Why be so focused on bringing down a reader just because they don’t want to read for you? And as you keep saying again and again even though she’s worked for you with predictions. Maybe just move on?
Anyways getting back to actual reviews. Mattie gave me a marker for a wedding invitation for poi to contact, we’ll I’ve gotten one in the mail yesterday surprisingly. This means if she is right contact will be soon... I will update if it happens and if my account isn’t deleted by admin by then since I requested deletion.
Also wanted to update on my old poi, and her stating that she sees me at a wedding event or some sort of wedding related function with pink flowers around me when he reaches out... at the time I thought not true Bc I have no weddings coming up, well I all of a sudden have 3 coming in the next few months. But once again, in both readings about that poi she wasn’t sounding as sure and made it seem like she didn’t want me to focus on him. Meanwhile both readings with this poi she is very adamant and sure about contact, even though outcome prediction wasn’t made (yes I splurged and read with her this week since I haven’t gotten readings in weeks). So my markers are ; October, wedding invite, friday. My last reading she saw contact in October and this reading she is very sure it is happening soon.
That's fascinating..
I also have a marker in October of this year, should be this week actually.
I also had two or three markers she gave me about weddings (nothing with POI happened around them and the wedding she saw me at I actually ended up not going to because my flight was cancelled).
She gave me a celebratory function with pink flowers (as well as white roses) for when he would reach out. No flowers have transpired but our communication is weekly.
She also gave me the day of the week "Friday" for something happening as well, but nada so far. He usually reaches out on Thursdays, oddly enough.
Looks like we have more in common than we thought, paulina