Author Topic: Psychic Shelly UK  (Read 41849 times)

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #75 on: June 30, 2019, 06:56:06 PM »

 I did not see the markers and her prediction did not happen in May.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #76 on: June 30, 2019, 11:31:10 PM »
I read with her months ago before I met my current bf. It was about a guy I had been on again off again for 4 years with. One of her markers was seeing someone with a funny name tag or something off about it. She thought the on again off again guy would return. So far he hasn't snd a have been dating new guy for 2 months. HE had his name tag on sideways one day. So my marker was my new bf I guess lol

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #77 on: June 30, 2019, 11:37:23 PM »
I've seen all her markers multiple times and nothing has come of them.

I felt the need to update this only because I've had 3 markers that Shelly gave to me smack me upside the head. Now I want to be crystal clear in my assessment. The predictions that she gave me would be very hard to validate because I would need to be in communication with my POI and that hasn't happened. I do want to give perspective on her way of reading though. I do NOT like the whole marker thing. I think it sets us up to look for markers subconsciously. I also believe that if there is anything to the markers, they would have to be more than a casual appearance. Some of her markers are common, so seeing them in something like social media or television could confuse us to whether they are even markers at all. In my fair and balanced reporting however, there were 3 markers that hit over the last 3 weeks that were more than just a casual sighting. If I get in contact with my POI in the near future, I think I may have to give her some level of credit. I'm making this comment on this thread begrudgingly until then.

1) Can you place the name Rob? I hear that name. News or contact with a Rob, marker in time you are on the right pathway for POI to give more.  Ok, so Rob is a common name that I see randomly on tv, social media, casual conversations. HOWEVER, 3 weeks ago I went out with some girlfriends from high school. My daughter who was going to babysit my son for me had her new boyfriend come over and it was the first time I met him. His name is Rob. When I went out with my friends, we jokingly had a rather long discussion how one of the women only had relationships with men named Rob. So much so, that we referred to her love interests as Rob 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. LOL! And lastly, I was assigned the following Monday to a new project at work and the lead in the project is also named Rob. So there were 5 Robs of some significance in the matter of 3 days.

2) I keep smelling what I call baby toiletries. Baby powder, wipes, baby shampoo, etc. I have no idea why but have to assume you will smell these or someone will comment on them. Marker in time that you are on the right pathway for newness to start in this situation. - Ok, so yes, I have smelled baby powder in the grocery store or saw an occasional commercial for baby products. But truth be told, I'm too old to have a baby in my life anymore and too young to have a grandbaby, so baby products aren't too common in my life. Well about 2 weeks ago, I walked into my bathroom to find a blizzard of baby powder all over my counter, sink and floor. Not a a thick coating everywhere. Apparently my teenage daughter used baby powder that I didn't know we had for something and spilled it everywhere.

3)There will be talk of DNA. Marker in time you are o the right pathway for the situation to become clearer and the connection ot be looked at. - I'm a scientist of sorts so DNA is pretty common in my job. It's also pretty common on social media and tv with things like 23 and me test kits. So yes, I've seen talk of DNA over the last 8 months. HOWEVER, last night, one of my friends told me that he had a 23 and me test done a few months ago. He was shocked to find out that his father was not his biological father! And he also found out that he had half siblings. He confronted his mother about the results and it was confirmed that his mother used a sperm donor back before it was even a thing, for artificial insemination. He and his 2 siblings all have different fathers. This revelation invoked a big discussion about the pros and cons of these test kits and the effects they can have on family dynamics

So as you see, these are not casual occurrences of markers. Not sure if the predictions are valid, but I think when we get markers from any readers, they probably need to be of some real significance and not just something we see in passing casually. I'll update if I get any validation that the predictions associated to these markers have passed.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2019, 04:03:26 PM by Fidget1028 »

Offline maggs30

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #78 on: August 28, 2019, 11:02:31 PM »
I feel the same about Shelleys markets as everyone else. They can be vague and it seems prediction still don't happen. One she gave me was you will see a phone number that looks familiar but isn't this means he is thinking about you. Well okay odd. Today I am at work and I get a text message about grant loans and it is from the area code that my BFs phone number is which is 8 hours from where we live. So I guess that counts. Another odd thing is I received a letter in the mail that looks like a wedding invitation not addressed to me. My exact address and it was sent from... You guessed it. The tiny town of 500 people 8 hours away that I have no connection to and didn't know existed until I met him.

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #79 on: August 29, 2019, 12:24:45 AM »
I've seen all her markers multiple times and nothing has come of them.

I felt the need to update this only because I've had 3 markers that Shelly gave to me smack me upside the head. Now I want to be crystal clear in my assessment. The predictions that she gave me would be very hard to validate because I would need to be in communication with my POI and that hasn't happened. I do want to give perspective on her way of reading though. I do NOT like the whole marker thing. I think it sets us up to look for markers subconsciously. I also believe that if there is anything to the markers, they would have to be more than a casual appearance. Some of her markers are common, so seeing them in something like social media or television could confuse us to whether they are even markers at all. In my fair and balanced reporting however, there were 3 markers that hit over the last 3 weeks that were more than just a casual sighting. If I get in contact with my POI in the near future, I think I may have to give her some level of credit. I'm making this comment on this thread begrudgingly until then.

1) Can you place the name Rob? I hear that name. News or contact with a Rob, marker in time you are on the right pathway for POI to give more.  Ok, so Rob is a common name that I see randomly on tv, social media, casual conversations. HOWEVER, 3 weeks ago I went out with some girlfriends from high school. My daughter who was going to babysit my son for me had her new boyfriend come over and it was the first time I met him. His name is Rob. When I went out with my friends, we jokingly had a rather long discussion how one of the women only had relationships with men named Rob. So much so, that we referred to her love interests as Rob 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. LOL! And lastly, I was assigned the following Monday to a new project at work and the lead in the project is also named Rob. So there were 5 Robs of some significance in the matter of 3 days.

2) I keep smelling what I call baby toiletries. Baby powder, wipes, baby shampoo, etc. I have no idea why but have to assume you will smell these or someone will comment on them. Marker in time that you are on the right pathway for newness to start in this situation. - Ok, so yes, I have smelled baby powder in the grocery store or saw an occasional commercial for baby products. But truth be told, I'm too old to have a baby in my life anymore and too young to have a grandbaby, so baby products aren't too common in my life. Well about 2 weeks ago, I walked into my bathroom to find a blizzard of baby powder all over my counter, sink and floor. Not a a thick coating everywhere. Apparently my teenage daughter used baby powder that I didn't know we had for something and spilled it everywhere.

3)There will be talk of DNA. Marker in time you are o the right pathway for the situation to become clearer and the connection ot be looked at. - I'm a scientist of sorts so DNA is pretty common in my job. It's also pretty common on social media and tv with things like 23 and me test kits. So yes, I've seen talk of DNA over the last 8 months. HOWEVER, last night, one of my friends told me that he had a 23 and me test done a few months ago. He was shocked to find out that his father was not his biological father! And he also found out that he had half siblings. He confronted his mother about the results and it was confirmed that his mother used a sperm donor back before it was even a thing, for artificial insemination. He and his 2 siblings all have different fathers. This revelation invoked a big discussion about the pros and cons of these test kits and the effects they can have on family dynamics

So as you see, these are not casual occurrences of markers. Not sure if the predictions are valid, but I think when we get markers from any readers, they probably need to be of some real significance and not just something we see in passing casually. I'll update if I get any validation that the predictions associated to these markers have passed.

I honestly thought these were pretty good markers. Way better than I imagined. I haven't read with her because of so many reports of common markers, not knowing if one marker was the right one because of so many occurrences, and none of the predictions happening. Your review was fab!

Offline GoldieShawn

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #80 on: September 15, 2019, 02:12:55 PM »
Ok so I have ready with Shelly a few times over a period of time. I initially read with her on a recommendation from a friend. It seems to me like it takes a while to figure out if a reader really works for you or not. Sometimes you'll get what seems like an initial hit and you get excited and nothing pans out after that. Sometimes the first prediction doesn't happen but it turns out it was just delayed. Here are some parameters that I use to evaluate a reader:

A) Readings are a tool for me to get more of what is good for me and less of what is bad for me. I don't (ahem, try not to) use it for a pick-me-up when I'm in the lows or a way to keep feeding an addiction to a situation that's unhealthy for me. That means the reader has to be willing to tell me things I may not want to hear (ideally in a compassionate way).
B) I care more about outcomes than timelines - if they get that he's going to call tomorrow, but miss the big picture, that's not helpful to me. However if a reading helps me to understand the overall picture but don't know the timelines...well honestly that's for the best sometimes. There are times when expecting a particular timeline gets in my head too much.
C) Similar to the timeline, the big picture matters more to me than the details. For example if a reader sees me wearing a green shirt when the thing happens but it comes to pass and I'm wearing a blue shirt, that's fine by me. On the other hand, a reader who gets the color of my shirt correct but the content of the event or conversation wrong is less helpful. It's a fun parlor trick to be able to see those details, but doesn't really help me (except maybe I start obsessively wearing green shirts around lol).

Ok, enough about that. So Shelly's review. I'll start by telling you about my journey with it. At first the marker thing really made me nutty. I was CONSTANTLY looking for markers. It didn't help that the friend who had recommended her also had markers happening and I think her stuff was on a shorter timeline than mine was. So every day I was hoping for markers, getting excited if they happened (or kind of happened, I got pretty loose with what I considered an occurrence of a marker) and then being down if they didn't for a few days. I was in a weird cycle with it where the markers almost became as big of a deal as the actual thing I was calling about in the first place. Well, eventually that slowed down. Markers didn't happen as often (my thing was a long ways out) and I sort of forgot about the whole thing. That's when I feel like it actually started to be useful, when I wasn't constantly obsessing about it.

The Positive:

Shelly got a couple of crazy predictions right where she predicted the exact date that two different major life events (she says a major life event is a birth, a death, a marriage, a job change, etc) would happen. I have heard that if she throws out a date (ie July 15th) it is very likely to happen and that was my experience. It wasn't anything I asked about either time, just things she got and volunteered, and one of them seemed very unlikely, but she got both right on to the day (one was a death of a loved one and one was a wedding -- neither of which were known to me at the time).

Once I got over the hump of not combing my life for markers all the time, things began to fall into place. At the same time, things seem to be on track for predictions to be correct (things are definitely trending in a positive direction). I have gotten a couple of uncommon markers (one was a song from 50 years ago that while I knew, I don't hear often - like this was the first time in 7 months I'd heard it) and another was a specific unusual action for someone to be doing outdoors that I did not see for months.

She's also had hits of unusual things happen. She predicted seeing someone in a specific costume as meaning positive things with my man. I thought this happened and counted a marker when I was in my overdoing it with markers phase, because I had seen this costume in a movie. Nothing happened. Then I was traveling and three people in this specific costume sat down next to me. Completely bizarre and had never seen anything like it. I got up to go to the bathroom and had a text from my guy that matched her prediction to accompany the markers.

The Negative:
When she gave timeframes that were not specific dates (ie saying things like "in the next 3 weeks", "around the beginning of January", etc) the things did not seem to come to pass during that timeframe, or if they did, they were happening in the background without any evidence I could see. My guy is pretty expressive in his own way and so normally I have clues to what's on his mind. So for example, it's possible he was having thoughts of me during a particular timeframe, I can't rule it out, but I saw no evidence of this like I normally would. So, I found that I needed to not pay attention to timeframes. I do believe in the Law of Attraction and that things normally come when we are not focusing on them, so perhaps I pushed them out. I will say I pretty much find this to be the case with anyone I've read with. Anymore I pretty much automatically discard any timeframes given from any reader. They don't seem to help me manifest what I want.

Some of my markers were extremely specific, to the point that there was zero possibility of confusion. A few were things that come up a lot. For example, skiing (it was a winter reading). So probably one of the 100 times skiiing came up was my marker, but it was tough to tell which one. Or, maybe it hasn't happened yet and those were all too casual of occurrences of skiing and there's going to be something more direct, like me skiing or something. Hard to say. This isn't a knock on Shelly specifically, just a hazard of the method.

I would call Shelly again now that I better understand how to make use of her services, but I still have some pending predictions so I'm going to wait. The best advice I can give others who want to try her is:
1) Focus on outcomes and ignore timeframes unless it's a specific date you didn't ask about (this basically goes for any reader in my experience - maybe it's me :))
2) An occurrence of a marker seems to be something that's a big enough deal to stand out to you. If it's something that shows up for half a second in a movie you're watching, or something you casually see when scrolling through social media, to me those have not turned out to be markers and there's something more definite coming later. Maybe it means the energy is building, or maybe it's just coincidence. And goes without saying, but you can't make a marker happen. For example if my marker is George Washington, I can't open my wallet and pull out a dollar bill and call it a marker. It has to be something that occurs on its own and is not just a part of your normal routine. This means that some markers I've just had to give up on as the thing was too common to identify when it was really happening (ie hearing the name Mike when I work with someone named Mike).
3) Predictions she gives without markers seem to be extra important to pay attention to.
4) Call her when you want to know a long-term path and what to look for, but not when you want to know what's going to happen in the next week and the exact play-by-play of how the next 3 days will go down. That kind of reading isn't useful to me anyway.
5) I ask a general question ("Tell me what you see with ____.") and let her go. I do not tell stories or give a bunch of background. Basically she seems to just need a name and off she goes. The more I get specific with posing this question or that, the less useful the reading becomes. She's a consultant and I want to get the best results for my money - I'll save the fawning over details for my girlfriends.
6) The timeframe between marker and event is longer than you might expect. I had some (and so did my friend) that were a matter of minutes or hours so we got kind of over-excited. I believe I've read (maybe on this forum) that it can be 6-8 weeks. Now I just take it as a general positive sign and don't send out the search party for the prediction to happen just because I saw the marker.
7) Her advice is pretty good. I never know what to make of it when readers give advice. Is this your personal opinion or a psychic revelation? What she has generally told me about specific people and their frame of mind or the way to deal with them has proven to be largely good advice, even if it didn't make sense at the time.

Looking back, these tips are basically what I would say about most readers (with the exception of the markers being unique to Shelly).

Offline Star_01

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #81 on: September 15, 2019, 02:27:21 PM »
She gave me markers which never happened and the markers were very specific. She said things which really made no sense to me but didn't like when I couldn't place that and kept saying well it's to come and became quite defensive when I said that things made no sense to me which she tried to validate. She also told me military guy I'd meet and it never happened for me, and someone else got told they'd meet someone in the military too that PM'd me. She told me my ex would be back and if I began thinking of him he would pick this up and not come forth. On another forum people I've spoken to says she uses this commonly if predictions don't come to pass that they thought of the guy and so he won't be back. It seems a common theme that her markers happen but predictions don't. Personally I won't be using her again.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2019, 02:30:45 PM by Star_01 »

Offline GoldieShawn

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #82 on: September 25, 2019, 12:08:23 PM »
Ok so i've had a bunch of markers happen over the last couple of weeks that I thought happened months ago, closer to the reading, but were 'weak' so to speak. For example, just barely saw the thing peeking into the end of an instagram video that a friend posted,  had to replay to be sure (that's an example of a 'weak' marker). FWIW although it says markers can appear anywhere, I haven't found the social media ones are the real markers. Maybe it's a little encouragement but there's something more direct coming later.

The thing is, currently things are not looking great. There had been improvement, and then it swung back and he was quiet. I reached out on something I wanted his opinion on and he has not responded. So we'll see if these markers pan out. I sure would like for them to.

Offline sexyp

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #83 on: September 26, 2019, 04:34:49 PM »
how much is enough time to read with Shelly?10 or 20mins?

Offline GoldieShawn

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #84 on: September 26, 2019, 09:55:14 PM »
She's very conversational so I'd try 20 to start. I've done 30 or 40 minutes but that is when I have multiple questions. I've never tried 10 - she throws in a lot of details so I'm not sure you could go that short to start with.

Offline lady p

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #85 on: October 02, 2019, 03:45:03 PM »
I’ve had so many of Shelly’s marker moments happen but the actual prediction (big or small) has not happened. Even the most bizarrest ones! They have been happening for months now but nada on the prediction front! *sigh* Another one bites the dust! I suppose I should be happy the marker happened! A lot of psychics don’t even get that?

Offline Jellybean123

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #86 on: October 09, 2019, 12:23:37 PM »
So did anyone get a prediction pass or timeline? Markers are cool and all but no validation.

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #87 on: October 10, 2019, 03:51:23 AM »
So did anyone get a prediction pass or timeline? Markers are cool and all but no validation.

I got some markers but the prediction timeframe passed. It was May, it's now October :(

Offline Jellybean123

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #88 on: October 10, 2019, 01:31:03 PM »
So did anyone get a prediction pass or timeline? Markers are cool and all but no validation.

I got some markers but the prediction timeframe passed. It was May, it's now October :(

Aww sorry to hear about that. Has there been even slight progress? Or was it a contact you were waiting for?

 I see the markers but then I think I am just attracting it on a subconscious level.  Then again no way to validate. Another one out the window lol

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Psychic Shelly UK
« Reply #89 on: October 11, 2019, 05:27:41 AM »
So did anyone get a prediction pass or timeline? Markers are cool and all but no validation.

I got some markers but the prediction timeframe passed. It was May, it's now October :(

Aww sorry to hear about that. Has there been even slight progress? Or was it a contact you were waiting for?

 I see the markers but then I think I am just attracting it on a subconscious level.  Then again no way to validate. Another one out the window lol

No progress! and yes, it's a contact I've been waiting for :(

