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Maybe predictions help you cope so if they are wrong its sort of ok?

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--- Quote from: Abundantia on May 25, 2019, 08:52:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: Clarita on February 26, 2019, 03:30:04 PM ---
--- Quote from: Still tired on February 26, 2019, 02:10:27 PM ---It can help you cope in the short run. But in the long run it makes things worse. I was in serious shock for about 6 months after breaking up due to a combination of factors. So I really don't know if I could have coped any other than than by getting readings. I look back and it was such a bad situation all the way around. If the rest of my life had been solid around me I wouldn't have fallen back on getting readings. Once you get in a space like that it takes time to build your life back up. Sometimes we just need to buy ourselves some time to get through something. I believe readings can help you do that. But it can turn into buying more and more time hoping things will turn around. Do what you need to do but have an eye towards bringing something else into your life that builds you up.

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One of the Psychics I had contacted early December was David James on Kasamba. Late December I went back to him and told him his prediction hadnt panned out. David told me that the guy clearly didnt have interest in getting in touch and that I was advised to work on my emotional healing. Not bad advice, he was right. It did make me question however about the prediction in the first place. He and several others had said the POI would be in touch. Were they all wrong or lying or maybe the POI changed his mind. David James said at some point in the future we would have contact again, me and the POI. Im not holding my breath and Im not going back to more Psychics to ask them the same question. I believe either they will be like David James and say 'look the guy doesnt seem interested in being in touch with you' or they will continue to push out contact date or feed me stories.

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David James was extremely rude (I absolutely wasn't) and totally off the mark. I was shocked that such a reader could be let on a psychic site.

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David James has wisdom and hes quite straight talking. I've liked him in the past as an advisor.


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