Another thing I noticed was that Mattie kept whispering "Friday" when she was speaking with spirit. She didn't say "Friday" to me, but I heard her whisper "yes, yes, Friday, Friday, today's Friday, yes, Friday". Now I'm wondering if there is any significance to Friday with the "4" she got. Hmmm...I'm overthinking this...LOL
I find that when she does this sort of thing it's because her guides have given her something that she's trying to interpret, though usually it seems to happen with symbols shown rather than words spoken. Once she told me something like, "spirit are showing me a die landed on the 6, I wonder if this is some kind of timing, I think 6 weeks or months" - ended up happening in June. Once she said something like, I'm seeing chicks, and then a few minutes later she said the word egg, and all of a sudden she says - chicks, eggs, this must mean spring (she was right, happened in spring). So I think sometimes her guides give her clear words or phrases or even sentences, speak to her, but also sometimes just give her pictures or fragments of things that she has to interpret.
I had a similar moment in one of my readings; Mattie kept hearing the word Easter then she went onto mention eggs. She also blurted out "hand holding", "ranch dressing", "ranch restaurant" and started to put together an overall picture before making a major prediction for me.
Funny! She also mentioned eggs and Easter time for me earlier this year or perhaps at the end of 2018. At the time it didn't make sense. How could it take that long, Mattie?? Now it does

She also mentioned something around the time of an April birthday. This was without her knowing my birthday is at the end of next month.. we'll see

Best of luck everyone, I'll keep you posted if anything else changes.
So far, some recent hits for her have been predicting my new men (casual!!!), my trips, my ex/POI's movements for work and travel, the fact his fling is over, and "a click of a mouse" (he watches all of my crap religiously). There's gotta be some other stuff. Anyways.. cheers!