WinterElf, sending you a huge hug. Please please please try to enjoy dating and not putting expectations on the new guys that come in your life. Perhaps the positive outcomes don't pan out because in your mind you are expecting the worse? Sometimes you need to have faith that the universe has your back and only wants what is best for you. I understand that you would read on an ex that just was not who you thought but don't get yourself into the habit of jeopardizing your potential relationships by getting readings on new one. These advisors are not gods and no way of knowing 100% as to what will take place.
Please just believe that the right person is out there for you and just enjoy your life. I applaud you for cutting out those toxic ppl you bring you down. With so called friends like that who needs enemies. Hang in there. We are all here for you. Feel free to pm if you need to vent some more.