Author Topic: Mattie  (Read 544811 times)

Offline Sag78

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1500 on: November 23, 2019, 12:32:30 PM »
I agree. I called Mattie the first time as I needed answers to long-standing career issues. Immediately after I called her, I received some information that I had been waiting on for several months.  I still don't think the timing of the information I received was coincidental. 

But, I did call back last week and did not get any more clarification. The reading was very general. For $15 an hour, it's way too steep to get general info.

I have found a new reader, Megan, from Meet Your Psychics, who is really good. She is one of only three people I call now.

Regarding a career issue, I called her last week and asked about a meeting that was yesterday. For 10 min she described me with all details (and names) that how meeting will go. Meeting was held yesterday. To be honest, exactly 100% opposite of her predictions happened. Her reading was so positive (as always) and the meeting went sooo bad. I just wasted $150 :(

I had the same experience with her!! I asked her about particular event , which was happening few days later. She described me in details how it will go. And opposite what she described happened. She couldn’t see very near future at all !

Offline midwest60

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1501 on: November 23, 2019, 02:25:09 PM »
I am so sorry to hear that happened. It's one thing to have hope that the situation will go in your favor, and then you get that sickening feeling when the opposite occurs. I wish you the very best and hope for smoother roads ahead for you.

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1502 on: November 23, 2019, 04:16:18 PM »
Hi all,

As many of you know, I've had quite the saga with my POI who is now no longer part of my life as of Tuesday. Mattie really missed this one and did not pick up the third party whatsoever.

In August when he cancelled our trip, she told me not to worry about other women because "he wouldn't have invited you if he wasn't serious about you." Within two years of me knowing him (so, next month) he would want to commit to me in a serious manner.

My now ex had tricked me and his now FIANCÉE for the past two years!!!!!! Mattie NEVER picked up on this woman, but my ex was LIVING WITH HER which explains why he cancelled our trip (his actual girlfriend was back in town from a work trip). I feel so extremely betrayed--not by psychics but by my own intuition. For months, I didn't believe that there was anyone else serious in his life. Psychics even confirmed this. Time and time again Mattie did not pick up on any third parties of any significance. A dalliance sure, but never a committed relationship in secret.

Well, this past Tuesday I found out about her and she found out about me. My POI deleted me on Facebook and everything. This is two weeks after hearing from him and him being really sweet to me. I feel like I've known a stranger for the past two years. I am so glad this psychopath is out of my life. He had been with this woman for 3.5 years!!!!! Now his FB status says he's "Engaged" and he finally put up a picture of them (he had kept the relationship a complete secret for 3.5 years). He did such a good job of creating two separate lives that not one single psychic or medium was able to pick her up. This is truly sickening. I feel like I've known a stranger, and indeed I have. I never knew this man, and after finding out who he really is... I don't ever want to. A true piece of human garbage who lied to two innocent, beautiful women for his ego. I just wish I wasn't fed fairytales by these readers.

Only readers to get it right were actually Yona and Uli (I read with Yona for the first time the DAY this happened, coincidentally). She got my ex's now fiancée as the Queen of Cups but told me it wasn't something to cut ties with him over and that the QoC is not a true love interest. So, according to her I will continue to have interactions with my POI (blue-eyes as she called him) but that I will ultimately not choose him when he comes back by early summer. The communication sounds far-fetched as I have his messages set to go to my Spam box. It's interesting--she said I'm not cutting ties but I'm cracking on with my life. That's exactly how I feel. I cried a couple tears over this but am working on putting him behind me. Nothing like finding out you're the back-door woman when you thought you were the front! An absolute psycho. Uli picked up on the woman around him and said that I'd have uplifting news around Christmas and he'd get in touch with me (again I won't know because I have his messages set to be ignored). She also said that he's back on his way to me and coming to my country but not until March 2020. Again, this seems far fetched entirely considering he got ENGAGED overnight (interestingly with no ring, just a FB status) but who knows. I won't take him back now anyways. That's my Mattie (and kinda Yona/Uli update). Mattie got nothing of significance right for me and her major predictions were quite literally the opposite. 
« Last Edit: November 23, 2019, 04:26:05 PM by embibems »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1503 on: November 23, 2019, 05:28:00 PM »
Hi all,

As many of you know, I've had quite the saga with my POI who is now no longer part of my life as of Tuesday. Mattie really missed this one and did not pick up the third party whatsoever.

In August when he cancelled our trip, she told me not to worry about other women because "he wouldn't have invited you if he wasn't serious about you." Within two years of me knowing him (so, next month) he would want to commit to me in a serious manner.

My now ex had tricked me and his now FIANCÉE for the past two years!!!!!! Mattie NEVER picked up on this woman, but my ex was LIVING WITH HER which explains why he cancelled our trip (his actual girlfriend was back in town from a work trip). I feel so extremely betrayed--not by psychics but by my own intuition. For months, I didn't believe that there was anyone else serious in his life. Psychics even confirmed this. Time and time again Mattie did not pick up on any third parties of any significance. A dalliance sure, but never a committed relationship in secret.

Well, this past Tuesday I found out about her and she found out about me. My POI deleted me on Facebook and everything. This is two weeks after hearing from him and him being really sweet to me. I feel like I've known a stranger for the past two years. I am so glad this psychopath is out of my life. He had been with this woman for 3.5 years!!!!! Now his FB status says he's "Engaged" and he finally put up a picture of them (he had kept the relationship a complete secret for 3.5 years). He did such a good job of creating two separate lives that not one single psychic or medium was able to pick her up. This is truly sickening. I feel like I've known a stranger, and indeed I have. I never knew this man, and after finding out who he really is... I don't ever want to. A true piece of human garbage who lied to two innocent, beautiful women for his ego. I just wish I wasn't fed fairytales by these readers.

Only readers to get it right were actually Yona and Uli (I read with Yona for the first time the DAY this happened, coincidentally). She got my ex's now fiancée as the Queen of Cups but told me it wasn't something to cut ties with him over and that the QoC is not a true love interest. So, according to her I will continue to have interactions with my POI (blue-eyes as she called him) but that I will ultimately not choose him when he comes back by early summer. The communication sounds far-fetched as I have his messages set to go to my Spam box. It's interesting--she said I'm not cutting ties but I'm cracking on with my life. That's exactly how I feel. I cried a couple tears over this but am working on putting him behind me. Nothing like finding out you're the back-door woman when you thought you were the front! An absolute psycho. Uli picked up on the woman around him and said that I'd have uplifting news around Christmas and he'd get in touch with me (again I won't know because I have his messages set to be ignored). She also said that he's back on his way to me and coming to my country but not until March 2020. Again, this seems far fetched entirely considering he got ENGAGED overnight (interestingly with no ring, just a FB status) but who knows. I won't take him back now anyways. That's my Mattie (and kinda Yona/Uli update). Mattie got nothing of significance right for me and her major predictions were quite literally the opposite.

I'm glad at least Yona was right. Sorry for the situation though. I'm not surprised about Mattie. Nothing major ever happened for me either.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1504 on: November 23, 2019, 08:18:13 PM »
I'm so thankful I only wasted money on her once....

I'm sorry em this really sucks for you. Did Yona predict any new guys?

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1505 on: November 23, 2019, 09:01:56 PM »
I feel comfort in the fact knowing that Mattie hasn't worked for many of you either but that Yona has been spot on for you! Yona DID predict a new flame coming in early summer (though she said she's rubbish with timing). She picked up on another guy I'm talking to atm (who is actually my ex's and his fiancée's best friend, weird I know but it's kinda karmic lol). I'm excited for 2020 guys! No longer will this nagging albatross hang over me anymore!

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1506 on: November 23, 2019, 10:31:59 PM »
Ugh Em I'm so sorry to hear that you were deceived so much.  Truly, so sorry, but happy you have so much clarity now and can move forward for the better without being fooled.  What a jerk.  In my interpretation, and not to offend others but I wouldn't say Yona was right either by saying his fiancé is not a true love interest.  Unless we have different definitions on what a true love interest is, I guess I interpret that as someone you're romantic and serious with.   Interesting Uli picked her up, did she pick her up before you knew about her or after?  Because then I think sometimes only when the other woman is in your awareness are they able to pick them up sometimes. Like everything happens for a reason because we're suppose to learn lessons, like boundaries, and listening to our intuition, and red flags, and all that. Sending you so much love! This is a catalyst for so much better!

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1507 on: November 23, 2019, 11:07:43 PM »
Ugh Em I'm so sorry to hear that you were deceived so much.  Truly, so sorry, but happy you have so much clarity now and can move forward for the better without being fooled.  What a jerk.  In my interpretation, and not to offend others but I wouldn't say Yona was right either by saying his fiancé is not a true love interest.  Unless we have different definitions on what a true love interest is, I guess I interpret that as someone you're romantic and serious with.   Interesting Uli picked her up, did she pick her up before you knew about her or after?  Because then I think sometimes only when the other woman is in your awareness are they able to pick them up sometimes. Like everything happens for a reason because we're suppose to learn lessons, like boundaries, and listening to our intuition, and red flags, and all that. Sending you so much love! This is a catalyst for so much better!

I have to disagree. How big of a love interest could she be if he is two timing her with Em?  I mean I wouldn't go back to him or anything, but he can't be too dedicated to either of them if you ask me.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1508 on: November 24, 2019, 12:21:00 AM »
Em I would be really interested in a list of people who got current outcome right and wrong. I read through all your posts and Indio stood out as one way back saying he was unfaithful. I find that really intriguing.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1509 on: November 24, 2019, 12:48:39 AM »
So, his girlfriend decided, after finding out about him playing the both of you, that the best course of action is to marry him? Am I understanding that right? Oy vie. Good for you for kicking that jerk to the curb. Her self esteem must be in the toilet to be marrying that.

Offline flora0250

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1510 on: November 24, 2019, 01:29:39 AM »
Ooooops sorry posted on the wrong thread!!

Offline Snow-white8

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1511 on: November 24, 2019, 02:52:08 AM »
Ugh Em I'm so sorry to hear that you were deceived so much.  Truly, so sorry, but happy you have so much clarity now and can move forward for the better without being fooled.  What a jerk.  In my interpretation, and not to offend others but I wouldn't say Yona was right either by saying his fiancé is not a true love interest.  Unless we have different definitions on what a true love interest is, I guess I interpret that as someone you're romantic and serious with.   Interesting Uli picked her up, did she pick her up before you knew about her or after?  Because then I think sometimes only when the other woman is in your awareness are they able to pick them up sometimes. Like everything happens for a reason because we're suppose to learn lessons, like boundaries, and listening to our intuition, and red flags, and all that. Sending you so much love! This is a catalyst for so much better!

I have to disagree. How big of a love interest could she be if he is two timing her with Em?  I mean I wouldn't go back to him or anything, but he can't be too dedicated to either of them if you ask me.

Unfortunately one's fidelity can have nothing to do with whether someone wants a future with someone.  I even came across an article on a woman who wrote an anonymous article to tell others that she cheats on her fiancé all the time and intends on doing so throughout her life to fulfill her need for variety but she wants to grow old with her fiancé.  Sadly, people cheat all the time on people they want to marry and have a family with, and end up with long term.  I know of these people and it's really sad that there are people like that for those they are hurting but this world is full of many different people.  Who knows in this situation, but getting engaged looks serious. I'm sorry Emily, but so happy you won't be wasting any more of your precious time on someone like this.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1512 on: November 24, 2019, 03:27:18 AM »
Ugh Em I'm so sorry to hear that you were deceived so much.  Truly, so sorry, but happy you have so much clarity now and can move forward for the better without being fooled.  What a jerk.  In my interpretation, and not to offend others but I wouldn't say Yona was right either by saying his fiancé is not a true love interest.  Unless we have different definitions on what a true love interest is, I guess I interpret that as someone you're romantic and serious with.   Interesting Uli picked her up, did she pick her up before you knew about her or after?  Because then I think sometimes only when the other woman is in your awareness are they able to pick them up sometimes. Like everything happens for a reason because we're suppose to learn lessons, like boundaries, and listening to our intuition, and red flags, and all that. Sending you so much love! This is a catalyst for so much better!

I have to disagree. How big of a love interest could she be if he is two timing her with Em?  I mean I wouldn't go back to him or anything, but he can't be too dedicated to either of them if you ask me.

Unfortunately one's fidelity can have nothing to do with whether someone wants a future with someone.  I even came across an article on a woman who wrote an anonymous article to tell others that she cheats on her fiancé all the time and intends on doing so throughout her life to fulfill her need for variety but she wants to grow old with her fiancé.  Sadly, people cheat all the time on people they want to marry and have a family with, and end up with long term.  I know of these people and it's really sad that there are people like that for those they are hurting but this world is full of many different people.  Who knows in this situation, but getting engaged looks serious. I'm sorry Emily, but so happy you won't be wasting any more of your precious time on someone like this.

That's selfishness, not love. If it was love, she would tell her fiance and not need to be anonymous. Love is about considering the other person's feelings and allowing them the choice to be in that type of relationship. If they agree to it, then great.  But doing it dishonestly because you want variety but still someone to grow old with to me is just selfish. Having your cake and eating it too.

But we can agree to disagree. I'd prefer to be single than have that nonsense.

Offline embibems

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1513 on: November 24, 2019, 04:46:17 AM »
To answer all the questions! Hi!

1) I am so much happier now. He and she are the ones in pain and denial. I am single, I am free, I know the truth, I am innocent and I'm free to live my life where he has trapped himself in a relationship in which he never wanted to commit.

2) She is most certainly NOT a big love interest--she is his cousin who his family has pressured into being with (it's a cultural thing like arranged marriage albeit gross and incestuous in my eyes.) No one is a "big love interest" in an alleged monogamous relationship (he considered himself single and expressed this to me two weeks before going on vacation w her. She considered herself engaged!) if there's room in their heart or crotch for anyone else. Unless you're an Italian asshole LOL. I knew we were not monogamous and I considered myself single. I still do. I didn't care about the flings, I slept around too if it felt right at the moment. But the feelings he expressed to me were verbatim what he said to her and this entire time I didn't grow close to anyone else. Emotionally, I thought we were linked. This takes the cake.

I'll also mention--Yona picked up that he'll "disappoint" me again, in that he'll sleep with somebody else as a form of retaliation because he'll be out of sorts about something (hmmm, feeling trapped in a forced relationship?). Which means, this poor girl is going to continue to get cheated on, but I didn't really need a reader or fortune teller to tell me that! I did appreciate Yona letting me know, though :)

3) Uli did not pick this up off my energy, she got it on her own--at the time I thought this chick was his cousin (I was right) or perhaps the person Uli got was his mother and not his gf. Correct on the cousin part. Wrong about her not being his "girlfriend." They have an age gap that is big enough where she's not too younger than his mother.

4) I only read with Indio once but after she told literally multiple callers the same thing? Nope. Idc if a reader is "accurate" if they're dishonest and unethical. She was a cold reader for me and she wasn't my style. Also, she was incorrect in her drug addiction accusation.

5) Yes, @fidget, "she" did decide that marrying him was the right idea! Well, actually..... Here's how it went. They're stuck on vacation together and his best course of action (because last he and I spoke they were broken up but somehow 12 hours later "engaged" without a ring or proposal) was to link himself to her on social media. That's one of the points I brought up to the poor girl when we were speaking--like hellooooo ya'll have NO pics together ever anywhere and he never had a relationship status up. Day after? Engaged status. By Friday? Changed his default to them too. And he looks MISERABLE LOL. She hasn't liked the picture and her status is not listed. Her vacation photos consist of her dinner plates (purposefully blocking him out) and the edgy snowboard/ski-lift shot. Sounds romantic.. NOT. 

This entire time this dude just wanted to be single but also wanted the security and ego boost of having two hot women "care" about him. When she went out of town, he'd hit me up. When she got home for a few weeks, quiet he'd go. She's a meal ticket and living arrangement. He's got it made! How disgusting. Straight up told the girl she can have his psychotic ass. I've never known a bigger narcissist in my life! Arrivederci, bambino!!!

« Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 05:38:29 AM by embibems »

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Mattie
« Reply #1514 on: November 24, 2019, 05:37:56 AM »
Hi all,

As many of you know, I've had quite the saga with my POI who is now no longer part of my life as of Tuesday. Mattie really missed this one and did not pick up the third party whatsoever.

In August when he cancelled our trip, she told me not to worry about other women because "he wouldn't have invited you if he wasn't serious about you." Within two years of me knowing him (so, next month) he would want to commit to me in a serious manner.

My now ex had tricked me and his now FIANCÉE for the past two years!!!!!! Mattie NEVER picked up on this woman, but my ex was LIVING WITH HER which explains why he cancelled our trip (his actual girlfriend was back in town from a work trip). I feel so extremely betrayed--not by psychics but by my own intuition. For months, I didn't believe that there was anyone else serious in his life. Psychics even confirmed this. Time and time again Mattie did not pick up on any third parties of any significance. A dalliance sure, but never a committed relationship in secret.

Well, this past Tuesday I found out about her and she found out about me. My POI deleted me on Facebook and everything. This is two weeks after hearing from him and him being really sweet to me. I feel like I've known a stranger for the past two years. I am so glad this psychopath is out of my life. He had been with this woman for 3.5 years!!!!! Now his FB status says he's "Engaged" and he finally put up a picture of them (he had kept the relationship a complete secret for 3.5 years). He did such a good job of creating two separate lives that not one single psychic or medium was able to pick her up. This is truly sickening. I feel like I've known a stranger, and indeed I have. I never knew this man, and after finding out who he really is... I don't ever want to. A true piece of human garbage who lied to two innocent, beautiful women for his ego. I just wish I wasn't fed fairytales by these readers.

Only readers to get it right were actually Yona and Uli (I read with Yona for the first time the DAY this happened, coincidentally). She got my ex's now fiancée as the Queen of Cups but told me it wasn't something to cut ties with him over and that the QoC is not a true love interest. So, according to her I will continue to have interactions with my POI (blue-eyes as she called him) but that I will ultimately not choose him when he comes back by early summer. The communication sounds far-fetched as I have his messages set to go to my Spam box. It's interesting--she said I'm not cutting ties but I'm cracking on with my life. That's exactly how I feel. I cried a couple tears over this but am working on putting him behind me. Nothing like finding out you're the back-door woman when you thought you were the front! An absolute psycho. Uli picked up on the woman around him and said that I'd have uplifting news around Christmas and he'd get in touch with me (again I won't know because I have his messages set to be ignored). She also said that he's back on his way to me and coming to my country but not until March 2020. Again, this seems far fetched entirely considering he got ENGAGED overnight (interestingly with no ring, just a FB status) but who knows. I won't take him back now anyways. That's my Mattie (and kinda Yona/Uli update). Mattie got nothing of significance right for me and her major predictions were quite literally the opposite.

I am sorry about what has happened to you. Hope you can move on and get over quickly.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2019, 06:09:58 PM by Jili1945 »