I actually agree with this and I have been getting readings with some regularity on and off for 10 years.
I'm sure Mattie is good based on what people have said - but I think it takes years to see how the readers do in order to prove them out on legitimate outcome and future predictions.
Josh, how long have you been reading with Mattie? Come back 5 years later and let's compare notes.
After few years and Mattie is still the top then we will say she's great but not after few months.
Hey Jill , did Yona tell you that the game is over as well ? Go with Yona regardless, you want a reader with long track record, i’m Not say that Yona is perfect but so far in the last 15 years and more she’s the only reader who is consistently accurate and her record has stood the test of time. Most of the readers who are ok are just mediocre and hit and miss.
After reading embibems's story I tempted to give another chance to Mattie, although she is so pricy. My first call with her was a couple of months ago with a timeframe of March/May for contact. This time I talked over 20min with her and asked exactly the same questions as before, about POI and a couple of other things. Sorry to say that, I did not find even one word common between these 2 readings. She totally changed her predictions in all subjects. Interestingly, her prediction about POI was totally align with Yona (read a few weeks ago), but different from hers in first reading. This time, even she did not give me any timeframe for contact. Apparently, game is over with my POI
Im going to have to disagree here. Yona's good but she can easily misinterpret cards. Ive seen a lot of people say her predictions havent even happened. They have for me which is great! But I think to speak as though "when in doubt go with yona's predictions" is like saying "when in doubt, place your bets on black". She's good, but she's been more hit-and-miss than many out there from what i've read and experienced. For ME, at least, I'd place Mattie as well as a slew of other psychics on here far above her. Just wanted to put my two cents here.
Jili the best thing I can say is live your life! You never know what's going to happen:) also I one time had a prediction-flip from a reader and relistened to BOTH recordings again after, only to realize that I interpreted what they were saying to mean something it hadn't (like I assumed that them liking me during the interview meant me getting the job, which in fact, was never even stated as a prediction). So that's just my suggestion. Try relistening to both! You may find they correlate more than you think. Maybe not, but it's worth a try! <3
It doesn't always take years. The fact that Mattie's gotten some serious hits, as in BIG outcomes over the past year or two should be proof enough. And it's not just "3" or "4" people. It's a shit ton. Did you guys even see that last thread? Just saying, not everything has to take "years" to happen. Yona's been a hit or miss for most. When she hits, she hits. But a lot of what she says can be taken as really anything, since it's very vague, and I'm sure a lot of her predictions that have "passed" have been people trying to make them fit. I've read a lot of where she got absolutely nothing right for people. And that's been more than a few. I'm a Yona fan, but I know for a fact the amount of praise she gets is very overrated. From what I've seen with Mattie, she has incredibly specific things that come to pass, and she works for most, and from what I've read, she gets things right the majority of the time.
It doesn't necessarily take years to see their strengths. And Mattie's shown to be not only "good" but absolutely incredible. She's definitely top-tier from not only my experience, but others' as well. Yona's good, but there are so many that are incredibly more talented than she is, and hit the ball far more often than she does. Just saying. But I don't really want to talk about this anymore. But regardless, I feel we should keep this subject about Mattie. I think bringing Yona up and saying, "She's better. Trust her more because she's worked well FOR ME" is kind of silly isn't it? Anyway Let's get back on topic, yes?