Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 552618 times)

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #780 on: June 28, 2019, 05:24:43 AM »
I wish CP appointment system was like Keen. 6 people is very small. It's really difficult to get in Mattie's queue, particularly if you are living in the US. CP customer care sometimes are nice and help, but not always.

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #781 on: June 28, 2019, 05:34:22 PM »
Ya true! I think with their new system, only the ppl who have spent crazy amounts of money can get the 7th spot. 

Update - MAJOR PREDICTION came true yesterday that Mattie was saying all along.  Mattie got a specific detail and has been right about a lot that I received validation on.  I've been waiting a very long time for this, and she has been right about so much, even knowing that I was feeling like it wasn't going to happen then it did! Just want everyone to know, there is hope, but always trust yourself! Trusting myself is what led to this coming true. Not the only thing of course, but so important.

Offline MotherOf3

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #782 on: June 28, 2019, 05:43:12 PM »
Ya true! I think with their new system, only the ppl who have spent crazy amounts of money can get the 7th spot. 

Update - MAJOR PREDICTION came true yesterday that Mattie was saying all along.  Mattie got a specific detail and has been right about a lot that I received validation on.  I've been waiting a very long time for this, and she has been right about so much, even knowing that I was feeling like it wasn't going to happen then it did! Just want everyone to know, there is hope, but always trust yourself! Trusting myself is what led to this coming true. Not the only thing of course, but so important.

That’s awesome! Congratulations!

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #783 on: June 29, 2019, 01:13:54 AM »
Ya true! I think with their new system, only the ppl who have spent crazy amounts of money can get the 7th spot. 

Update - MAJOR PREDICTION came true yesterday that Mattie was saying all along.  Mattie got a specific detail and has been right about a lot that I received validation on.  I've been waiting a very long time for this, and she has been right about so much, even knowing that I was feeling like it wasn't going to happen then it did! Just want everyone to know, there is hope, but always trust yourself! Trusting myself is what led to this coming true. Not the only thing of course, but so important.

Congrats Snow_white can you tell us how long you were waiting? Also was her timing correct? When you say believing in yourself made it work what do you mean by that


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Re: Mattie
« Reply #784 on: June 29, 2019, 01:24:42 AM »
Snow!!! CONGRATS!!!(:

So i've got a hit today. Well actually not just today but literally 2 minutes ago. Still shaking..

Remember a few weeks back, where I was really devastated over my poi2? She just reached out, in fucking PARAGRAPHS, using inside jokes, and asking how I'm doing, adding a lot to the conversation. And it wasn't just, "Hey." It was like, "Hey yeah so the other day this happened and it was hilarious. And you know that thing and the other thing? Well, that, this", like it was an entire paragraph of just things that have happened. Nothing love related yet, but there was definitely, what I felt to be, some hints in there. This is the same girl who said I made her uncomfortable and creeped her out. But Oh my god, I am FREAKING OUT. OH MY GOD. She is wanting to talk! She's not just being friendly. She's adding so much in, wanting to talk to me. I'm starting to feel as though Mattie and Abundant, and everyone else, who I thought was wrong, was right. She did say that every single time she drives past my house, she thinks of me. and also added in that she thinks of an inside joke which we would laugh about a lot... if that doesn't show romantic interest, in a small way, then I don't know what does...

This is a stepping stone... I don't want to jump the gun, but I thought I would give this update. This is huge to me. GUYS!!!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 01:32:09 AM by josh34 »

Offline lp1111

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #785 on: June 29, 2019, 01:35:26 AM »
Snow!!! CONGRATS!!!(:

So i've got a hit today. Well actually not just today but literally 2 minutes ago. Still shaking..

Remember a few weeks back, where I was really devastated over my poi2? She just reached out, in fucking PARAGRAPHS, using inside jokes, and asking how I'm doing, adding a lot to the conversation. And it wasn't just, "Hey." It was like, "Hey yeah so the other day this happened and it was hilarious. And you know that thing and the other thing? Well, that, this", like it was an entire paragraph of just things that have happened. Nothing love related yet, but there was definitely, what I felt to be, some hints in there. This is the same girl who said I made her uncomfortable and creeped her out. But Oh my god, I am FREAKING OUT. OH MY GOD. She is wanting to talk! She's not just being friendly. She's adding so much in, wanting to talk to me. I'm starting to feel as though Mattie and Abundant, and everyone else, who I thought was wrong, was right. She did say that every single time she drives past my house, she thinks of me. and also added in that she thinks of an inside joke which we would laugh about a lot... if that doesn't show romantic interest, in a small way, then I don't know what does...

This is a stepping stone... I don't want to jump the gun, but I thought I would give this update. This is huge to me. GUYS!!!

Yay, Josh! So excited to hear that! Giving me some hope here 🙃

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #786 on: June 29, 2019, 01:41:35 AM »
Snow!!! CONGRATS!!!(:

So i've got a hit today. Well actually not just today but literally 2 minutes ago. Still shaking..

Remember a few weeks back, where I was really devastated over my poi2? She just reached out, in fucking PARAGRAPHS, using inside jokes, and asking how I'm doing, adding a lot to the conversation. And it wasn't just, "Hey." It was like, "Hey yeah so the other day this happened and it was hilarious. And you know that thing and the other thing? Well, that, this", like it was an entire paragraph of just things that have happened. Nothing love related yet, but there was definitely, what I felt to be, some hints in there. This is the same girl who said I made her uncomfortable and creeped her out. But Oh my god, I am FREAKING OUT. OH MY GOD. She is wanting to talk! She's not just being friendly. She's adding so much in, wanting to talk to me. I'm starting to feel as though Mattie and Abundant, and everyone else, who I thought was wrong, was right. She did say that every single time she drives past my house, she thinks of me. and also added in that she thinks of an inside joke which we would laugh about a lot... if that doesn't show romantic interest, in a small way, then I don't know what does...

This is a stepping stone... I don't want to jump the gun, but I thought I would give this update. This is huge to me. GUYS!!!

Yay! Josh so happy for you congrats!

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #787 on: June 29, 2019, 01:56:50 AM »
Snow!!! CONGRATS!!!(:

So i've got a hit today. Well actually not just today but literally 2 minutes ago. Still shaking..

Remember a few weeks back, where I was really devastated over my poi2? She just reached out, in fucking PARAGRAPHS, using inside jokes, and asking how I'm doing, adding a lot to the conversation. And it wasn't just, "Hey." It was like, "Hey yeah so the other day this happened and it was hilarious. And you know that thing and the other thing? Well, that, this", like it was an entire paragraph of just things that have happened. Nothing love related yet, but there was definitely, what I felt to be, some hints in there. This is the same girl who said I made her uncomfortable and creeped her out. But Oh my god, I am FREAKING OUT. OH MY GOD. She is wanting to talk! She's not just being friendly. She's adding so much in, wanting to talk to me. I'm starting to feel as though Mattie and Abundant, and everyone else, who I thought was wrong, was right. She did say that every single time she drives past my house, she thinks of me. and also added in that she thinks of an inside joke which we would laugh about a lot... if that doesn't show romantic interest, in a small way, then I don't know what does...

This is a stepping stone... I don't want to jump the gun, but I thought I would give this update. This is huge to me. GUYS!!!

Yes josh!!!
Ahhhhh this gives me hope !!

Offline aquarian_81

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #788 on: June 29, 2019, 01:58:01 AM »
Congratulations Josh! Out of curiosity was her timeline accurate or off?? And did Yona also predict this ?


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Re: Mattie
« Reply #789 on: June 29, 2019, 02:26:18 AM »
Congratulations Josh! Out of curiosity was her timeline accurate or off?? And did Yona also predict this ?

So Yona picked up on her, before I met her in my first reading. In my third reading, which was this year back in May, she said, "I think it a previous reading, it was told of you meeting another woman..." and I told her I did, and she said that she likes her, and that she's just going through a really rough time, but that she's "still shown in my cards", so "she can't say that I'd never hear from her again." But that's all she said. In the first reading she mentioned I would meet her, and I was skeptical. She said that I'd have interest in another girl, and I'd be choosing between poi1 and poi2. I practically shut that possibilty out right from the start as I only wanted poi1 (I still do, and she still has my heart, but poi2 is headed that way. But everyone says I will choose poi1, and) in fact, she picked up that I would have to "close a door" before getting back together with poi1, and she thinks that means with poi2. She later said even though I will get what I want and be with poi1, I've got choices and that this isn't something that is 'set in stone' and that I can choose poi2 if I wanted. Funny thing is, I can pin point exactly where in my first reading with Yona I am, timeline wise. Things have manifested one by one, none out of order, from her initial reading, and something else is supposed to happen, that I have confidence will happen this year, and it was AFTER that that she said I will be closing the door on poi2. So there has to be more to come, for me to do that. She also mentioned that once poi1 comes back, I will be fully into her, and my interest in poi2 will lessen, but will still be there, before I close the door.

Funny enough, mattie said in my first reading that another girl was coming in, and that was poi2. Said how and where we'd meet, and that was how and where we'd met. She also mentioned that by the time poi1 comes back around, my feelings in poi2 won't be as strong as they 'used to be' by that point, but that's only because poi1 is in the picture again. She mentioned that "the other person is there", and at this time, she was referencing a time that's still in the future. So she was right. She said that I will progress with poi1, as well, and also said that it would be my choice though, but felt that it would be poi1. So literally aligned with Yona's reading.

So they both mentioned that poi2 will come in, that I will have a choice, and that things will end between poi2 and I, from "where I am in this current moment" ( I mean this literally, in this current moment), in the future. So that's still to come. But they both also said or implied that my feelings for her will lessen once poi1 comes back and that I will tell poi2 that it won't work, and I believe they both stated that poi2 will have strong feelings and want a relationship with me.

So even though it's my choice, I know with my heart that I'm going to choose poi1 once she comes back again. But at the same time, even though that's where my heart is headed, I would like to see where things go with poi2 and I. So based on what psychics say, I know what will happen. But my heart still wants me to try with poi2, to see if maybe she's a better fit for me. So this isn't coming from a place of me leading her on. i genuinely want to see if there's a future there with her, even though, my heart is more with poi1 at this point in time.

Funny enough -again- both have the same exact predictions for me. Travel-wise, job-wise, what I'd be doing when I'd travel, among many other things. Interestingly, Cookie also spoke of the job and it aligns, and ALSO picked up on poi2 coming in. Again when she stated this, she ALSO said that once poi1 comes back, I'd still be seeing where things go with poi2, but the feelings won't be as strong from my end anymore, because poi1 is back.

and Abundant visions picked this same thing up too.

All of them. The exact same shit. So maybe I should just learn not to doubt? It's not just simple "hey travel." or "hey you get the girl" things either. All of them stated very odd specific events that will occur, which all of them had picked up on, so maybe that's my sign to stop getting readings for now, which I plan to do after reading with Matilda. Maybe spirit's sitting there like, "BRO. WE'RE FUCKING GIVING YOU THE SAME INFORMATION EACH FUCKING TIME. CHILLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAX." lol.

Either way, Matilda better give me the same news lol. If she doesn't, (and this isn't coming from a place of wanting the other readers to be right, they genuinely picked up on future events, still to come, that were way too specific, and many have to do with poi1, so I am POSITIVE that these things will happen. Obviously the doubt will come again, it always does, but thinking clearly, without irrational worries, I think it's clear that these things will happen.) then I will assume that she is just wrong (I mean this in the kindest way, if she's reading this lol. I'm sure she's a sweetheart, but I shouldn't jump the gun on an assumption before I even get a reading with her. After all, she'll probably say the same thing... and Matilda, if you're reading this, I hope that didn't offend you. I'm looking forward to my reading!)  But I plan to ask her more about in-the-moment things, instead of actual predictions. Still really nervous for my reading.

Anyway that was a lot to type out and really unorganized im sorry . Still shaking lol. Long story short, aquarian, none of them picked up on that break, besides abundant visions, and she said that there will be a break after she reaches out telling me that she is uncomfortable around me, where she won't talk for x amount of time, but that she will be back, and gave that time frame. Looking at the calender, and looking at when I had that reading, she's right. But then again, they won't pick up on when I'll grab my free coffee with the 10 hole punch card either. So I feel despite how it felt for me, that just wasn't something that the readers' guides felt was "big". So I'm sure things still stand.

But I still don't want to jump the gun and want to see how things play out. My worries take hold sometimes lol. And things are still far from perfect at this point in time, with both women.

I'm not usually one to share any of my stories, as I worry about readers lurking, but this is me opening up a little and saying some of it. I hope that despite some vagueness, this helped a little. (and I hope that any readers who know who I am don't get upset that I'm sharing my experiences. I just want to help others, and love all of my lovely readers(: and they know it)

Thank you for the love, guys. It's been a really really REALLY hard road for me, with lots of sadness, day-drinking, and crying. So I'm hoping this is the start of things turning around for me (:

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #790 on: June 29, 2019, 02:47:34 AM »
Let the worries go,

I truly appreciate 100% believe when we stop worrying , things move.

Whenever I meditate or so manifesting , things move.

When I worry and get anxious, things are at a stalemate and it makes me freak more.

Breathe, breathe, breathe ❤️

Offline Catlover86

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #791 on: June 29, 2019, 04:41:10 AM »
Congratulations Josh! Out of curiosity was her timeline accurate or off?? And did Yona also predict this ?

So Yona picked up on her, before I met her in my first reading. In my third reading, which was this year back in May, she said, "I think it a previous reading, it was told of you meeting another woman..." and I told her I did, and she said that she likes her, and that she's just going through a really rough time, but that she's "still shown in my cards", so "she can't say that I'd never hear from her again." But that's all she said. In the first reading she mentioned I would meet her, and I was skeptical. She said that I'd have interest in another girl, and I'd be choosing between poi1 and poi2. I practically shut that possibilty out right from the start as I only wanted poi1 (I still do, and she still has my heart, but poi2 is headed that way. But everyone says I will choose poi1, and) in fact, she picked up that I would have to "close a door" before getting back together with poi1, and she thinks that means with poi2. She later said even though I will get what I want and be with poi1, I've got choices and that this isn't something that is 'set in stone' and that I can choose poi2 if I wanted. Funny thing is, I can pin point exactly where in my first reading with Yona I am, timeline wise. Things have manifested one by one, none out of order, from her initial reading, and something else is supposed to happen, that I have confidence will happen this year, and it was AFTER that that she said I will be closing the door on poi2. So there has to be more to come, for me to do that. She also mentioned that once poi1 comes back, I will be fully into her, and my interest in poi2 will lessen, but will still be there, before I close the door.

Funny enough, mattie said in my first reading that another girl was coming in, and that was poi2. Said how and where we'd meet, and that was how and where we'd met. She also mentioned that by the time poi1 comes back around, my feelings in poi2 won't be as strong as they 'used to be' by that point, but that's only because poi1 is in the picture again. She mentioned that "the other person is there", and at this time, she was referencing a time that's still in the future. So she was right. She said that I will progress with poi1, as well, and also said that it would be my choice though, but felt that it would be poi1. So literally aligned with Yona's reading.

So they both mentioned that poi2 will come in, that I will have a choice, and that things will end between poi2 and I, from "where I am in this current moment" ( I mean this literally, in this current moment), in the future. So that's still to come. But they both also said or implied that my feelings for her will lessen once poi1 comes back and that I will tell poi2 that it won't work, and I believe they both stated that poi2 will have strong feelings and want a relationship with me.

So even though it's my choice, I know with my heart that I'm going to choose poi1 once she comes back again. But at the same time, even though that's where my heart is headed, I would like to see where things go with poi2 and I. So based on what psychics say, I know what will happen. But my heart still wants me to try with poi2, to see if maybe she's a better fit for me. So this isn't coming from a place of me leading her on. i genuinely want to see if there's a future there with her, even though, my heart is more with poi1 at this point in time.

Funny enough -again- both have the same exact predictions for me. Travel-wise, job-wise, what I'd be doing when I'd travel, among many other things. Interestingly, Cookie also spoke of the job and it aligns, and ALSO picked up on poi2 coming in. Again when she stated this, she ALSO said that once poi1 comes back, I'd still be seeing where things go with poi2, but the feelings won't be as strong from my end anymore, because poi1 is back.

and Abundant visions picked this same thing up too.

All of them. The exact same shit. So maybe I should just learn not to doubt? It's not just simple "hey travel." or "hey you get the girl" things either. All of them stated very odd specific events that will occur, which all of them had picked up on, so maybe that's my sign to stop getting readings for now, which I plan to do after reading with Matilda. Maybe spirit's sitting there like, "BRO. WE'RE FUCKING GIVING YOU THE SAME INFORMATION EACH FUCKING TIME. CHILLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAX." lol.

Either way, Matilda better give me the same news lol. If she doesn't, (and this isn't coming from a place of wanting the other readers to be right, they genuinely picked up on future events, still to come, that were way too specific, and many have to do with poi1, so I am POSITIVE that these things will happen. Obviously the doubt will come again, it always does, but thinking clearly, without irrational worries, I think it's clear that these things will happen.) then I will assume that she is just wrong (I mean this in the kindest way, if she's reading this lol. I'm sure she's a sweetheart, but I shouldn't jump the gun on an assumption before I even get a reading with her. After all, she'll probably say the same thing... and Matilda, if you're reading this, I hope that didn't offend you. I'm looking forward to my reading!)  But I plan to ask her more about in-the-moment things, instead of actual predictions. Still really nervous for my reading.

Anyway that was a lot to type out and really unorganized im sorry . Still shaking lol. Long story short, aquarian, none of them picked up on that break, besides abundant visions, and she said that there will be a break after she reaches out telling me that she is uncomfortable around me, where she won't talk for x amount of time, but that she will be back, and gave that time frame. Looking at the calender, and looking at when I had that reading, she's right. But then again, they won't pick up on when I'll grab my free coffee with the 10 hole punch card either. So I feel despite how it felt for me, that just wasn't something that the readers' guides felt was "big". So I'm sure things still stand.

But I still don't want to jump the gun and want to see how things play out. My worries take hold sometimes lol. And things are still far from perfect at this point in time, with both women.

I'm not usually one to share any of my stories, as I worry about readers lurking, but this is me opening up a little and saying some of it. I hope that despite some vagueness, this helped a little. (and I hope that any readers who know who I am don't get upset that I'm sharing my experiences. I just want to help others, and love all of my lovely readers(: and they know it)

Thank you for the love, guys. It's been a really really REALLY hard road for me, with lots of sadness, day-drinking, and crying. So I'm hoping this is the start of things turning around for me (:

Thank you for sharing! You’re giving me hope!

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #792 on: June 29, 2019, 05:09:35 AM »
Ya true! I think with their new system, only the ppl who have spent crazy amounts of money can get the 7th spot. 

Update - MAJOR PREDICTION came true yesterday that Mattie was saying all along.  Mattie got a specific detail and has been right about a lot that I received validation on.  I've been waiting a very long time for this, and she has been right about so much, even knowing that I was feeling like it wasn't going to happen then it did! Just want everyone to know, there is hope, but always trust yourself! Trusting myself is what led to this coming true. Not the only thing of course, but so important.

Congrats Snow_white can you tell us how long you were waiting? Also was her timing correct? When you say believing in yourself made it work what do you mean by that

Thanks so much guys!! And ya @kdspirited - no prob, I waited a year! So this is big for me lol.  And what I meant was trusting my intuition, and following the little nudges I was receiving from my intuition which then set up the circumstance for me to receive this prediction passing.  I stopped letting fear get in the way, and stopped caring what people thought too.  I listened to myself and trusted my heart even during hard times bc honestly, sadly even friends cast their doubt.  So I may sound corny ah, but it all contributed.  PM me anytime for more details :) 

Josh! Congrats!!! I know how sad one can feel when you start doubting based on whats going on... and so I'm super stoked for you to receive this! Yay!! Good luck!

Also - I feel the same way, the prediction happening has made me want to open up to give others hope too! Just trying to be careful so sorry for being vague too! Just adding - Sunny got timing right on this too and Cookie was right too (although she didn't give timing) 
« Last Edit: June 29, 2019, 06:50:08 AM by Snow-white8 »

Offline aquarian_81

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #793 on: June 29, 2019, 05:10:34 AM »
Let the worries go,

I truly appreciate 100% believe when we stop worrying , things move.

Whenever I meditate or so manifesting , things move.

When I worry and get anxious, things are at a stalemate and it makes me freak more.

Breathe, breathe, breathe ❤️

I completely agree ^^^ !!

Josh, thank you for sharing your prediction, I'm really happy the predictions are unfolding for you, especially with all the crap you've been through lately. I've read with both Mattie, Yona and other recommended psychics and they share the similar predictions but none of them are manifesting so I'm wondering if timing is off?

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #794 on: July 01, 2019, 09:23:33 PM »
Mattie said look out for a connection to Winchester .

I read about it randomly the other day and things started to move.

Today I joined half way through a randomly selected movie on Netflix someone else was watching and it’s winchester .

Here’s hoping this means movement lol

