Thank you for sharing, I'm sorry! I had an experience recently with a reader who had been right for me in the past and was my trusted advisor, but she led me to a new job where I got laid off right after (which ruined my career for a bit and almost caused very bad financial hardship), and she kept urging me to leave my relationship which is not a bad relationship at all. I feel like whatever she connects to does not like me or my man, and has bad intentions.
I started feeling physically sick after reading with her, being nauseous and exhausted in bed all day after. The last reading I had I felt bad weird energy after for a week, I was in a funk for no reason despite everything else in my life being good. I also started having nightmares about being attacked by spirits (I don't ever usually have nightmares or even dream). It scared me to the point I won't ever read with her ever again.
Like you I've gotten better results since by just praying and following my intuition. Best of luck on your path forward