Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 534621 times)

Offline Tryst.4

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1245 on: September 26, 2019, 03:17:20 AM »
Yeah as much praise as I've given mattie in the past, my most recent reading with her was kinda disappointing. What was funny is the very beginning of the reading was great! She was validating some things that were eerie for her to pick up on, but then she went into a cold reading and referred to her notes. I really do not like when she refers to her notes and passes it off as spirits telling her names, that's just shady in my opinion. This is the second time I've talked to her this month so that's probably my fault for expecting anything mind blowing, but were coming up on one of her time frames so I was hoping she could validate that. She didnt. As great as she has been in the past, I cant bring myself to pay that much if theres even a chance I'll get a reading like that again. Who knows, maybe the random names and markers shes given me are going to have relevance and I'm going to eat my words... we shall see.

Offline DillP

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1246 on: September 26, 2019, 03:33:27 AM »
Hi Tryst, sorry to hear about your latest reading. I’ve had some  like that with Mattie also, but I’d say that the vast majority have been good. I hope that things end up coming to pass for you anyway, despite things feeling vague at the moment. Could you elaborate a bit more on the notes part? I think this has come up before on this thread (and for other advisors also). There were definitely things that she brought up after I had told her in a previous reading, but she doesn’t always ask for birthdays so I’m not entirely sure what to think. I also wonder if she just has a very good memory?

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1247 on: September 26, 2019, 03:42:31 AM »
Nothing Mattie predicted would happen when i read with her last January have come to pass in any of the timeframes that she gave. Im kinda feeling like im not even interested in having a relationship with the guy at this point anyway. Im feeling ready to move on & choose myself instead of fussing over him (someone whos a commitment phobe/emotionally unavailable) 24/7. The whole situation caused me so much stress & messed me up pretty badly emotionally/mentally. It really wore me down. For $15/hr & her not being able to pick up on these things im not impressed at all. Leanne did see that he wasnt right for me & Yona was able to see that id get fed up & move on. She saw me falling in love with someone else & forgetting all about him. She saw him coming back around but me having been done by that point. Those are the only 2 i would ever read with again. Even kisha & lady p were wrong. Leanne has so far been the only one that has made predictions i have seen come to pass exactly as she said. Shes also very honest & reads pple quite well.

The same here. Btw, there is an important typo in your comment: $15/min (not hr). It will be $900/hr   :-[

Offline Tryst.4

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1248 on: September 26, 2019, 04:35:25 AM »
So I cant say with full certainty that she uses notes. I will say though that it does seem pretty obvious. So when I got my first reading back in July she said a name that was really really close to my exs name, like one letter off, and so of course I got really excited and told her it was close to my exs name. She also said a name that was relevant because it was my brothers exs name. Now I've had three readings since then, and every time, she says the same two names from the first reading that pertained to my ex, and also the name of my brothers ex. For example, if your exs name was Vance but she said Lance instead, she would say in every subsequent reading "is there a Lance/Vance?" Shes done that every single time. The first time she did it I gave it a pass but the next two times I was a little bit irritated. Shes also brought up my brothers ex every single time.
So my theory is that she saw how meaningful those names were to me in my first reading, and uses it when she wants to seem like were connected, when in fact it makes me feel like shes just scamming me. At least be honest about the fact that you remember the names from the last reading, dont pretend it's an "unclear" message from spirit. If she was honest, and just said "I remember so and so from our last reading , and I can read her energy now" I would have zero problem with that. I cant prove it of course but it's too fishy to dismiss.

Offline sexyp

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1249 on: September 26, 2019, 05:21:04 AM »
it is pretty obvious she does keep notes. she actually writes stuff down if you listen carefully after you tell her something. there is a pause and she does take down notes then bring it up in a later reading. thats why I stopped reading with her. for 15 a min,sorry but you wont regurgitate information to me.

So I cant say with full certainty that she uses notes. I will say though that it does seem pretty obvious. So when I got my first reading back in July she said a name that was really really close to my exs name, like one letter off, and so of course I got really excited and told her it was close to my exs name. She also said a name that was relevant because it was my brothers exs name. Now I've had three readings since then, and every time, she says the same two names from the first reading that pertained to my ex, and also the name of my brothers ex. For example, if your exs name was Vance but she said Lance instead, she would say in every subsequent reading "is there a Lance/Vance?" Shes done that every single time. The first time she did it I gave it a pass but the next two times I was a little bit irritated. Shes also brought up my brothers ex every single time.
So my theory is that she saw how meaningful those names were to me in my first reading, and uses it when she wants to seem like were connected, when in fact it makes me feel like shes just scamming me. At least be honest about the fact that you remember the names from the last reading, dont pretend it's an "unclear" message from spirit. If she was honest, and just said "I remember so and so from our last reading , and I can read her energy now" I would have zero problem with that. I cant prove it of course but it's too fishy to dismiss.

Offline Ems2727

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1250 on: September 26, 2019, 01:35:15 PM »
Honestly, I can’t figure how she would keep notes. First of all, if she did, that would mean that CA Psychics gives her peoples actual numbers, and she somehow remembers them. Both those things seem implausible. Second of all, she has like seconds to rifle through all her notes to find the ones that correspond to the number she somehow recognizes and remember everything she said before.

I just don’t find it possible UNLESS CA Psychics tells these readers way more about us than they say, and the readings aren’t confidential like they claim, which is against the law :/   

Offline maggs30

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1251 on: September 26, 2019, 02:40:49 PM »
I'm sure they see a screen name at the very least just like on keen and other platforms. It has been said several times that the platforms also have an area on screen for note taking.

Offline RPLguy

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1252 on: September 26, 2019, 03:17:25 PM »
During my bonkers time of calling CP, I had more than just readings but extended length conversations with the readers i trusted. And yes, this cost me a fortune.

I discussed some of these conspiracy theories with them. All described with very similar detail the way things worked behind the scenes. They only see "caller 1 or caller 2" identified on their screen with the length of time that caller has available (to facilitate breaks and bathroom runs and such or determine if they wante to take that one last call)

IF there were a centralized database that they kept on the details of my readings, which would involve someone listening in on the call (illegal), then every reader i spoke with would at least hit the major theme. Some were just not on the mark, some gave conflicting readings. There is no way to know which reader out of 400 that i would choose to read with if they were trying to throw an off reading in every so often to shake me up and call back for reassurance.

A few of my trusted readers (the ones who gave accurate predictions of major life events incl timing) marveled at the thought of such a system where they could access all of this. Or if an individual reader had their own system, the older ladies said "I can barely send an would I possibly do that so quickly?"

As far as remembering things...

I own a service business and I can tell you details about clients that we stopped servicing 10 years ago or even clients we serviced for a brief time. I could tell you most of their addresses and some phone numbers in a time where most dont even have to remember phone numbers because it is programmed as a one touch button now. I remember all my credit card numbers, DL number, phone numbers from growing up (mine and friends) and that wasn't yesterday. I could tell you my exs SSN from almost 20 years ago after only seeing it a handful of times. Names of people and dates of events (just not every single birthday unless i choose to commit it to memory)
I remember many mundane things and not sure how i do it.

I find it hard to believe, especially hand written ones, that notes of any kind would help.  What of the readers that do not ask for DOB? How would that catalog work? People here have said they have called from different accounts, phone numbers, etc.

I do believe that there are some not so gifted readers on this platform, but also that there are some with astounding gifts.

Maybe too many put too much into the capability of these gifts. They are not pulling up a dossier from god with a complete blow by blow script of every little detail and happening. To expect that anyone can do that is unreasonable. Sadly, i know that some here have not had great luck with the things that they have had predicted and my heart goes out to them. Just like an athlete cannot be top of their game all day every day, neither can readers. That some of them can even do it "on demand" as they do is remarkable. I feel that the genuine and ethical readers do their very best to give you what they get and piece it together as best they can. As I have stated, I have had some incredible predictions come to be and left me in awe.

You can't go to a Pizza parlor and get sushi. Don't expect them to be able to answer every question correctly or at all...the goods ones, like you, are doing the best they can.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1253 on: September 26, 2019, 03:36:24 PM »
I'm not saying its a database all readers can access. It is a part where they can keep notes on their screen about you that only they can see. There are readers on this forum and they have confirmed this on other platforms. So when you call that reader next they will have whatever notes they put in from your previous calls.

Offline sexyp

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1254 on: September 26, 2019, 04:22:08 PM »
it would not be hard for mattie to keep notes on anyone as I doubt that many people read with her at the rate she charges. when you consider how often she is on and how often you will have called her, she can literally know who you are. it's lie anything in life really.if you keep meeting a stranger and they tell you something about themselves,next time you meet them you might not register that detail they told you. but if they keep giving you developments of their life story, you will start to know it nomatter the number of other people you meet in your life that week or month etc. voices can give you away and if you give name,she can find your notes on her computer easily

Offline RPLguy

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1255 on: September 26, 2019, 04:25:21 PM »
I'm not saying its a database all readers can access. It is a part where they can keep notes on their screen about you that only they can see. There are readers on this forum and they have confirmed this on other platforms. So when you call that reader next they will have whatever notes they put in from your previous calls.

I can only say that the few readers I trust on CP, and one in particular, have assured me that they themselves do not take notes. There have been times where they have recalled something  to me and been so very close on items but just off as in mis-remembered and it hasn't been "acting" or "woo woo" readers that have done this.

There are some where I might think this myself that they had notes as they recalled names. A particular reader that did this was from 2 years ago where in 1st reading she got  the first initial out of thin air and I gave the full name. But, then she got a bunch of the rest of the names without help and some that I wasn't even thinking about. Fast forward 1 year since that reading and the first name she pulled was my ex from first reading (her name and a name close to hers) and i thought notes but then pulled more new names germane to the situation that had never been mentioned and my new interest and details that are too specific to generalize.

Maybe some take notes but that seems to me a massive effort not even knowing if the people they are noting on will ever call back or call them in particular. It also doesn't explain those who have given me info without me giving my DOB (for cataloging) and some without my name at all. Just saying.

Offline RPLguy

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1256 on: September 26, 2019, 04:34:08 PM »
it would not be hard for mattie to keep notes on anyone as I doubt that many people read with her at the rate she charges. when you consider how often she is on and how often you will have called her, she can literally know who you are. it's lie anything in life really.if you keep meeting a stranger and they tell you something about themselves,next time you meet them you might not register that detail they told you. but if they keep giving you developments of their life story, you will start to know it nomatter the number of other people you meet in your life that week or month etc. voices can give you away and if you give name,she can find your notes on her computer easily

Agreed. But where did the initial info with only my name come from in the very first reading that was very specific (not general in any way and not just with Mattie)???
Where do the new and accurate details come from? the new predictions or feels for how things will go?

Mattie has stated to me that she recognized my voice (as it is distinct) and maybe she does have notes, but that is fine if any reader can tell me things they couldn't possibly know and those said things happen. As I have said before, there are some who have hit major life events on the button but have been wrong in how things would go down with my ex (who i don't think was in a mental or emotional state to be predictable...even her friends and family had no idea what was going on or why she was being the way she was) and I am not torn up anymore about that.

My point is, notes or not, that there is (in my mind and experience) something to Psychic abilities both empathic/clair**** and predictive as it has been proven to me on multiple occasions.

Offline RPLguy

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1257 on: September 26, 2019, 04:35:58 PM »
And NO, i am not championing Mattie or any they are obviously not 100% at any time, just letting some thoughts out.

Offline marciamia

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1258 on: September 26, 2019, 05:51:42 PM »
Oh, hell, guys.... he’s back again 😒

Offline sexyp

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1259 on: September 26, 2019, 06:00:46 PM »
i am not denying that the first reading is mindblowing but I am saying the more you read with her, the more she starts to regurgitate details from previous readings and act like it is her guides telling her. that is what i have a problem with. at 15 a minute,i need fresh info it stuff we have discussed already.

it would not be hard for mattie to keep notes on anyone as I doubt that many people read with her at the rate she charges. when you consider how often she is on and how often you will have called her, she can literally know who you are. it's lie anything in life really.if you keep meeting a stranger and they tell you something about themselves,next time you meet them you might not register that detail they told you. but if they keep giving you developments of their life story, you will start to know it nomatter the number of other people you meet in your life that week or month etc. voices can give you away and if you give name,she can find your notes on her computer easily

Agreed. But where did the initial info with only my name come from in the very first reading that was very specific (not general in any way and not just with Mattie)???
Where do the new and accurate details come from? the new predictions or feels for how things will go?

Mattie has stated to me that she recognized my voice (as it is distinct) and maybe she does have notes, but that is fine if any reader can tell me things they couldn't possibly know and those said things happen. As I have said before, there are some who have hit major life events on the button but have been wrong in how things would go down with my ex (who i don't think was in a mental or emotional state to be predictable...even her friends and family had no idea what was going on or why she was being the way she was) and I am not torn up anymore about that.

My point is, notes or not, that there is (in my mind and experience) something to Psychic abilities both empathic/clair**** and predictive as it has been proven to me on multiple occasions.