Author Topic: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped  (Read 6145 times)

Offline Kkbich2014

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The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« on: March 08, 2019, 09:06:51 PM »
« Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 05:03:53 PM by Kkbich2014 »

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2019, 09:23:01 PM »
out of words, this is the best thread i have ever came across !.
sorry for all what you have been through but look how strong you have become out of it.
I am cutting down readings drastically until i reach to the point where i can truley and finally say THATS IT.
thanks for posting your experience it gave me alot of strength, faith and power

Offline Kkbich2014

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2019, 09:45:08 PM »
out of words, this is the best thread i have ever came across !.
sorry for all what you have been through but look how strong you have become out of it.
I am cutting down readings drastically until i reach to the point where i can truley and finally say THATS IT.
thanks for posting your experience it gave me alot of strength, faith and power

Thank you! I have been through hell and I know many on this board are suffering the same ways. I'm glad my experience could help, and its awesome to hear that you have cut down on readings. It isnt easy I know. I sometimes have the urge to call when things aren't going right.  Developing faith is hard, but the love I receive from God daily has been worth it.  I had to reset my relationship habits and how I react to the things that trigger my anxiety. I had to realize that I am not in control of the behaviors of others and what others do should not control how I feel. When I'm anxious I called psychics, now I open my bible and read until I feel at peace. It helps so much! Thank you for your feedback. Peace and love and prayers for you!

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2019, 10:04:00 PM »
God bless you!! XOXO!

Offline sawthelight

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2019, 10:32:01 PM »
God bless you!  Amazing post and I’m right there with you!  Feel free to pm me if you wanna chat...but thank you for this post!

Offline Chelle9054

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2019, 10:53:03 PM »
I'm venting.... I know this is where you post psychic reviews, but for anyone who is struggling to quit calling this post is for you.

I've been calling psychics since I was a junior in college. That was 12 years ago maybe longer I'm not sure. I'm about to count how many men I've called about since sec....24. I just wrote out my list from the last few years, it took sometime. Saying 24 out loud makes me feel ashamed.

I'm not saying that psychics aren't real. I've had enough readings to know that they have gotten details right in various situations. But its been 12 years of self-inflicted suffering and confusion. And I just don't want anyone who's just starting out to end up here.  I even had a baby with someone because a psychic on keen told me that there was nothing to fear with this relationship and that I should honor him at his word. She said she had no reservations and saw that he would marry me. So for me when the signs were there that he was cheating to everyone in my life, I couldn't see it because I trusted this woman's word over my parents and my friends. Being tied to him has been one of my biggest regrets. Its brought so much dysfunctionality to my life. Our daughter is almost 6 and it was until the last few months that we've begun to be cordial. He actually was the worst person I had ever called about but got the best outcome from a psychic I had ever had. Go figure.

 Fast forward. I'm a single mom, with a baby that I adore. Every last one of those 24 men I was told would be the one, in some form or another. When I heard that, I hung on as tightly as I could.  It took until maybe 2 years ago for me to really assess my life. And two years from that point to get to where I am now.

 I tried therapy, I tried prescription medication for anxiety and depression, I got plastic surgery thinking that maybe that it was my self esteem that needed a boost and if I fixed the outside, the inside would follow. All of those things helped to some degree,BUT I WAS STILL CALLING, NEW BOOBS AND ALL!

 I thought that my relationships would heal me, and make me whole. I let men use my body, treat me badly and take me for granted all for the sake of wanting to be in love and one day married. I have struggled! I tried to save myself... I was at the point of suicide in 2016. I could barely function.

I'm just here to share that nothing I did personally saved me. It wasn't until I turned to God, that my life has slowly begun to turn itself around.  I urge any of you who have tried just about everything to stop, to try God. Get into the bible learn the word. It has taught me that NO ONE can tell you your future. No one knows the final outcome except for him.  Who knows what spirit these psychics are connecting to? Whatever demonic forces are at play may be there just to keep you further trapped in sadness and heartbreak.

I'm learning to trust Him, I have the bible app and I work through plans that relate to my struggles. No matter where I turn in the Bible I find something  that has helped me to move forward everyday. I have met someone nice since I stopped calling. I called about him before and the very same day everything started to go wrong.  I don't know if calling messes things up. But this relationship has put a mirror up to toxic behaviors I have developed by being in toxic relationships. I no longer wish to make anyone the center of my universe, outside of God,  then my daughter.  Trusting Him, and letting go of the readings have changed my life and I pray that entering a relationship with Him does the same for your life.
❤️ this post. Brought tears to my eyes. Thank you

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2019, 02:37:35 AM »


Offline doubleoh8

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2019, 02:41:04 AM »
I read your post four or five times and then saved it so I could read it again when I want / need to. It's beautifully written and a great reminder and wake up that having faith, trust and self-respect are the pathways to fulfillment.

Thank you and bless you.

Offline Dreamer23

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2019, 01:59:31 PM »
Wow thank you so much for sharing. I read this post and it resonated with me so well. Talking to psychics has made me change my opinion of things and not see reality for what it is. That caused me a lot of pain and confusion.

I am so glad that you are no longer talking to psychics and that you are seeing things differently. Your post is very empowering. Thank you so so much for sharing.

You've been through a lot. I admire that you were able to persevere and come out stronger because of it.

Many blessings to you!

Offline sharon

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2019, 03:44:45 PM »
I've got sad by reading your story. I feel you! I am so happy that you are gaining your power back.

Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

All the best!!


Offline aquarian_81

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2019, 08:37:28 PM »
Thank you for sharing your experience! I really needed to read this today <3 Thank you so much !! God bless you xoxo

Offline Danica

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2019, 10:16:39 PM »
Thank you for sharing, I'm sorry! I had an experience recently with a reader who had been right for me in the past and was my trusted advisor, but she led me to a new job where I got laid off right after (which ruined my career for a bit and almost caused very bad financial hardship), and she kept urging me to leave my relationship which is not a bad relationship at all. I feel like whatever she connects to does not like me or my man, and has bad intentions.

I started feeling physically sick after reading with her, being nauseous and exhausted in bed all day after. The last reading I had I felt bad weird energy after for a week, I was in a funk for no reason despite everything else in my life being good. I also started having nightmares about being attacked by spirits (I don't ever usually have nightmares or even dream). It scared me to the point I won't ever read with her ever again.

Like you I've gotten better results since by just praying and following my intuition. Best of luck on your path forward :)


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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2019, 04:00:00 AM »
I loved your post so much.  Thank you and I must say that anytime I call a psychic there are delays and bad luck in the relationship I call about and so many things go wrong. 
I called psychics about men to be completely heart broken and destroyed when things didn't play out.
I was suicidal after one breakup after so many psychics said that he was the one. He's married to someone else but I started to pray and read Psalms ... I'm not a Christian but during my powerful praying I got signs from God. For instance I was so depressed a.d trying to hold back tears . I wanted to read a psalm and thought it was silly to do so at that time. I was in class lol but suddenly one of my students got on her knees in front of me and clasped her hands together and prayed as light from above was streaming down on her in a narrow column. She smiled at me knowingly but whatever was smiling back at me was not my student but was something else very wise and the love was unreal . Omg.....I asked her about it later in Japanese as I was teaching overseas. She said she didn't remember doing that. Japan is mostly an agnostic/Buddhist country so it was weird to see this little Japanese girl praying in a Christian manner. I'm typing on my phone now so tons of typos and rushed stuff going on here but I feel like my luck gets really bad with psychics and the people who don't call them get the life they want.

Offline LivingInYellow

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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2019, 11:42:36 PM »
Virtual hugs from me to you 😘 Keep going, growing and healing x


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Re: The Vent: Calling for 12 Years Finally Stopped
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2019, 07:57:16 PM »
bumping this up