To answer all the questions! Hi!
1) I am so much happier now. He and she are the ones in pain and denial. I am single, I am free, I know the truth, I am innocent and I'm free to live my life where he has trapped himself in a relationship in which he never wanted to commit.
2) She is most certainly NOT a big love interest--she is his cousin who his family has pressured into being with (it's a cultural thing like arranged marriage albeit gross and incestuous in my eyes.) No one is a "big love interest" in an alleged monogamous relationship (he considered himself single and expressed this to me two weeks before going on vacation w her. She considered herself engaged!) if there's room in their heart or crotch for anyone else. Unless you're an Italian asshole LOL. I knew we were not monogamous and I considered myself single. I still do. I didn't care about the flings, I slept around too if it felt right at the moment. But the feelings he expressed to me were verbatim what he said to her and this entire time I didn't grow close to anyone else. Emotionally, I thought we were linked. This takes the cake.
I'll also mention--Yona picked up that he'll "disappoint" me again, in that he'll sleep with somebody else as a form of retaliation because he'll be out of sorts about something (hmmm, feeling trapped in a forced relationship?). Which means, this poor girl is going to continue to get cheated on, but I didn't really need a reader or fortune teller to tell me that! I did appreciate Yona letting me know, though

3) Uli did not pick this up off my energy, she got it on her own--at the time I thought this chick was his cousin (I was right) or perhaps the person Uli got was his mother and not his gf. Correct on the cousin part. Wrong about her not being his "girlfriend." They have an age gap that is big enough where she's not too younger than his mother.
4) I only read with Indio once but after she told literally multiple callers the same thing? Nope. Idc if a reader is "accurate" if they're dishonest and unethical. She was a cold reader for me and she wasn't my style. Also, she was incorrect in her drug addiction accusation.
5) Yes, @fidget, "she" did decide that marrying him was the right idea! Well, actually..... Here's how it went. They're stuck on vacation together and his best course of action (because last he and I spoke they were broken up but somehow 12 hours later "engaged" without a ring or proposal) was to link himself to her on social media. That's one of the points I brought up to the poor girl when we were speaking--like hellooooo ya'll have NO pics together ever anywhere and he never had a relationship status up. Day after? Engaged status. By Friday? Changed his default to them too. And he looks MISERABLE LOL. She hasn't liked the picture and her status is not listed. Her vacation photos consist of her dinner plates (purposefully blocking him out) and the edgy snowboard/ski-lift shot. Sounds romantic.. NOT.
This entire time this dude just wanted to be single but also wanted the security and ego boost of having two hot women "care" about him. When she went out of town, he'd hit me up. When she got home for a few weeks, quiet he'd go. She's a meal ticket and living arrangement. He's got it made! How disgusting. Straight up told the girl she can have his psychotic ass. I've never known a bigger narcissist in my life! Arrivederci, bambino!!!