Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > The Videos
Informative video about readings
Let me know what you think.
i rem seeing her on keen. i think her name was like emily fox or something. I def got a reading with her yearsssss ago but i dont rem much of it lol.
It was just like a smack with the we keep going back to readers even if they don't give predictions or they don't come to pass. I was like yes, why do we do that to ourselves. Smh
Yes I never understood why they need your birthday. I had one where because i didn't know my poi's exact dob actually blocked me. Smh
--- Quote from: Love2lovenj on February 17, 2019, 10:23:12 PM ---Yes I never understood why they need your birthday. I had one where because i didn't know my poi's exact dob actually blocked me. Smh
--- End quote ---
I think it’s a way to gauge your age tbh. You can make a lot of generalizations about people from their age.
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