Really??? She saw me at a wedding as a marker on when a relationship would be over, she said I would hear "at a wedding" and that was 2 years ago. I have not attended a wedding in over 2 years. I really think we have a very shady reader who charges way too much, and has employed shrills to keep this board painting her in the best light. I'm not saying Mattie doesn't have a gift, just this is very suspicious and shady. This "wedding" prediction, the note taking, and her having this board removed multiple times. Why? Why do other readers not feel the need to act this way?
damn this is making me kinda bummed lol, more bummed about the fiasco that happened on Monday because I still held some stock in her pending predictions despite her candid rudeness. I have several predictions that are coming up, and some that go in to 2020.
Did she give any of you "cracking eggs for Easter" as any markers? Now that some of us have had similar predictions from her, I'm wondering about their validity. Thanks very much xo
I never got any egg or Easter related markets from her, but the wedding markers are concerning. However I do have weddings coming up and another invite that should be in the mail soon so I don’t know what to think.
Has she given you guys pregnancy warnings? I got one to be careful this coming spring - summer if I don’t want to get pregnant.
It's just fishy, I can't say exactly what bothers me but the fact that we all got wedding markers..
She gave me several wedding markers, actually, one of which was supposed to be last month (nothing ever transpired, i.e. there was no wedding invite). She saw the wedding I was supposed to go to in July and even got the city of it correct so perhaps that was a true and valid image she saw. However, I didn't end up going to that wedding because I was stuck at the airport with several cancelled flights. Interesting..
And YES she gave me an unplanned pregnancy warning. This was last year. I wasn't sexually active then. I've never conceived and am on birth control (we know that isn't infallible, but still. No scares as she said).