CP psychics get connected to us via a third phone line! As in, first the CP line calls the psychic. Once your psychic is on the line, the main line calls the number listed on your profile. It's like those 3-way-calls back in the day lmao. CP psychics do not see our personal information like credit card info, names, or our area codes (which would tip them off big time lmao). I asked customer service at CP about this one time because I was curious as well. This is what they told me. I hope it helps (don't shoot the messenger please!) 
Thanks Dw3091, candiednut, and embibems, for all your input!
I love how careful you are Dw3091

, and I agree candiednut, I think the consistent wrong ones take notes especially when they ask for your birthday.
And embibems that's really good to know (if they told you the truth)

that they don't even see your phone number with area code, etc..
I have had ones I read with for the first time say "We've read together before haven't we?" Lol. I think its because they actually have no idea and want to know if they need to look you up in their database haha....the scammers, not legit ones...I know theres a mixed bag of all!