Author Topic: Fatalism believing your life is already decided  (Read 17614 times)

Offline Star_01

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2019, 08:22:46 AM »
I wanted to make a late reply if okay?

I personally (as have said before) believe that at the very least, some things are destined.

When I last saw my ex boyfriend POI I just knew and have never experienced anything like it before or after, that I would never see him again and it was over. Well within the next week our relationship broke down and we split. Yes, all readers saw him coming back and my gut was screaming at me like a sore stomach ache the whole time but because these readers make it so believable and because of their "popularity" and "accuracy rates", I trusted them over my gut and that fault lies with me for not listening. My gut was right all along and has been for other situations, it is my psychic guidance for free and this may sound crazy but I believe my gut is the keyhole to my destined future ie I wasn't meant to be with my ex. It was over.

I believe the free will we have is perfectly described by someone the other day - we may go to the shop but change our route, but always get to the shop in the end.

I also have had premonitions, one of which have happened in the timescale I got given in my premonition, but no I cannot read or aren't a reader.

I think life would be boring if we had free will all of the time, and you could be with someone and they just woke up one day out of free will and said "I don't love you anymore", I do personally find it comforting and not just comforting, it feels right to know that something was or wasn't meant to be. Things happen on purpose and are meant, and I've had many fated experiences which couldn't be free will.

I tried LOA to get POI's back, and did the affirmations and manifesting and it never worked, and I also kept distracted and moved on, took classes dated around and the ex didn't return (the old chestnut of move on and they'll pick this up), and I just know it was meant that we were not going to be, no matter what free will or LOA is out there.

Someone else last year gave a good example, why is it when a person wants to go in to a certain career path and all the doors shut on them if they have free will, so they go to another career path and it suits them perfectly?

I think free will is an excuse often used by readers to protect and cover themselves and I can kinda understand why, because people would ring up the reader saying "you said it was destined!", so it's easier to kinda say "well I may see so and so come back, but he has free will".

It's funny how they use free will on someone coming back or making contact, but they never tell someone "okay, your ex isn't coming back from what I see, but - he may exercise his free will and may well return but because I can't see him coming back in my reading I wouldn't waste your time". I just think free will isn't as easily accessible as readers make it out to be. Yes I do think it would be better to have things "set", and knowing that things were or weren't right for us.

People may ask what the point is if there's no free will, well we all have our lessons to learn and problems in life, not many 2 people's life are exact, some people are successful and others have to work damn hard. There's been plenty of evidence of children saying to their mother's that they chose them before being born, why would a child come out with that? I believe we choose before we are born the lessons we want to learn and goals in life we want to make and if we choose our parents before being born some of us on this earth plane are thinking "wtf - I would not choose my parents!", but alot of your childhood shapes you into the goals and lessons in life you want.

I do believe that when we get married, have children, every single person we meet (life lessons and experience) and when the chapter with that person closes, and other significant milestones are preset.

And I often hear "well if there's an afterlife why do such bad things happen to people on earth?", we are all here to learn lessons and gain experience, evolve as souls. If life was so easy we would learn no lessons, mistakes, everything would be brought to us on a plate and we would be on autopilot knowing we would have nothing to worry about or focus on, life would become boring - as it would if we were all the same and agreed with each other all the time. This forum would get boring let's face it if we all agreed with each other all the time. Disagreeing is common and it is entertaining to hear other people's opinions and experiences that differ to our own.

As I said the other day in another thread, I think spirit purposefully leave things out or are not shown our full "map", otherwise we wouldn't go through certain circumstances that we need to.

Offline user5942

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2019, 01:36:12 PM »
^^^ I totally agree with this.

I really do think everything happens for a reason, there have been too many instances I’ve seen throughout my life where things fall into place for the better.

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2019, 07:25:36 PM »
I wanted to make a late reply if okay?

I personally (as have said before) believe that at the very least, some things are destined.

When I last saw my ex boyfriend POI I just knew and have never experienced anything like it before or after, that I would never see him again and it was over. Well within the next week our relationship broke down and we split. Yes, all readers saw him coming back and my gut was screaming at me like a sore stomach ache the whole time but because these readers make it so believable and because of their "popularity" and "accuracy rates", I trusted them over my gut and that fault lies with me for not listening. My gut was right all along and has been for other situations, it is my psychic guidance for free and this may sound crazy but I believe my gut is the keyhole to my destined future ie I wasn't meant to be with my ex. It was over.

I believe the free will we have is perfectly described by someone the other day - we may go to the shop but change our route, but always get to the shop in the end.

I also have had premonitions, one of which have happened in the timescale I got given in my premonition, but no I cannot read or aren't a reader.

I think life would be boring if we had free will all of the time, and you could be with someone and they just woke up one day out of free will and said "I don't love you anymore", I do personally find it comforting and not just comforting, it feels right to know that something was or wasn't meant to be. Things happen on purpose and are meant, and I've had many fated experiences which couldn't be free will.

I tried LOA to get POI's back, and did the affirmations and manifesting and it never worked, and I also kept distracted and moved on, took classes dated around and the ex didn't return (the old chestnut of move on and they'll pick this up), and I just know it was meant that we were not going to be, no matter what free will or LOA is out there.

Someone else last year gave a good example, why is it when a person wants to go in to a certain career path and all the doors shut on them if they have free will, so they go to another career path and it suits them perfectly?

I think free will is an excuse often used by readers to protect and cover themselves and I can kinda understand why, because people would ring up the reader saying "you said it was destined!", so it's easier to kinda say "well I may see so and so come back, but he has free will".

It's funny how they use free will on someone coming back or making contact, but they never tell someone "okay, your ex isn't coming back from what I see, but - he may exercise his free will and may well return but because I can't see him coming back in my reading I wouldn't waste your time". I just think free will isn't as easily accessible as readers make it out to be. Yes I do think it would be better to have things "set", and knowing that things were or weren't right for us.

People may ask what the point is if there's no free will, well we all have our lessons to learn and problems in life, not many 2 people's life are exact, some people are successful and others have to work damn hard. There's been plenty of evidence of children saying to their mother's that they chose them before being born, why would a child come out with that? I believe we choose before we are born the lessons we want to learn and goals in life we want to make and if we choose our parents before being born some of us on this earth plane are thinking "wtf - I would not choose my parents!", but alot of your childhood shapes you into the goals and lessons in life you want.

I do believe that when we get married, have children, every single person we meet (life lessons and experience) and when the chapter with that person closes, and other significant milestones are preset.

And I often hear "well if there's an afterlife why do such bad things happen to people on earth?", we are all here to learn lessons and gain experience, evolve as souls. If life was so easy we would learn no lessons, mistakes, everything would be brought to us on a plate and we would be on autopilot knowing we would have nothing to worry about or focus on, life would become boring - as it would if we were all the same and agreed with each other all the time. This forum would get boring let's face it if we all agreed with each other all the time. Disagreeing is common and it is entertaining to hear other people's opinions and experiences that differ to our own.

As I said the other day in another thread, I think spirit purposefully leave things out or are not shown our full "map", otherwise we wouldn't go through certain circumstances that we need to.

Omg your experiences and thoughts on this subject are very very similar to mine. I was going to write a very similar post but you've said it all. I agree especially on the part that all major things in life are predestined and we all have important life lessons to learn.
Also, if someone isn't meant to come back to your life, no amount of LOA, spells, and healing of yourself will bring them back. You may get some temporary results if you are lucky but your destiny/karma with this person will come back and bite you in the A$$. I also tried these things but I knew deep in my heart that I was wasting my time.

And yes, spirit doesn't always give you the truth or tell you the whole picture--my own spirit guides purposefully lie or conceal things occasionally because I was never meant to learn them as learning them will hinder my spiritual growth. I was mad at first but now I see why it happens.


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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2019, 07:38:18 PM »
I wanted to make a late reply if okay?

I personally (as have said before) believe that at the very least, some things are destined.

When I last saw my ex boyfriend POI I just knew and have never experienced anything like it before or after, that I would never see him again and it was over. Well within the next week our relationship broke down and we split. Yes, all readers saw him coming back and my gut was screaming at me like a sore stomach ache the whole time but because these readers make it so believable and because of their "popularity" and "accuracy rates", I trusted them over my gut and that fault lies with me for not listening. My gut was right all along and has been for other situations, it is my psychic guidance for free and this may sound crazy but I believe my gut is the keyhole to my destined future ie I wasn't meant to be with my ex. It was over.

I believe the free will we have is perfectly described by someone the other day - we may go to the shop but change our route, but always get to the shop in the end.

I also have had premonitions, one of which have happened in the timescale I got given in my premonition, but no I cannot read or aren't a reader.

I think life would be boring if we had free will all of the time, and you could be with someone and they just woke up one day out of free will and said "I don't love you anymore", I do personally find it comforting and not just comforting, it feels right to know that something was or wasn't meant to be. Things happen on purpose and are meant, and I've had many fated experiences which couldn't be free will.

I tried LOA to get POI's back, and did the affirmations and manifesting and it never worked, and I also kept distracted and moved on, took classes dated around and the ex didn't return (the old chestnut of move on and they'll pick this up), and I just know it was meant that we were not going to be, no matter what free will or LOA is out there.

Someone else last year gave a good example, why is it when a person wants to go in to a certain career path and all the doors shut on them if they have free will, so they go to another career path and it suits them perfectly?

I think free will is an excuse often used by readers to protect and cover themselves and I can kinda understand why, because people would ring up the reader saying "you said it was destined!", so it's easier to kinda say "well I may see so and so come back, but he has free will".

It's funny how they use free will on someone coming back or making contact, but they never tell someone "okay, your ex isn't coming back from what I see, but - he may exercise his free will and may well return but because I can't see him coming back in my reading I wouldn't waste your time". I just think free will isn't as easily accessible as readers make it out to be. Yes I do think it would be better to have things "set", and knowing that things were or weren't right for us.

People may ask what the point is if there's no free will, well we all have our lessons to learn and problems in life, not many 2 people's life are exact, some people are successful and others have to work damn hard. There's been plenty of evidence of children saying to their mother's that they chose them before being born, why would a child come out with that? I believe we choose before we are born the lessons we want to learn and goals in life we want to make and if we choose our parents before being born some of us on this earth plane are thinking "wtf - I would not choose my parents!", but alot of your childhood shapes you into the goals and lessons in life you want.

I do believe that when we get married, have children, every single person we meet (life lessons and experience) and when the chapter with that person closes, and other significant milestones are preset.

And I often hear "well if there's an afterlife why do such bad things happen to people on earth?", we are all here to learn lessons and gain experience, evolve as souls. If life was so easy we would learn no lessons, mistakes, everything would be brought to us on a plate and we would be on autopilot knowing we would have nothing to worry about or focus on, life would become boring - as it would if we were all the same and agreed with each other all the time. This forum would get boring let's face it if we all agreed with each other all the time. Disagreeing is common and it is entertaining to hear other people's opinions and experiences that differ to our own.

As I said the other day in another thread, I think spirit purposefully leave things out or are not shown our full "map", otherwise we wouldn't go through certain circumstances that we need to.

Omg your experiences and thoughts on this subject are very very similar to mine. I was going to write a very similar post but you've said it all. I agree especially on the part that all major things in life are predestined and we all have important life lessons to learn.
Also, if someone isn't meant to come back to your life, no amount of LOA, spells, and healing of yourself will bring them back. You may get some temporary results if you are lucky but your destiny/karma with this person will come back and bite you in the A$$. I also tried these things but I knew deep in my heart that I was wasting my time.

And yes, spirit doesn't always give you the truth or tell you the whole picture--my own spirit guides purposefully lie or conceal things occasionally because I was never meant to learn them as learning them will hinder my spiritual growth. I was mad at first but now I see why it happens.

you held the belief that your ex wasn't coming back. You can do all the LOA in the world and it wouldn't work because that was your dominant belief. You can do LOA and affirmations but if 95% of the other time you don't believe it'll happen, it won't. You can be miserable but know it'll happen and it'll happen but you can be high vibe all the time and believe it won't happen and it won't. How many times have you felt something about a person and they turned out exactly how you expected them to. ye that's LOA. everything is energy. If you think you have no control over life, that's what life will give you - things that are out of your control. I believe in fate but i also believe in manifestation and think they're intertwined. I believe the universe wants us to have everything we desire, you just have to ask. Faith, LOA, its all different sides of the same coin. its all about belief. if your beliefs are strong enough about anything, they're bound to manifest. Just a matter of when not if.

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2019, 08:35:41 PM »
Everyone has their own separate opinion! Completely up to them but I don’t want to force anything happening, however it’s suppose to unfold it will unfold and that’s how I choose to live. I’ve never had a psychic tell me anything was fated besides Yona and I know she does believe in fate

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2019, 03:48:54 AM »
Very motivating post. However, as someone who practices astrology, as much as I'd like to believe in freewill, I can't seem to. I fight and I try to take control but in the end, I try to accept the situation. For me if a psychic says freewill, they lose credibility. I can read my chart and see what's to come so for me when I see a psychic, I want them to be able to tell me what potentials the other person can unlock in my life whether it's a love interest or professional life because I don't have their chart.

I wish I could believe in freewill though, I think I'd be happier knowing I'm in control of my destiny. Sigh.

Astrology isn't absolutes and it's not set in stone. I've studies astrology for a number of years. It's all about influences.  If you your chart shows that your have a lot of placements to be predisposed to being stubborn, that doesn't mean you have to be stubborn, you just have a higher tendency to be. But if you know this, then you can work with it and not be so stubborn. I know that from personal experience. You still have free will. Astrology is tricky as well, as there are many meanings to same placements or many placements and aspects can mean similar things. It's subject to interpretation. Even though i have a heavy stellium in my chart, there are many things that i don't identify with. Look at  twins, born a minute apart. They will have identical charts and very different personalities and different life experiences. Because they have free will and draw from different aspects in a chart.  I have friends who are professional astrologers and will say the same thing. Its a great tool for you to look at and see whats coming and how you can avoid things. Just like tarot and psychic readings.   In my chart, the things that were supposed to happen, didn't in the times they were supposed to. And yes, my chart is accurate to the minute.

You are 100% in control of your destiny. You can change things, you may have contracts with other souls that you are destined to mean and experiences based on your agreed upon contracts. But you have the choice to avoid those if you really wanted to. We aren't a movie that was already made and we aren't living out the roles destined , we aren't meat suite robots.  If we choose not to do something with one person, we will still get those experiences from others to teach us. and that will be a repeated pattern in our lives until we get it. And if you don't in this lifetime, you will repeated in the next, and possibly a harsher version.  But these lessons are based on what your soul picked and that is reflected in your chart.

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2019, 05:12:41 AM »
for those of you who study astrology or have had astrology reading do the predictions pan out?

Ive had sever astrology reading with a full blown chart over the years and nothing ever panned out....

Offline Star_01

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #22 on: July 21, 2019, 02:47:46 PM »
Thanks guys for the responses to my post.

To the people who disagreed that's totally fine, it's your belief and your opinion which you're entitled to also, and nobody knows the real truth. But I tried LOA and being hopeful and manifesting on more than one situation and it never occurred, then I began thinking "well I'm going to move on and I know that the person will come when they are ready to", and they did not come. I knew it was set that he wasn't to come back, no free will or LOA could fix that. I do believe that some things are set that we cannot change, I at least had my own proof of that and others have had proof of LOA and free will which is totally okay.

But Candiednut honestly without starting an argument this is a genuine question, in most of your posts you say that LOA isn't about being positive and you've said before that it could well be possible that the more negative we are and less hope we put into outcomes the more things seem to happen. Now you say the more negative we are that contributes to our outcomes not happening so I generally wanted you to clear that up?

And Ninancy and User I completely agree, things happen for a reason and particularly with what you said Ninancy I agree that we cannot change our outcomes with any LOA or free will, as I have experienced the proof firsthand personally in my situations. I tried to be positive but my gut screamed at me all the time and it "knew" the outcome.

I had readings on a guy and was so hopeful all last year, read with many readers and I was hopeful because of what they told me but my gut kept trying to warn me and I didn't listen and chose to listen to these readers.. My lesson is to trust my gut.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 02:56:24 PM by Star_01 »

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #23 on: July 21, 2019, 04:00:48 PM »
Yes, I agree. Here's a story that demonstrates it doesn't have to be about positive thinking, but more about just knowing something will happen. I want to preface this by saying that I have never manifested (to my knowledge anyway) something I really wanted. I think it's simple enough to realize that if I am actually trying to manifest something, it's usually because I feel it's not going to happen, which if you're a purist, that in itself will keep it from happening. Regardless, here's what happened.

I had a falling out with a woman I considered a friend. I won't share details, but after about a year of friendship, I started getting bad vibes about her. You know, like a gut instinct that there is something off and I didn't feel the friendship was "safe". I didn't make a big thing out of it, but I slowly disengaged from her (told her I was busy, not feeling well, traveling, etc) until the friendship faded out. This was last year. Suddenly this year, for whatever reason, she tried to reestablish the friendship. She sent me a few texts. I ignored them. Well, she went ballistic...harassed me on social media, called/texted me incessantly, one minutes nice, the next minute threatening. So I blocked her every way I could, on the phone and social media. After a month it eventually died down. I know her well enough to know however that it wasn't the end. I did everything to prevent it though, and put her out of my mind. So this past Friday, I'm on the phone with a friend from elementary school. She mentioned this woman and how they had gotten together for dinner. I politely told her that we had a falling out and were no longer friends. She said "I know, she told me about it". So as we're having this conversation, about this woman who has been out of my energy for over 3 months, my phone starts blowing up. Yes, this woman is calling me again, under different phone numbers, some which I had blocked, but now she is also calling under restricted numbers. So this situation is not over. I didn't think positive thoughts. But I did know, in the dark recesses of my mind, that it wasn't over. Is it LOA? It just might be.

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2019, 08:00:31 AM »
Thanks guys for the responses to my post.

To the people who disagreed that's totally fine, it's your belief and your opinion which you're entitled to also, and nobody knows the real truth. But I tried LOA and being hopeful and manifesting on more than one situation and it never occurred, then I began thinking "well I'm going to move on and I know that the person will come when they are ready to", and they did not come. I knew it was set that he wasn't to come back, no free will or LOA could fix that. I do believe that some things are set that we cannot change, I at least had my own proof of that and others have had proof of LOA and free will which is totally okay.

But Candiednut honestly without starting an argument this is a genuine question, in most of your posts you say that LOA isn't about being positive and you've said before that it could well be possible that the more negative we are and less hope we put into outcomes the more things seem to happen. Now you say the more negative we are that contributes to our outcomes not happening so I generally wanted you to clear that up?

And Ninancy and User I completely agree, things happen for a reason and particularly with what you said Ninancy I agree that we cannot change our outcomes with any LOA or free will, as I have experienced the proof firsthand personally in my situations. I tried to be positive but my gut screamed at me all the time and it "knew" the outcome.

I had readings on a guy and was so hopeful all last year, read with many readers and I was hopeful because of what they told me but my gut kept trying to warn me and I didn't listen and chose to listen to these readers.. My lesson is to trust my gut.

Sorry for the confusion, I know how that can seem confusing. I shouldn't have said LOA "isn't about positive thinking", it is more accurate to say that "LOA is more than JUST positive thinking". Also, "positive thinking" in the way that most people do it is not actually positive thinking. For example, you may be "thinking" about "I have lots of money", but you are not FEELING the feelings of having lots of money (abundance, freedom, safety, power, etc), then in that case it doesn't work. When I said "its not about positive thinking" I meant it is not "positive thinking in the way that MOST people go about it" (like from the Secret where they just tell you to think positive without the feelings).

I did not say that negative expectations LEADS to successful LOA. I meant that they CAN lead to successful manifestations because you are not attached to the outcome. When people say that they manifested something by being negative, they usually are very detached from the outcome (in that case they dont actually spend a lot of time being negative). It's usually a case of "It's not going to happen, meh", there isn't a "need" energy (which often times kills manifestation efforts). But in the "negative expectations" I talked about HERE, I am referring to like a bigger, subconscious BELIEF that things won't work out. There is a pervasiveness around it, if that makes sense? Where the first one is more like a "meh".

Also, manifestations are not "black and white". We always get what we believe MORE of. So let's say you have a belief that this outcome won't happen, but you have a STRONGER (subconscious) belief that you are worthy and you deserve good things to happen, then this thing might STILL happen. Let's say that you believe with all of your heart that this thing WILL happen, but you have a STRONGER (subconscious) belief that you don't deserve anything good, that you are a bad person if this thing happens (and a very strong subconscious desire to not be a bad person due to childhood conditioning), or that nothing good will ever happen to you, etc...these beliefs/energies will override the conscious belief that this thing will happen.

Does this make sense? Hope I havent confused you more...feel free to ask more questions. This is why LOA often doesn't work for a lot of people its because its more multi-layered than what most people believe. Most people think that its like "If I just believe this, this will happen" or "If I just think positive, this will happen". It is way more complicated and multi-dimensional than this :) Not to mention that it is difficult (not impossible, but more difficult) to manifest SPECIFIC things (like for specific person to love you back or being in a relationship with you) because the universe responds to representational frequencies (what that person represents to you) and not physical frequencies. But thats a whoooollllleeee other topic altogether!

Thank you for clearing things up for me and making it clear to understand. I will say that the more negative I seem to be about things and less hope I have in situations the more things turn out in my favour, but that's silly small things unrelated to people returning to me, big things I usually have my gut feeling come into play. I am a huge worrier and pessimist so I try and have less hope I guess to not build up excitement for nothing in situations and I have more of a "if it's meant to be it'll be" attitude.

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2019, 08:08:38 AM »
Yes, I agree. Here's a story that demonstrates it doesn't have to be about positive thinking, but more about just knowing something will happen. I want to preface this by saying that I have never manifested (to my knowledge anyway) something I really wanted. I think it's simple enough to realize that if I am actually trying to manifest something, it's usually because I feel it's not going to happen, which if you're a purist, that in itself will keep it from happening. Regardless, here's what happened.

I had a falling out with a woman I considered a friend. I won't share details, but after about a year of friendship, I started getting bad vibes about her. You know, like a gut instinct that there is something off and I didn't feel the friendship was "safe". I didn't make a big thing out of it, but I slowly disengaged from her (told her I was busy, not feeling well, traveling, etc) until the friendship faded out. This was last year. Suddenly this year, for whatever reason, she tried to reestablish the friendship. She sent me a few texts. I ignored them. Well, she went ballistic...harassed me on social media, called/texted me incessantly, one minutes nice, the next minute threatening. So I blocked her every way I could, on the phone and social media. After a month it eventually died down. I know her well enough to know however that it wasn't the end. I did everything to prevent it though, and put her out of my mind. So this past Friday, I'm on the phone with a friend from elementary school. She mentioned this woman and how they had gotten together for dinner. I politely told her that we had a falling out and were no longer friends. She said "I know, she told me about it". So as we're having this conversation, about this woman who has been out of my energy for over 3 months, my phone starts blowing up. Yes, this woman is calling me again, under different phone numbers, some which I had blocked, but now she is also calling under restricted numbers. So this situation is not over. I didn't think positive thoughts. But I did know, in the dark recesses of my mind, that it wasn't over. Is it LOA? It just might be.

I think this is more "psychic premonition" than LOA - you were tuning into her energy field and getting information. In order to change this circumstance, I would suggest to release all fears/insecurities that this situation is bringing up in you (basically, going back into the memory/experience and let your body feel all the emotions and sensations). It will pop and she will no longer bother you. :)

I agree here. I think that that was more intuition and gut feeling over LOA. Yes I've thought about a guy I hadn't talked to in 18months from out of nowhere, began to reminisce about him and think of him and a couple days later checked Kik and he had messaged me. I think that many of us have an ability and 6th sense and it's very common to think of someone and they contact you shortly after. Even though I don't believe personally in LOA, I do believe in energies that's been proven and that's why we pick up someone's sadness/fears/pain/when they're going to contact. I find it all a really fascinating topic   :D

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2019, 02:15:18 PM »
Have you guys read "The Egg" by Andy Weir?  I heard about it through Agnes Vivareli.
"Everyone is you pushed out" is a fascinating theory.  This short story gives you something to think about. (P.S. I'm still not sure where I stand on free will )

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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #27 on: July 24, 2019, 06:43:32 AM »
I wanted to make a late reply if okay?

I personally (as have said before) believe that at the very least, some things are destined.

When I last saw my ex boyfriend POI I just knew and have never experienced anything like it before or after, that I would never see him again and it was over. Well within the next week our relationship broke down and we split. Yes, all readers saw him coming back and my gut was screaming at me like a sore stomach ache the whole time but because these readers make it so believable and because of their "popularity" and "accuracy rates", I trusted them over my gut and that fault lies with me for not listening. My gut was right all along and has been for other situations, it is my psychic guidance for free and this may sound crazy but I believe my gut is the keyhole to my destined future ie I wasn't meant to be with my ex. It was over.

I believe the free will we have is perfectly described by someone the other day - we may go to the shop but change our route, but always get to the shop in the end.

I also have had premonitions, one of which have happened in the timescale I got given in my premonition, but no I cannot read or aren't a reader.

I think life would be boring if we had free will all of the time, and you could be with someone and they just woke up one day out of free will and said "I don't love you anymore", I do personally find it comforting and not just comforting, it feels right to know that something was or wasn't meant to be. Things happen on purpose and are meant, and I've had many fated experiences which couldn't be free will.

I tried LOA to get POI's back, and did the affirmations and manifesting and it never worked, and I also kept distracted and moved on, took classes dated around and the ex didn't return (the old chestnut of move on and they'll pick this up), and I just know it was meant that we were not going to be, no matter what free will or LOA is out there.

Someone else last year gave a good example, why is it when a person wants to go in to a certain career path and all the doors shut on them if they have free will, so they go to another career path and it suits them perfectly?

I think free will is an excuse often used by readers to protect and cover themselves and I can kinda understand why, because people would ring up the reader saying "you said it was destined!", so it's easier to kinda say "well I may see so and so come back, but he has free will".

It's funny how they use free will on someone coming back or making contact, but they never tell someone "okay, your ex isn't coming back from what I see, but - he may exercise his free will and may well return but because I can't see him coming back in my reading I wouldn't waste your time". I just think free will isn't as easily accessible as readers make it out to be. Yes I do think it would be better to have things "set", and knowing that things were or weren't right for us.

People may ask what the point is if there's no free will, well we all have our lessons to learn and problems in life, not many 2 people's life are exact, some people are successful and others have to work damn hard. There's been plenty of evidence of children saying to their mother's that they chose them before being born, why would a child come out with that? I believe we choose before we are born the lessons we want to learn and goals in life we want to make and if we choose our parents before being born some of us on this earth plane are thinking "wtf - I would not choose my parents!", but alot of your childhood shapes you into the goals and lessons in life you want.

I do believe that when we get married, have children, every single person we meet (life lessons and experience) and when the chapter with that person closes, and other significant milestones are preset.

And I often hear "well if there's an afterlife why do such bad things happen to people on earth?", we are all here to learn lessons and gain experience, evolve as souls. If life was so easy we would learn no lessons, mistakes, everything would be brought to us on a plate and we would be on autopilot knowing we would have nothing to worry about or focus on, life would become boring - as it would if we were all the same and agreed with each other all the time. This forum would get boring let's face it if we all agreed with each other all the time. Disagreeing is common and it is entertaining to hear other people's opinions and experiences that differ to our own.

As I said the other day in another thread, I think spirit purposefully leave things out or are not shown our full "map", otherwise we wouldn't go through certain circumstances that we need to.

Omg your experiences and thoughts on this subject are very very similar to mine. I was going to write a very similar post but you've said it all. I agree especially on the part that all major things in life are predestined and we all have important life lessons to learn.
Also, if someone isn't meant to come back to your life, no amount of LOA, spells, and healing of yourself will bring them back. You may get some temporary results if you are lucky but your destiny/karma with this person will come back and bite you in the A$$. I also tried these things but I knew deep in my heart that I was wasting my time.

And yes, spirit doesn't always give you the truth or tell you the whole picture--my own spirit guides purposefully lie or conceal things occasionally because I was never meant to learn them as learning them will hinder my spiritual growth. I was mad at first but now I see why it happens.

you held the belief that your ex wasn't coming back. You can do all the LOA in the world and it wouldn't work because that was your dominant belief. You can do LOA and affirmations but if 95% of the other time you don't believe it'll happen, it won't. You can be miserable but know it'll happen and it'll happen but you can be high vibe all the time and believe it won't happen and it won't. How many times have you felt something about a person and they turned out exactly how you expected them to. ye that's LOA. everything is energy. If you think you have no control over life, that's what life will give you - things that are out of your control. I believe in fate but i also believe in manifestation and think they're intertwined. I believe the universe wants us to have everything we desire, you just have to ask. Faith, LOA, its all different sides of the same coin. its all about belief. if your beliefs are strong enough about anything, they're bound to manifest. Just a matter of when not if.

Ladya, this is a typical response of blind and brainwashed LOA believer "you didn't believe hard enough..." and I'm not going to argue with you or anyone believing this if this BS (if you ask me) helps you feel better in your life, however, I can personally recall countless of examples and situations where LOA has been disproven again and again in my life and those around me and no amount in favor of LOA would convince me otherwise.

First of all, I personally had many situations where I had totally and I mean totally had fully positive expectations and bam, I was shocked and disappointed in the end, even though I took many steps with all my heart and soul to achieve a certain positive outcome.
I can also recall many times where I was totally anxious, negative and hopeless and surprise, not only bad stuff didn't happen the situation was turned in my favor. I'm working as a freelancer online and there were many times where I was sure I did a sloppy job and the client would leave me a bad review but they left me with a positive one instead and vice versa--times were I was sure the client would tip me and leave me a positive review but they underrated me instead.

One of my female friends is also neurotic, stressful and very pessimistic but she is proven wrong most of the time, nothing really bad happens as she thinks. Also, my dad is very pessimistic and has very intense anger problems but he has managed to be far more successful in his professional and personal life than those who were over-confident and even making him fun of his negativity and anger issues. Most successful and content people are actually quite logical and methodical and don't take risks when they are not sure--and I highly doubt they are all using LOA to achieve their goals. Many famous a$$holes like Trump, for example, are a dis-proof of that. I could go on and on about examples of negative people that are widely successful or situations in the news that start out as X thing but turned out to be something else but I would fill a page.

If you so believe in this nonsense, tell people who had a sudden accident and are now disabled that "they didn't think positive enough or were subconsciously expected something bad to happen" or good, pretty women with bubbly and upbeat personalities "that it's their fault that their narcissistic husband cheated on them with this ugly bich inside and out"....
Or tell all these members being led on by psychics telling them their POI loves them back and would return only to be faced with the harsh truth right from their exes' mouths that they have moved on and have now feelings for someone else that it's their fault "because simply they didn't believe hard enough their ex loved them and would come back".

Anyway, there are many intelligent and logical arguments against it:

I'm a firm believer that you can't simply manipulate the universe with a mere thought even though I'm very spiritual and open-minded generally. Spells may work not only because of a positive or negative intention put out to the universe in random but because there is energy from us and the actual physical ingredients used in our plane plus individual spirits who respond to these spell requests e.g our ancestors, demonic spirits,angels, or spirit guides and astrological or planetary influences.

If mere thoughts were actually a manifestation tool, all our prayers and our positive expectations would be answered but we all know this isn't the case. If people want to believe this concept if they think that it helps them feel better and help them manifest things, I'm not going to tell them to stop but personally, I have found other more efficient things to actually manifest things in my life, both in a logical and spiritual sense.

If something will happen or not happen, it will no matter how positive or negative you are about it.

And it may sound harsh but we all have an ex lover or a coworker or a friend or relative in our past that we simply don't want to connect with again, not even if they gave us a million bucks or promised us to change in tears. I personally casted spells to banish unwanted exes from my life and was very happy and relieved that they finally moved on and away from me. Would them practicing LOA bring me back? HELL NO, I have made my decision and nothing would change it.

And if it happened on one side, it can happen on the other side too. Some people will never come back in our lives simply because they never really loved us and they would even be happy and relieved to see us move on as they have moved on a long time ago.  It's harsh but it's true. People practicing LOA and getting their exes back is something that just happened in random and because that particular ex was a soulmate who was meant to come back to them sooner or later--or someone that got involved with a new person that was worse than the previous one and they made a comparison and decided to come back to that ex who treated them better. But if this was the case, we would all happily end up with our exes by practicing LOA, which isn't always the case.

I have lost count of members posts who were expecting a certain outcome and the exact opposite happened, despite their expectations and hopes or on the contrary fears and worries.


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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2019, 12:44:20 PM »
No need to call anyone "brainwashed" or "blind". I have actually responded to every one of your point in my previous posts about LOA if you want to read, so I won't repeat anything here.

There are people that don't believe LOA and will continue to live their lives, there are also those of us that believe in it and used it to improve our lives drastically. Let's just all move on :)


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Re: Fatalism believing your life is already decided
« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2019, 03:21:02 PM »
No need to call anyone "brainwashed" or "blind". I have actually responded to every one of your point in my previous posts about LOA if you want to read, so I won't repeat anything here.

There are people that don't believe LOA and will continue to live their lives, there are also those of us that believe in it and used it to improve our lives drastically. Let's just all move on :)

I agree. I’m not even going to respond because you made all the points I would’ve made. I agree 100% to the points you made above. I don’t care to prove anything lol. If someone wants to think I’m brainwashed, go ahead lol. I know my truth, I don’t care what others think of it. I said previously it’s not simply about being positive or making yourself believe something. There’s so many thoughts we have that we don’t even realize. Anyways it’s whatever. People will believe what they want to believe and I’m not here trying to convince Anyone of anything.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 03:24:26 PM by ladya »