Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 537676 times)

Offline persephone

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #375 on: April 18, 2019, 02:25:32 PM »
That’s ridiculous! For that amount of money she should tell you when the end of the world is coming and what not!
I’ve heard similar stories from other people that she is not as good as she claims she is.
I will NEVER pay someone $900 per hour for a reading. There are plenty of better psychics than her at a way more reasonable price.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #376 on: April 18, 2019, 02:53:08 PM »
That’s ridiculous! For that amount of money she should tell you when the end of the world is coming and what not!
I’ve heard similar stories from other people that she is not as good as she claims she is.
I will NEVER pay someone $900 per hour for a reading. There are plenty of better psychics than her at a way more reasonable price.

Yep i was ready for her to spew some predictions left and right for that price  - even if they weren’t that specific. But again, I verified she was vague and now know why she is $15/hr ...she keeps people on the phone with all the rambling...i mean she couldn’t make out who was who or what was what smh.

She saw my love life being overall positive - but like how? What’s going to happen with the positiveness - again if my love life gets better could i really count that as a hit? I mean it was lacking.

My expectations are reasonable though - I’m not expecting her to say “this new guy will come on May 4, you will go to a party at 9pm in a pink car” - what i would’ve expected is for her to differentiate the men in some way so i know who was who and what was what

She said something about Indiana Jones and Las Vegas ...I’ll update if something is linked to those things - she said Las Vegas and a gamble or gamble with something but again nothing specifically to link to what that gamble is - guess I’ll know when it happens but - again could i really say it’s a hit- it’s so open ended that i could link anything to that

Ok sorry guys ranting isn’t my style but it started my morning off wrong

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #377 on: April 18, 2019, 05:00:44 PM »
Sorry to hear Sparkle, I totally can relate to how a reading can really mess up your day bc I think for me mostly, you're mad at yourself for paying that much to be left with confusion and not that much...

I hope you recorded the call bc I found in my reading she would ramble something off so I wasn't really focusing on that, and then it ended up coming true after I relistened.  I hope that's the case for you too so you can get something out of it!   Its like a broken record but its so true we all connect with people differently....I think I recall seeing you say how well you connect with Tajah...I've tried her like 3-4 times and she's never been right for me, details, present, and esp on timing...but Mattie got a prediction for me, and she gave me specific, very specific details of my life and POIs.

Main reason I'm posting though is if you really did have a horrible experience and used up all the time still, still try and get some money back from CP.  It's happened to me before, I kept giving the reader the benefit of the doubt and they were rambling too so I was very patient and hoping to finally see a connection but then all the time was used up and I was so upset for the money going down the drain.... I find the customer service rep usually understands, especially if you haven't gotten a refund that month or in a long time.  If you don't think you guys connected and it was a struggle, definitely call back and express that and see if you can get reimbursed.

Offline Penelope

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #378 on: April 18, 2019, 05:59:49 PM »
All I tried her again to give her a fair try. I spent 20 minutes with her and let her take off....with no questions....

I am a bit disappointed because

1) I spent that much money
2) She rambled through the whole thing and really didnt give me predictions

All I got was
1) Positive stuff is coming up for you and
2) There are 3 guys coming up around you and someone is going to come forward

She spent the entire time rambling in circles and finally when I asked specifically about what she saw with my POI, she could pick up his pattern but couldn’t say whether he was the one to come forward or someone else....she just seemed confused she said it could be him or someone what the hell

I’m just irritated I didnt get any true predictions again she was vague with me. But this time, she only talked about those 2 things, along with a trip sometime in October....but yeah that was it.

No specifics I could verify as a prediction.


Does CP issue refunds? Maybe try contacting them and see if they'd refund you at least partially. I'm sorry about your disappointing experience, it is really disheartening.

Thanks happyk!

Unfortunately they dont. Ive been a user of CP for years and when I tried in the past they will advise you to “hang up” before you are charged all of those minutes- my thing is how would you know it was BS until the end especially if you are dealing with a rambler.

If you are a new user, they will be more giving - you could get a full or partial refund, but after that you’re stuck....

I normally dont rant about readers but paying $300 for someone to go in circles and couldn’t even tell me which guy was which was disheartening....I’d rather have spent that money on Cookie...oh well

In the end, I’m not saying that Mattie would be wrong or right - she could be - but the thing is - right about “what?” Lol I dont even know what the true prediction is!

Maybe try again to call their customer service?  I was able to get a partial refund after a 10 mins reading with someone who didn’t connect with me (not Mattie).  The customer service rep kept saying how the reader was a favorite but I said I hung on for 10 minutes to give them a chance and it didn’t work out.  So they gave me partial credit as a refund.

Offline hope36

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #379 on: April 18, 2019, 06:22:27 PM »
Sorry to hear Sparkle, I totally can relate to how a reading can really mess up your day bc I think for me mostly, you're mad at yourself for paying that much to be left with confusion and not that much...

I hope you recorded the call bc I found in my reading she would ramble something off so I wasn't really focusing on that, and then it ended up coming true after I relistened.  I hope that's the case for you too so you can get something out of it!   Its like a broken record but its so true we all connect with people differently....I think I recall seeing you say how well you connect with Tajah...I've tried her like 3-4 times and she's never been right for me, details, present, and esp on timing...but Mattie got a prediction for me, and she gave me specific, very specific details of my life and POIs.

Main reason I'm posting though is if you really did have a horrible experience and used up all the time still, still try and get some money back from CP.  It's happened to me before, I kept giving the reader the benefit of the doubt and they were rambling too so I was very patient and hoping to finally see a connection but then all the time was used up and I was so upset for the money going down the drain.... I find the customer service rep usually understands, especially if you haven't gotten a refund that month or in a long time.  If you don't think you guys connected and it was a struggle, definitely call back and express that and see if you can get reimbursed.

I second all of this~~~!! Do call CS, no harm trying, maybe you'll get a refund for like 50% of the call? You could certainly ask!!
No connection for me as well with Tajah.. but Mattie - although she was slow, she did give me solid info and validations so I know she connected! (idk about predictions yet, but her reading was in line with Yona, its still few months out, but I will update)

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #380 on: April 18, 2019, 06:23:46 PM »
Sorry to hear Sparkle, I totally can relate to how a reading can really mess up your day bc I think for me mostly, you're mad at yourself for paying that much to be left with confusion and not that much...

I hope you recorded the call bc I found in my reading she would ramble something off so I wasn't really focusing on that, and then it ended up coming true after I relistened.  I hope that's the case for you too so you can get something out of it!   Its like a broken record but its so true we all connect with people differently....I think I recall seeing you say how well you connect with Tajah...I've tried her like 3-4 times and she's never been right for me, details, present, and esp on timing...but Mattie got a prediction for me, and she gave me specific, very specific details of my life and POIs.

Main reason I'm posting though is if you really did have a horrible experience and used up all the time still, still try and get some money back from CP.  It's happened to me before, I kept giving the reader the benefit of the doubt and they were rambling too so I was very patient and hoping to finally see a connection but then all the time was used up and I was so upset for the money going down the drain.... I find the customer service rep usually understands, especially if you haven't gotten a refund that month or in a long time.  If you don't think you guys connected and it was a struggle, definitely call back and express that and see if you can get reimbursed.

Thanks for your sympathy SnowWhite!

Yes I do record my calls...Ive been recording calls since I started using readers because I dont trust my notes lol.

Ill try to call CP to see what they can do for me.

As for Tajah, she isn’t in my top 3, but she’s prob been the most accurate overall for timing (and i dont rely on timing or call about timing at all, but when i go back to her recording the timeframe of whatever she said typically happened within the week) — but yes she has def been off for me too lol

Yes Ive listened to my Mattie reading a couple of times already and basically I just thought I’d get “more” - like more description of something so I knew who was who and what was what. It was all to general. Not denying that anything she said may or may not happen its just whenever it (whatever it is happens) how would I know  “really” if it was a hit for her ....

Here is what she basically said:

1. Positive things coming in romantically (rambled on this topic for about 8 minutes) - like saying “I just see positive stuff coming” , things taking off, starting blocks, etc....
2. Two guys that are different (but didn’t describe anything about them to differientiate) - other than one guy around me at the moment lol
3. May/June - life seems to look a lot brighter, talks about my own intuition - she felt excited about my future
4. Las Vegas, gamble or gamble I’m taking? She circles around this ...
5. Someone I am going to let go of and doing it with kindness....there are 3 Guys and one will be let go...maybe someone you dont have much interest in
6. I get you walking with a you like to walk? I’m enjoying talking while I’m walking with a guy (like really lol) - Ill be going somewhere remote and enjoying solitude - trip and building a relationship. We are both putting in effort towards a relationship. Beginning of something that is slowly building up
7. I asked which of the 2 guys she saw or if it is a new guy - she said one will want the real deal and I will welcome him home. He could be away or at a distance. There could be someone that booldozes this guy over - we may think its one guy but it may be the other, there could be another one that has distance but comes in an unusual way

This was literally the first 10 mins - again, I’m sure Ill know when stuff happens but this stuff is so dern general  - like didnt describe which of the guys or what ....and walking? Like I dunno omg.

Next 10 mins...

8. I asked specifically about POI - she describes him lightly - but accurately but said he would come forward, but then there is another guy and then got confused on which one would be coming forward based on her general predictions above....
9. Someone comes in in an unusual in real life, natural way
10. Hoping for news on a job - linked to this person
11. I’m having a renaissance in my life
12. POI will be more obvious and apparent ...but there is another person
13. One guy on left one on right and one behind my back and I cut one off
14. Thinks when I meet someone else, it will jumpstart POI
15. There is a guy who is going to do flowers and dinners....
16. Confirmed POIs feelings etc
17 . Indiana Jones - someone is going to be masucline where actions speak louder than words...she wonders if POI but then there is this other guy
18. This guy coming forward will be putting effort and wants to settle down and will want marriage

Basically she keeps going back and forth between POI and another guy ...its confusing
I have no idea who this other guy is, I’m sure he could come out of nowhere but who is doing what?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 09:35:12 PM by Sparkle002 »


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Re: Mattie
« Reply #381 on: April 18, 2019, 06:30:20 PM »
Be careful about sharing details of your reading, Mattie reads this forum.

Offline happyk

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #382 on: April 18, 2019, 06:44:37 PM »
Does Mattie really read it? If she does, here's a message for her.

Hey Mattie! LOWER YOUR CHARGE!!! we love you but do you think you're worth $900/hr??

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #383 on: April 18, 2019, 06:59:42 PM »
I don’t think they get 900/hour. A big fat portion of that goes straight to CP. I’d be pretty suprised if psychcis got more than 50-60$/h. I find it pretty unethical, but what can you do..
To add to the conversation above, isn’t Mattie a medium? I’ve never read with her, so I’m not trying to defend her in any way.. but I do find mediums a bit confusing at times.
For my experience, they tell you what they see, and then I have to help them put the pieces together. It’s like a puzzle almost.
But yeah, what you wrote above is pretty confusing. Even if you knew the three guys, how can you tell who’s who? It doesn’t help you navigate any of these relationships

Nope she is a Clairvoyant - Mediums communicate with dead folks (i don’t call Mediums)
Although she has picked up someone in my fam that passed away

Clairvoyants are the ones that can be confusing like Cookie and Kisha (Venus and Tajah are like this too) they don’t use tools.
Mattie although has used tarot on me in my first reading tho..

However readings from them included specifics and was much more clearer than Mattie for me.
Or was able to pack a lot of stuff in that timeframe.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #384 on: April 18, 2019, 07:01:06 PM »
Be careful about sharing details of your reading, Mattie reads this forum.

Lol thanks but I don’t care
I won’t be calling again so there isnt anything she can do for me!

Offline happyk

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #385 on: April 18, 2019, 07:03:08 PM »
I don’t think they get 900/hour. A big fat portion of that goes straight to CP. I’d be pretty suprised if psychcis got more than 50-60$/h. I find it pretty unethical, but what can you do..
To add to the conversation above, isn’t Mattie a medium? I’ve never read with her, so I’m not trying to defend her in any way.. but I do find mediums a bit confusing at times.
From my experience, they tell you what they see, and then I have to help them put the pieces together. It’s like a puzzle almost.
But yeah, your reading is pretty confusing. Even if you knew the three guys, how can you tell who’s who? It doesn’t help you navigate any of these relationships

Hey D, if she's charging $15/min she's charging us $900/hr. Period. I don't think CP takes 95% of her cut. There's really no justification to such outrageous cost.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #386 on: April 18, 2019, 07:03:26 PM »
Does Mattie really read it? If she does, here's a message for her.

Hey Mattie! LOWER YOUR CHARGE!!! we love you but do you think you're worth $900/hr??

Haha haha!!😂

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #387 on: April 18, 2019, 07:16:22 PM »
I don’t think they get 900/hour. A big fat portion of that goes straight to CP. I’d be pretty suprised if psychcis got more than 50-60$/h. I find it pretty unethical, but what can you do..
To add to the conversation above, isn’t Mattie a medium? I’ve never read with her, so I’m not trying to defend her in any way.. but I do find mediums a bit confusing at times.
From my experience, they tell you what they see, and then I have to help them put the pieces together. It’s like a puzzle almost.
But yeah, your reading is pretty confusing. Even if you knew the three guys, how can you tell who’s who? It doesn’t help you navigate any of these relationships

Hey D, if she's charging $15/min she's charging us $900/hr. Period. I don't think CP takes 95% of her cut. There's really no justification to such outrageous cost.

I would like to piggy back here - CP does actually take a huge cut from their readers- not sure if it’s 95% but it is more than 50%. And yes it is 900/hr but no one (I hope)is reading with her for that long lol

Offline persephone

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #388 on: April 18, 2019, 07:33:14 PM »
I don’t think they get 900/hour. A big fat portion of that goes straight to CP. I’d be pretty suprised if psychcis got more than 50-60$/h. I find it pretty unethical, but what can you do..
To add to the conversation above, isn’t Mattie a medium? I’ve never read with her, so I’m not trying to defend her in any way.. but I do find mediums a bit confusing at times.
From my experience, they tell you what they see, and then I have to help them put the pieces together. It’s like a puzzle almost.
But yeah, your reading is pretty confusing. Even if you knew the three guys, how can you tell who’s who? It doesn’t help you navigate any of these relationships

Hey D, if she's charging $15/min she's charging us $900/hr. Period. I don't think CP takes 95% of her cut. There's really no justification to such outrageous cost.

I would like to piggy back here - CP does actually take a huge cut from their readers- not sure if it’s 95% but it is more than 50%. And yes it is 900/hr but no one (I hope)is reading with her for that long lol

Most likely CP charges 40-50% from that $15/ minute. Bitwine charges 40% and Keen about the same.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #389 on: April 18, 2019, 07:35:42 PM »
Who decides the price though? Is it the psychics? Can’t be the psychics. It might be CP.
If it was the psychics who decided what they wanna charge, they would all ask for 15$/min. Does anyone wanna weight in here?

Also, I’m not saying they get 50-60$ per hour. I obviously don’t know. But (in my humble opinion), it can’t be more than that.

Yes they are employees of CP - CP gradually increases a readers rate over time based on how long they can keep someone on the phone and other things
Keen - readers are like independent contractors

Either way to use either platform they have to make their money off the readers

