Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 537444 times)

Offline Sweetsydney2000

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #615 on: May 22, 2019, 12:47:02 PM »
I spent $300 to talk to Mattie & honestly I was not all that impressed for that price. The reading felt all over the place. So far for me the ones who are really impressing me in terms of predictions & timeframes would be #1 Leanne Haliburton #2 Aries Intuition/Kisha #3 Yona Farrell #4 psychic twins Chinhee/Sunhee Park #4 Stephen C Robinson-NYC #5 Rachel (Bitwine). All others either didnt work for me or havent proven themselves yet.

Leanne caused me so much anxiety and upset. She told me that my boyfriend had somebody else and that we were totally over, that he doesn’t want me in his life, etc. basically 25 mins of totally telling me this guy cannot stand me... well we are back together, this non existent girl never surfaced and as far as I can tell, he still loves me and wants a future with me. She’s so negative.

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #616 on: May 22, 2019, 01:52:19 PM »
Well, I did, and if you think I am making it up, I take this very seriously!
I will take some screenshots and post it here since you insinuate I am lying...

I am with you, P. I've found the same information as you. I've read that she was mean and arrogant too. I might've lost the source by now but it you still have it take screenshots, please. I know for sure that you're not making it up.

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #617 on: May 22, 2019, 03:26:45 PM »
Updates in Red...trip confirmed/booked with newer guy POI#4

Ok so I have some "minor" hits from Mattie. Its interesting because just like my first experience with Cookie, nothing made sense until it happened. Her and Cookie BOTH saw all these guys around me and guess what? Now there are 4, well now it is about to be 3 lol.

The POI, The New Guy - now there is the "Newer Guy" and the guy I met in an "Unusual Way" (the Unusual Guy). The Unusual guy was attractive, and he was attracted to me, but waaay to young for me lol.

Here were her predictions -
The predictions in in blue already happened weeks ago, like mid April.
The green ones are NEW and recent.

1. Positive things coming in romantically (rambled on this topic for about 8 minutes) - like saying “I just see positive stuff coming” , things taking off, starting blocks, etc....
2. Two guys that are different (but didn’t describe anything about them to differentiate) - other than one guy around me at the moment lol Ok soooooo literally last week I met a new guy and we were supposed to go on a date last week but rescheduled for yesterday. At the time of the reading I only new him for 2 days. I didnt realize I was going to like him! And vice versa!
3. May/June - life seems to look a lot brighter, talks about my own intuition - she felt excited about my future
4. Las Vegas, gamble or gamble I’m taking? She circles around this ... Las Vegas was referenced SEVERAL times the day of the date - on TV and my uncle randomly asked me about going to Vegas the same day
5. Someone I am going to let go of and doing it with kindness....there are 3 Guys and one will be let go...maybe someone you dont have much interest in < Well this was definitely how it went with my POI a couple days ago. HOWEVER, he is still calling me smh lol, BUT we are still cool/friends. The NEW GUY that I referred to in the blue that I met a couple of weeks ago is the one Im letting go of for sure...because he isnt really showing much interest (Cookie predicted inconsistancy and said I would see his true colors about honesty in May)
6. I get you walking with a you like to walk/hike? I’m enjoying talking while I’m walking with a guy (like really lol) - Ill be going somewhere remote and enjoying solitude - trip and building a relationship. We are both putting in effort towards a relationship. Beginning of something that is slowly building up The new guy just asked me TODAY to go walking/hiking with him on Saturday <-- Now this didnt happen with the "New" guy from a few weeks ago, yet we talked about it. However, I'm not sure if this could happen with the Newer guy.
7. I asked which of the 2 guys she saw or if it is a new guy - she said one will want the real deal and I will welcome him home. He could be away or at a distance. There could be someone that booldozes this guy over - we may think its one guy but it may be the other, there could be another one that has distance but comes in an unusual way <Now this one is INTERESTING. Because the "Newer Guy" Ive been talking to him over the last 2 weeks on and off - we had not yet met in person. Mattie kept picking up a guy "at a distance" and the 2 guys (the POI and New guy) were within 15-30 mins from me. Mattie no, its not them, there is someone you are welcoming home at a distance. WELL this Newer guy is from TORONTO - he just moved to the city I live in 2-3 weeks ago - but needed to go back home to get the rest of his stuff - he has been gone a week. He is coming back tomorrow and we have a date on Monday - this must be where I will be "welcoming him home". lol. I wont necessarily say this is a "hit" yet because I'll have to see if this guy really does truly want marriage or whatever she said so I'll see, just thought that that was an interesting coincidence. ok i did welcome poi#4 home

This was literally the first 10 mins - again, I’m sure Ill know when stuff happens but this stuff is so dern general  - like didnt describe which of the guys or what ....and walking? Like I dunno omg.

Next 10 mins...

8. I asked specifically about POI - she describes him lightly - but accurately but said he would come forward, but then there is another guy and then got confused on which one would be coming forward based on her general predictions above....<-Since my convo with the POI on ending things, he has been like calling me every day and even popped up on me SMH.
9. Someone comes in in an unusual in real life, natural way <-- This one actually happened. Last week I was in an Uber, and the guy that was driving me was really really cool! We talked about how we both have business ideas that were similar. When he dropped me off at home - he asked - "hey are you hungry?" I say "well yeah!" so he took me on an impromptu date LOL. He was like Very attracted to me. He also wants to meet up next week about some biz ideas - so that was definitely an UNUSUAL meeting.
10. Hoping for news on a job - linked to this person
11. I’m having a renaissance in my life
12. POI will be more obvious and apparent ...but there is another person
13. One guy on left one on right and one behind my back and I cut one off
14. Thinks when I meet someone else, it will jumpstart POI
15. There is a guy who is going to do flowers and dinners....
16. Confirmed POIs feelings etc
17 . Indiana Jones - someone is going to be masculine where actions speak louder than words...she wonders if POI but then there is this other guy
18. This guy coming forward will be putting effort and wants to settle down and will want marriage

Basically she keeps going back and forth between POI and another guy ...its confusing
I have no idea who this other guy is, I’m sure he could come out of nowhere but who is doing what?

Oh my god!!! Congrats to you my friend! That is so amazing @sparkle. She really works for those of us who connect with her. I’m so happy for you :) This is just the best. I’ve had progress w my POI lately too and everything is happening as she said within the timeframes. I can’t wait to read with her next month to update her about Gemini season because it’s only the beginning of the Gem season and things are blowing up in a great way! Thank you for sharing this, it only reinforces things for me and I’m sure for some others on this board ;) Cheers!

Offline sarah1

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #618 on: May 22, 2019, 04:04:36 PM »
I think all of us agrees that some psychic work for some and not for others. I’ve been in this road for some time now and i’ve tried endless amount of psychics that I spoke too, some i could swear that were amazing at the time but nothing they said ever came to pass, and some I didn’t like what they said but some of what they said was right to an extend. That being said I would’ve had more respect to Mattie if she would’ve told me that we didn’t connect other than pulling some bs and waste my money. My questions were simple and straight forward nothing too far.
She also asked too many questions during the reading that I only answered out of desperation to help her tune in cuz all of the good comments and reviews on this forum (and I’m also  paying a lot of $$ for her not be right lol) and if it was any other reader I would’ve hanged up right away cuz unfortunately i know better lol. She is definitely not a cold reader, and reading all this reviews I would have to believe that she does have a gift but in my opinion she could’ve just said that we didn’t connect rather just pulling some random 💩

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #619 on: May 22, 2019, 04:08:39 PM »
Yeah I’m just reporting things that she said as promised. However I still don’t consider her in my top group of readers and i don’t like her reading style. I’m not raving about her just stating facts lol

Yona, Cookie, Kisha, Delores and Indio have been phenomenal for me and will stick with them.
I will say she is the only one though that saw the specifics with these guys (my other readers did tell me about a new guy and described a trip but thought it was my original poi) so there is that🤷‍♀️
But i won’t read with her again

I forgot to say thanks Em!!

Updates in Red...trip confirmed/booked with newer guy POI#4

Ok so I have some "minor" hits from Mattie. Its interesting because just like my first experience with Cookie, nothing made sense until it happened. Her and Cookie BOTH saw all these guys around me and guess what? Now there are 4, well now it is about to be 3 lol.

The POI, The New Guy - now there is the "Newer Guy" and the guy I met in an "Unusual Way" (the Unusual Guy). The Unusual guy was attractive, and he was attracted to me, but waaay to young for me lol.

Here were her predictions -
The predictions in in blue already happened weeks ago, like mid April.
The green ones are NEW and recent.

1. Positive things coming in romantically (rambled on this topic for about 8 minutes) - like saying “I just see positive stuff coming” , things taking off, starting blocks, etc....
2. Two guys that are different (but didn’t describe anything about them to differentiate) - other than one guy around me at the moment lol Ok soooooo literally last week I met a new guy and we were supposed to go on a date last week but rescheduled for yesterday. At the time of the reading I only new him for 2 days. I didnt realize I was going to like him! And vice versa!
3. May/June - life seems to look a lot brighter, talks about my own intuition - she felt excited about my future
4. Las Vegas, gamble or gamble I’m taking? She circles around this ... Las Vegas was referenced SEVERAL times the day of the date - on TV and my uncle randomly asked me about going to Vegas the same day
5. Someone I am going to let go of and doing it with kindness....there are 3 Guys and one will be let go...maybe someone you dont have much interest in < Well this was definitely how it went with my POI a couple days ago. HOWEVER, he is still calling me smh lol, BUT we are still cool/friends. The NEW GUY that I referred to in the blue that I met a couple of weeks ago is the one Im letting go of for sure...because he isnt really showing much interest (Cookie predicted inconsistancy and said I would see his true colors about honesty in May)
6. I get you walking with a you like to walk/hike? I’m enjoying talking while I’m walking with a guy (like really lol) - Ill be going somewhere remote and enjoying solitude - trip and building a relationship. We are both putting in effort towards a relationship. Beginning of something that is slowly building up The new guy just asked me TODAY to go walking/hiking with him on Saturday <-- Now this didnt happen with the "New" guy from a few weeks ago, yet we talked about it. However, I'm not sure if this could happen with the Newer guy.
7. I asked which of the 2 guys she saw or if it is a new guy - she said one will want the real deal and I will welcome him home. He could be away or at a distance. There could be someone that booldozes this guy over - we may think its one guy but it may be the other, there could be another one that has distance but comes in an unusual way <Now this one is INTERESTING. Because the "Newer Guy" Ive been talking to him over the last 2 weeks on and off - we had not yet met in person. Mattie kept picking up a guy "at a distance" and the 2 guys (the POI and New guy) were within 15-30 mins from me. Mattie no, its not them, there is someone you are welcoming home at a distance. WELL this Newer guy is from TORONTO - he just moved to the city I live in 2-3 weeks ago - but needed to go back home to get the rest of his stuff - he has been gone a week. He is coming back tomorrow and we have a date on Monday - this must be where I will be "welcoming him home". lol. I wont necessarily say this is a "hit" yet because I'll have to see if this guy really does truly want marriage or whatever she said so I'll see, just thought that that was an interesting coincidence. ok i did welcome poi#4 home

This was literally the first 10 mins - again, I’m sure Ill know when stuff happens but this stuff is so dern general  - like didnt describe which of the guys or what ....and walking? Like I dunno omg.

Next 10 mins...

8. I asked specifically about POI - she describes him lightly - but accurately but said he would come forward, but then there is another guy and then got confused on which one would be coming forward based on her general predictions above....<-Since my convo with the POI on ending things, he has been like calling me every day and even popped up on me SMH.
9. Someone comes in in an unusual in real life, natural way <-- This one actually happened. Last week I was in an Uber, and the guy that was driving me was really really cool! We talked about how we both have business ideas that were similar. When he dropped me off at home - he asked - "hey are you hungry?" I say "well yeah!" so he took me on an impromptu date LOL. He was like Very attracted to me. He also wants to meet up next week about some biz ideas - so that was definitely an UNUSUAL meeting.
10. Hoping for news on a job - linked to this person
11. I’m having a renaissance in my life
12. POI will be more obvious and apparent ...but there is another person
13. One guy on left one on right and one behind my back and I cut one off
14. Thinks when I meet someone else, it will jumpstart POI
15. There is a guy who is going to do flowers and dinners....
16. Confirmed POIs feelings etc
17 . Indiana Jones - someone is going to be masculine where actions speak louder than words...she wonders if POI but then there is this other guy
18. This guy coming forward will be putting effort and wants to settle down and will want marriage

Basically she keeps going back and forth between POI and another guy ...its confusing
I have no idea who this other guy is, I’m sure he could come out of nowhere but who is doing what?

Oh my god!!! Congrats to you my friend! That is so amazing @sparkle. She really works for those of us who connect with her. I’m so happy for you :) This is just the best. I’ve had progress w my POI lately too and everything is happening as she said within the timeframes. I can’t wait to read with her next month to update her about Gemini season because it’s only the beginning of the Gem season and things are blowing up in a great way! Thank you for sharing this, it only reinforces things for me and I’m sure for some others on this board ;) Cheers!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2019, 04:22:49 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline sarah1

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #620 on: May 22, 2019, 04:15:42 PM »
Sparkle I’m happy for you!! Congrats girl! It wasn’t personal, Its always nice to hear that things banning  out for some of us regardless of the reader. It was just my personal review and experience that I thought it could be useful to others 😊

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #621 on: May 22, 2019, 04:22:17 PM »
Sparkle I’m happy for you!! Congrats girl! It wasn’t personal, Its always nice to hear that things banning  out for some of us regardless of the reader. It was just my personal review and experience that I thought it could be useful to others 😊

Oh yeah for sure! No worries! Thanks so much!
I totallly understand!

Offline happyk

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #622 on: May 22, 2019, 04:29:55 PM »
Yeah I’m just reporting things that she said as promised. However I still don’t consider her in my top group of readers and i don’t like her reading style. I’m not raving about her just stating facts lol

Yona, Cookie, Kisha, Delores and Indio have been phenomenal for me and will stick with them.
I will say she is the only one though that saw the specifics with these guys (my other readers did tell me about a new guy and described a trip but thought it was my original poi) so there is that🤷‍♀️
But i won’t read with her again

I forgot to say thanks Em!!

Updates in Red...trip confirmed/booked with newer guy POI#4

Ok so I have some "minor" hits from Mattie. Its interesting because just like my first experience with Cookie, nothing made sense until it happened. Her and Cookie BOTH saw all these guys around me and guess what? Now there are 4, well now it is about to be 3 lol.

The POI, The New Guy - now there is the "Newer Guy" and the guy I met in an "Unusual Way" (the Unusual Guy). The Unusual guy was attractive, and he was attracted to me, but waaay to young for me lol.

Here were her predictions -
The predictions in in blue already happened weeks ago, like mid April.
The green ones are NEW and recent.

1. Positive things coming in romantically (rambled on this topic for about 8 minutes) - like saying “I just see positive stuff coming” , things taking off, starting blocks, etc....
2. Two guys that are different (but didn’t describe anything about them to differentiate) - other than one guy around me at the moment lol Ok soooooo literally last week I met a new guy and we were supposed to go on a date last week but rescheduled for yesterday. At the time of the reading I only new him for 2 days. I didnt realize I was going to like him! And vice versa!
3. May/June - life seems to look a lot brighter, talks about my own intuition - she felt excited about my future
4. Las Vegas, gamble or gamble I’m taking? She circles around this ... Las Vegas was referenced SEVERAL times the day of the date - on TV and my uncle randomly asked me about going to Vegas the same day
5. Someone I am going to let go of and doing it with kindness....there are 3 Guys and one will be let go...maybe someone you dont have much interest in < Well this was definitely how it went with my POI a couple days ago. HOWEVER, he is still calling me smh lol, BUT we are still cool/friends. The NEW GUY that I referred to in the blue that I met a couple of weeks ago is the one Im letting go of for sure...because he isnt really showing much interest (Cookie predicted inconsistancy and said I would see his true colors about honesty in May)
6. I get you walking with a you like to walk/hike? I’m enjoying talking while I’m walking with a guy (like really lol) - Ill be going somewhere remote and enjoying solitude - trip and building a relationship. We are both putting in effort towards a relationship. Beginning of something that is slowly building up The new guy just asked me TODAY to go walking/hiking with him on Saturday <-- Now this didnt happen with the "New" guy from a few weeks ago, yet we talked about it. However, I'm not sure if this could happen with the Newer guy.
7. I asked which of the 2 guys she saw or if it is a new guy - she said one will want the real deal and I will welcome him home. He could be away or at a distance. There could be someone that booldozes this guy over - we may think its one guy but it may be the other, there could be another one that has distance but comes in an unusual way <Now this one is INTERESTING. Because the "Newer Guy" Ive been talking to him over the last 2 weeks on and off - we had not yet met in person. Mattie kept picking up a guy "at a distance" and the 2 guys (the POI and New guy) were within 15-30 mins from me. Mattie no, its not them, there is someone you are welcoming home at a distance. WELL this Newer guy is from TORONTO - he just moved to the city I live in 2-3 weeks ago - but needed to go back home to get the rest of his stuff - he has been gone a week. He is coming back tomorrow and we have a date on Monday - this must be where I will be "welcoming him home". lol. I wont necessarily say this is a "hit" yet because I'll have to see if this guy really does truly want marriage or whatever she said so I'll see, just thought that that was an interesting coincidence. ok i did welcome poi#4 home

This was literally the first 10 mins - again, I’m sure Ill know when stuff happens but this stuff is so dern general  - like didnt describe which of the guys or what ....and walking? Like I dunno omg.

Next 10 mins...

8. I asked specifically about POI - she describes him lightly - but accurately but said he would come forward, but then there is another guy and then got confused on which one would be coming forward based on her general predictions above....<-Since my convo with the POI on ending things, he has been like calling me every day and even popped up on me SMH.
9. Someone comes in in an unusual in real life, natural way <-- This one actually happened. Last week I was in an Uber, and the guy that was driving me was really really cool! We talked about how we both have business ideas that were similar. When he dropped me off at home - he asked - "hey are you hungry?" I say "well yeah!" so he took me on an impromptu date LOL. He was like Very attracted to me. He also wants to meet up next week about some biz ideas - so that was definitely an UNUSUAL meeting.
10. Hoping for news on a job - linked to this person
11. I’m having a renaissance in my life
12. POI will be more obvious and apparent ...but there is another person
13. One guy on left one on right and one behind my back and I cut one off
14. Thinks when I meet someone else, it will jumpstart POI
15. There is a guy who is going to do flowers and dinners....
16. Confirmed POIs feelings etc
17 . Indiana Jones - someone is going to be masculine where actions speak louder than words...she wonders if POI but then there is this other guy
18. This guy coming forward will be putting effort and wants to settle down and will want marriage

Basically she keeps going back and forth between POI and another guy ...its confusing
I have no idea who this other guy is, I’m sure he could come out of nowhere but who is doing what?

Oh my god!!! Congrats to you my friend! That is so amazing @sparkle. She really works for those of us who connect with her. I’m so happy for you :) This is just the best. I’ve had progress w my POI lately too and everything is happening as she said within the timeframes. I can’t wait to read with her next month to update her about Gemini season because it’s only the beginning of the Gem season and things are blowing up in a great way! Thank you for sharing this, it only reinforces things for me and I’m sure for some others on this board ;) Cheers!

So happy for you, Sparkle! You go girl!!

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #623 on: May 22, 2019, 06:00:50 PM »
Well, I did, and if you think I am making it up, I take this very seriously!
I will take some screenshots and post it here since you insinuate I am lying...

I am with you, P. I've found the same information as you. I've read that she was mean and arrogant too. I might've lost the source by now but it you still have it take screenshots, please. I know for sure that you're not making it up.

Um, no... I am NOT insinuating anything. I am only stating my experience and perspective.  Which, incidentally, is not fixed. i could easily be wrong and am fine to admit that if I am. Everyone is so reactive on here! And then they wonder why people don't post more often.

For the record, I am not a Matti groupie. I have read with her once and was impressed with what she picked up but have yet to see anything come to fruition. So, I did not post in her defence; I was just stating what I'd seen and felt that the images looked different. Again, maybe I'm wrong. I'm not calling you a liar either way and I'd appreciate it if you could back up a bit and just view my post for what it is - a simple experience that is different to yours.


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Re: Mattie
« Reply #624 on: May 22, 2019, 06:28:32 PM »
I, also, would want to see what people claiming there's a connection between the two are basing it on, so I can come to my own decision about it.

Not calling anybody a liar, just saying my preference is to check their work first.

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #625 on: May 22, 2019, 06:45:25 PM »
I, also, would want to see what people claiming there's a connection between the two are basing it on, so I can come to my own decision about it.

Not calling anybody a liar, just saying my preference is to check their work first.

Here's what I found (for pics):

Maybe they're the same person... they just look quite different to me.

FYI, here is the site I found for Julie-Ann Mullen:

She may not be the same Julia Mullan discussed on the forum, but saw a similar thread, was curious and then did a bit of research and came up with this one (above) which used to say tarot as another service. It was a while ago I came across all that stuff, and at the time I think I was able to find another pic that looked like the same Julia Mullan. I just wasn't 100% certain so didn't want to post on it in the event it was wrong.

Hope that's helpful and I would also like to see the pics that others found.

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #626 on: May 22, 2019, 07:00:19 PM »
I am sure Mattie is finding this thread and all this detective work quite entertaining  ;D ;D ;D

Offline happyk

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #627 on: May 22, 2019, 07:02:16 PM »
I, also, would want to see what people claiming there's a connection between the two are basing it on, so I can come to my own decision about it.

Not calling anybody a liar, just saying my preference is to check their work first.

Here's what I found (for pics):

Maybe they're the same person... they just look quite different to me.

FYI, here is the site I found for Julie-Ann Mullen:

She may not be the same Julia Mullan discussed on the forum, but saw a similar thread, was curious and then did a bit of research and came up with this one (above) which used to say tarot as another service. It was a while ago I came across all that stuff, and at the time I think I was able to find another pic that looked like the same Julia Mullan. I just wasn't 100% certain so didn't want to post on it in the event it was wrong.

Hope that's helpful and I would also like to see the pics that others found.

Good work. The info I found on Mattie is the same as Persephone. She shared a screenshot.

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #628 on: May 22, 2019, 07:04:00 PM »
I only found this -
Lists her as being from Bradford-on-Avon which is in UK as opposed to the other link from Ireland.

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #629 on: May 22, 2019, 07:05:48 PM »

I’m done wasting my time with this subject LOL! It doesn’t benefit me one bit anyway.

Cheerios Mattie!!!