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Ed Roland - Bitwine

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--- Quote from: sawthelight on February 12, 2019, 08:02:03 PM ---I read with him long ago I don’t remember much...just that he said all these awful things about poi at the time. While my poi was no saint, he wasn’t as bad as he made him out to be.

I remember asking him if poi was attracted to me...he told me no. I laughed out loud because that was so untrue, if there was one thing I was sure about, it was that ...he would constantly tell me how beautiful he thought I was. When I called him on it, he said oh yea, but he’s only physically attracted, not emotionally.

It was almost as if he was trying to upset me.

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What a horrible thing to say, and when you caught him he wouldn't own up to it. I really detest that in psychics. I wish more of them could just admit, you know what, maybe I read that part wrong.

I know!  I was like wtf. Not a nice man, at all. I think he reads from a bad place.

He got the emotional part wrong too, I know past poi cared about me, he just wasn’t long term material.

If you read his reviews, you see he pretty much tells everyone bad news. I almost feel he hates women.

Just wanted to resurrect this post to say i just had a reading with this Ed and he was so nice to me.

Very polite, kept callng me hun, was honest and open but not at all rude.

It wasnt a negative experience for me at all.


Wishful Thinker:

--- Quote from: ferney456 on February 15, 2020, 07:04:44 PM ---Just wanted to resurrect this post to say i just had a reading with this Ed and he was so nice to me.

Very polite, kept callng me hun, was honest and open but not at all rude.

It wasnt a negative experience for me at all.


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I’ve read with him and although he seems polite, his use of profanity really turned me off.  I also felt like the majority of the reading was his opinion and personal experience and based a lot off of the astrological signs.  Personally speaking, anytime someone calls you “hun” or “dear” or any words that only someone close to you should be calling you is extremely condescending and rude.  I despise it when people call me that.  I have a name for a reason.  But this is just my opinion but I don’t think I’ll be reading with him again. 

I read with him a few weeks ago and asked if an ex would contact me. He said maybe but if he does it’s not on a romantic level and he never really liked me. He also said my love life wouldn’t improve for a long time


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