Author Topic: Las Vegas Psychic  (Read 1812 times)

Offline Johanna317

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Las Vegas Psychic
« on: March 05, 2019, 07:06:53 AM »
I wanted to share my experience with a local psychic I found.. She was accurate to the point where I am actually scared to go back to her because I am nervous of what she is going to say (seriously i could probably save myself so much money if i would get some courage and just go to her shoppe and not hide behind the phone or computer screen). She's straight forward - nice but definitely not a sugar coater. Keeps it real.  Great to talk to. She uses tarot and she channels.

Things she was able to describe - color of my POI's car, physical description, saw him galavanting around town with his friends (said he thinks he's hot shit which is pretty, him having an addiction but she couldnt figure out what it was - she asked me and I was very confused because at the time I wasnt aware of it -  I told her that wasnt resonating in me.  A few months later POI and I spoke and he admitted to his addiction. Also, my brother was battling cancer at the time - i didnt mention his health condition to her, just asked for a general reading on him...  While she didnt predict his death, she was able to feel the physical pains he was experiencing (Specifically in his stomach area..) and even saw that he wanted to go back to school (something that he always talked about).  Those are the main things I can remember but she was pretty good..

I didnt ask her for predictions as I was pretty ill prepared walking in there - didnt have questions prepared. she was the first psychic i spoke to before i went down this internet psychic rabbit hole... so she just did a general reading as she saw my life in the moment..[edit: ill prepared because i was driving home and saw the shop and was like "screw it let me get my tarot cards read"]

Anyways - i just discovered that she has a website, and does phone/video readings.  Thought you might want to check her out.
If you're in Vegas - she reads at Karma Connection

I'll probably visit her soon once i get over my fear lol
« Last Edit: March 05, 2019, 07:09:34 AM by Johanna317 »

