Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 548589 times)

Offline starempress

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1725 on: September 24, 2021, 12:25:00 AM »
Now seeing how Mattie has certain “isms” I just wanted to know if Mattie has given these lines to anyone else as well that I got recently....

She saw something or heard 007 related to James Bond which she said tells her someone is doing some spying and she thought it was him but she also asked if that was me, I said I’m keeping tabs on my poi social media but he is doing the same with mine as well (watching and liking stuff)

She heard the term friends with ebenefits, Poi and I were exclusive and quite serious and she said despite this term she doesn’t see anyone around him, and I know he is not in a fwb situation and takes quarantine very seriously—- so she said this might be his state of mind at the moment.

She picked up on the break up and told me “you know he’s actually upset you haven’t contacted him” (I didn’t tel her that I had not reached out to him at all). Karen jo also did tell me he’s treating this as if the ball is in my court even though he ended it.

She said she sees us working through things quite soon but I can’t be anxious or wanting to label it right away Bc that will take patience with him, which was our issue in the past.

She sees “invitation” when she pulled cards but then the call ended and I didn’t want to add more $.

I love Mattie and Yona

I have read with Mattie 4 times in the last 2 months, each call approx 1 hour, and no, she never used those sentences or any other sentences/predictions that I have read on this thread.  Everything has been very specific to me, for example, knowing we are looking to buy real estate "on the other side of the mountain" or my partner "having a bad therapist in the past but finally finding the right one in the coming months", by God she even knows what drinks he prefers and that my best friend plays guitar. When I called I could have been calling about anything, but she knew it was love related and what had just happened that night.  She saw the surroundings of where my partner works (exact surroundings) knew how many children I have, how many he has, when our daughter's b'days are (she said early in the year and mid year  --- they are 6 Feb and 3 June), she picked out my son's and my mother's exact names and honestly, so much more.

Yes she is expensive but i have wasted "little amounts" with bad readers on a regular basis so ultimately, using only her balances the cost out.  I have to admit the first calls were not far apart as I had more questions, but now I can wait months before I read with her again, unless something happens and I am on call again hahaha.  No honestly I found her to be very good.  The only readers I can now vouch for are Mattie, Yona and Matilda.  Even my personal reader Karen has been mostly misses lately. 

« Last Edit: January 13, 2025, 12:25:39 PM by starempress »

Offline Smiley1

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1726 on: September 24, 2021, 12:40:15 AM »
Mattie has never done it for me.

Or Matilda on CP.

Matilda private is one of the best out there.  She’s never been wrong for me

Offline PJpilar

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1727 on: September 28, 2021, 05:53:22 PM »
Mattie has never done it for me.

Or Matilda on CP.

Matilda private is one of the best out there.  She’s never been wrong for me

Yes i was speaking of Matilda on her private site

This matilda?

Offline Smiley1

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1728 on: September 28, 2021, 11:26:25 PM »
That’s the one I call

Offline SarahM

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1729 on: December 01, 2021, 05:31:43 AM »
Read with Mattie last night and it was horrible :( Thing is, she's a good remote viewer so she picks up on random details but didn't get the bigger picture right or even current events right... I won't be reading with her again, I'm disappointed to say the least.

Offline allycat

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1730 on: December 02, 2021, 01:55:23 AM »
Hahaha yeah, she is uncannily accurate with some things, but she's so off the wall with other stuff, I can't help but think 'yerrr right'  :-\

She did have a recent hit with me, she said an ex will be reaching out soon. Low and behold an old FWB booty called me randomly (about 7 months after we called it quits on that aspect of our relationship) ;D Everything else she said though, is so absurd I really don't think it will play out at all.

Offline Esse

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1731 on: December 02, 2021, 01:44:03 PM »
Probably spent a thousand dollars reading with Mattie 2.5 years ago, none of which came true but gave me a lot of very false hope at the time.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1732 on: December 03, 2021, 02:11:25 PM »
I read with Matty 4 years ago NONE of it came true.  She took notes and then tried to be "magical" by bringing up names we spoke about last time (as if I wouldn't remember) only problem was that she confused my POI's name with my uncle's name.  She's not an honest reader.

Offline Flapnuggets

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1733 on: December 30, 2021, 08:49:16 PM »
I did get another Mattie hit:

Could be second half next year, going to be invitation to take part of collaboration back and forth.  Very much my decision.  A Mary or Maria nice lady.  She is very skilled, in a way there is a feeling with me for creating a different lifestyle, with more focus in creative.  I will keep with technical, and then a move to. 

Maria is the accountant on the project I just signed onto, and will be helping me with my books for my consulting company.

Offline whimerj

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1734 on: June 29, 2023, 05:05:35 PM »
Things from like 5, 6 years ago with her are just now starting to happen.

I think a lot of times when someone says someone is wrong they stick the meaning to the wrong person or they just don't give it enough time

Offline Stone88

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1735 on: September 03, 2023, 04:04:19 PM »
I've waited months to get a reading with Mattie but she's always full.

Does she have a website? Perhaps I can try reading with her thorugh that.

Offline whimerj

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1736 on: September 03, 2023, 05:12:26 PM »
I've waited months to get a reading with Mattie but she's always full.

Does she have a website? Perhaps I can try reading with her thorugh that.

Just CP.. look at when she has her appointments and wake up a little before then

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1737 on: October 21, 2023, 03:22:49 AM »
Hello, just wanted to ask if anyone has read with Mattie recently? I read with her almost a month ago and she got someone's age (connection to me) and I was wondering if that is a marker? She didn't say it was but she did just bring it up.

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1738 on: October 21, 2023, 06:21:19 PM »
I’m new so take this for what it’s worth, regardless I have spent an exorbitant amount of money. I’ve spoken to her twice within the last month. I feel with her readings to close together is not good at all. She’s very good with names etc, she may take notes, and I’m ok with that. She doesn’t say spirit saw this or that she just either has a great memory or takes notes, regardless she’s gifted, no doubt. My predictions are a ways out and she admits she is horrible with timing. Things I do know that if she says she sees it happening, it’s probably going to happen. Timing…… we’ll that’s a different story as she says. She does not give me markers or any such thing just to wait it out. I plan on reading with her one last time before end of the year just as a check in etc. I like her I put a lot of trust in her but truth be told I have no idea what’s going to happen. I do NOT feel she does well with general readings she’s much better with questions that we ask.I pray she’s right yet am preparing for the worse. If you’d like I have a huge list of whom I called and whose full of bs and who truly has a gift.

Offline allbabydoll

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1739 on: August 14, 2024, 07:09:03 PM »
I have been trying to wait and get into her queue, however every time she get online her queue is full and has not decreased. Any tips on how I can get on queue whenever she is online?

