Your reading is 80% the same as my recent reading with Mattie. I don't say it's scripted, just I hope mine would happen as it happened for you. We are also out of contact for almost 1.5 years.
It could be scripted. You never know. I was (and still am) very suspicious. It appears that Mattie repeatedly gives certain names, numbers, locations, etc. to members on the forum here. Not a good sign.
I was not expecting predictions to come true, however it just did:
Contact happened on a Friday, 3 weeks after my reading, shortly after letting go of POI. New York was relevant for timing for both contact and letting go.
I have another prediction coming up very very soon. Not going to put much faith into that one, because (1) I’ve already moved on and (2) the prediction is too far-fetched (like, she gave me an exact date and what’s going to transpire, which in my opinion is too difficult of a prediction).
I will be reporting back. Best of luck to you!!