear the next day.

I emailed her and called her out on it to shed some light at least considering I’d just spent $60 and just got “ aw he’s not ready sorry move on”

What a crock of shit

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2019, 09:05:19 PM »
I spent 60$ on a reading with her for my POI to disappear the next day.

I emailed her and called her out on it to shed some light at least considering I’d just spent $60 and just got “ aw he’s not ready sorry move on”

What a crock of shit

Wait she said things would work out and then he disappeared on you?? 😠

Offline happyk

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2019, 09:27:33 PM »
I spent 60$ on a reading with her for my POI to disappear the next day.

I emailed her and called her out on it to shed some light at least considering I’d just spent $60 and just got “ aw he’s not ready sorry move on”

What a crock of shit

TF!! She's told me I'd hear from my previous POI in the months but he's been gone for over a year and three months 🙄

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2019, 09:43:56 PM »
Oh man, that's horrible.  I spent a lot on reading with her and nothing happened.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2019, 10:29:21 PM »
She said that he would pull around but his energy was that he was really interested in me etc etc then literally that night he buggered off !!

Honestly these people are why I stopped reading so much lol. I honestly have read with just one person since December and I’m tempted to talk to Mattie but that’s about it

I spent 60$ on a reading with her for my POI to disappear the next day.

I emailed her and called her out on it to shed some light at least considering I’d just spent $60 and just got “ aw he’s not ready sorry move on”

What a crock of shit

Wait she said things would work out and then he disappeared on you?? 😠

Offline Chels

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2019, 02:07:22 AM »
I read with Ari for the first time today. I feel she was right on some of what is going on but as far as hm not contacting me anytime soon I don’t know.
Divine Empath said otherwise and she’s been right for me before.
I wanted to try Ari based on what I’ve read on here but then I didn’t feel completely satifsed so was looking for her to be wrong for others! Ugh lol


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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2019, 03:35:31 AM »
I read with Ari for the first time today. I feel she was right on some of what is going on but as far as hm not contacting me anytime soon I don’t know.
Divine Empath said otherwise and she’s been right for me before.
I wanted to try Ari based on what I’ve read on here but then I didn’t feel completely satifsed so was looking for her to be wrong for others! Ugh lol

Not all advisors connect with everyone. If divine empath has been correct for you in the past, then I would trust her insights. I guess only time will tell. wishing you all the best  :)

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2019, 06:41:34 AM »
Honestly, I really can't say anything negative about Psychic Ari, she really has my respect. I've only read wth her a few times since last month and I do consider her one of the best for me. The very first time I spoke to Ari, she picked up something very major in my past that I made no mention to her about. She was able to pinpoint specific things about my ex partner, things about my current POI, about my career as well, that were so on point, it was almost like laser beam accuracy. When she detailed everything in my life so effortlessly, it definitely put things into perspective for me in terms of how much other "psychics" were lacking and vague when it came to readings situations. I can't speak on her predictions from our first reading because they span further out into the year and I'm trying not to have any attachments to them either because I've realized from personal experience that somehow when I hold on to predictions or bear an expectation of fruition, they don't pan out or if they do, they pan out wayyyy later. The predictions I've literally paid zero attention to or discarded have been the ones that have occurred, happened so many times like that, I have no idea why 🤷🏻‍♀️

I had a bad fight / breakup and my first instinct was to reach out to Ari. I couldn't get her immediately so I got on to Tara from CP. She wasn't that great with describing the situation or anything but she made contact predictions that came to pass. And she made predictions along the same timeline that Ari made predictions for me. I finally got ahold of Ari and she was a godsend, Ari broke down my POI and the entire situation so effortlessly, and I knew everythingggg she said was true. In fact she even pointed out something about his family  that nobody would know. This woman, I don't care, she's legitimate. She also told me to give it two weeks, and she saw us having a deep conversation within 4 hours or 4 days. She knew it wasn't over and she also knew he was missing me and she also knew some personal things about me as well that I never shared with her either. So unlike Tara who was able to give me an actual date of contact (which again I didn't hold on to, I actually thought it was crap until it occurred) Ari didn't give a specific date just a period but with the immense knowledge of how she explained what was going on with him and how to navigate the situation, when he did contact, we were able to move forward successfully so she really guided me in such an invaluable way and helped me to really understand my POI.

And she was right, even though she explained my POI there was a point where I followed her advice but doubted what she saw only for it to actually occur. Within 4 days we had our conversation that helped to grow closer. He was missing me when she said she felt him missing me - he said so the next day! We're back together now, and he was teasing me about contacting psychics on Sunday lol sort of like, "why are you wasting money on that, what do they know?" LOL so I blurted out some of the things Ari said about him and man, he got quiet 🤣 like he literally stayed silent for about 5 minutes absorbing these random details of his innermost thoughts and feelings before he reluctantly admitted that Ari was right, and it lead to him opening up even more to me on a deeper level, confirming everything and I was so grateful that Ari prepared me for everything beforehand so I understood him entirely when we had our heart to heart. It was a really positive experience. So Ari's time frame of everything being back to good and us growing closer in 2 weeks, it happened.

I think Ari picks up really sharply on what a person thinking and feeling, what their current energy is like and what their projected actions would be like based on the current energies. My ex contacted me in January but I didn't reply, Ari saw he was missing me a lot and although she told me to stay away from him because he's toxic and seeking validation, she figured he'd contact me again. He hasn't contacted me since. But he has been following/watching my partner on social media and such, so I know that he's been thinking of me. So maybe Ari picked up on this, but maybe he chooses not to contact - for now anyway.

I'm genuinely impressed with Ari, but I guess everyone has to find that special reader that really connects with them 🙃


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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2019, 01:54:58 AM »
What time does she usually come on?

Offline wishes215

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2019, 02:51:52 AM »
I think in the evenings EST atleast from what I've noticed

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2019, 05:05:33 AM »
She picked up when my boyfriend would contact me again after 16 days of silence and even that he’d be distant but wanting my help. It happened a few hours later.

Offline Rag rats

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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2019, 11:03:37 PM »
Is she good at picking up present or future prediction  as well? Also, has she ever told anyone about how poi thinks of getting a dog ( we always spoke about getting one) ?


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Re: Bitwine - Psychic Ari
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2019, 11:45:02 PM »
Is she good at picking up present or future prediction  as well? Also, has she ever told anyone about how poi thinks of getting a dog ( we always spoke about getting one) ?

She’s been good at both for me. And nope I never had her say that to me.

