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Ed Roland - Bitwine

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Wow i really hope he didn't say it like that because that is awful.

His exact words were if he contacts you it won’t be on a romantic level it will be because he is a sociable person. I then asked him if he saw anyone  new coming and he said it’s going to be a while. So very frank lol lucky I’m quite strong

Wishful Thinker:
I felt the urge and need to let everyone know who has ever gotten a reading from this man or intends to in the future that he is wholeheartedly believes in the MGTOW movement.  Their belief system is as follows from Wikipedia.  “Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW /ˈmɪɡtaʊ/) is an anti-feminist, mostly online community advocating for men to separate themselves from a society which they see as harmful to men, and particularly to eschew marriage and cohabitation.

The community comprises websites and social media presences as part of what is more broadly termed the manosphere. MGTOW purport to focus on men's self-ownership rather than changing the status quo through activism and protest, which to participants differentiates the community from the men's rights movement.

The MGTOW community has been called a misogynistic group, categorised as part of the alt-right and identified as being "on the borders of the hateful incel community" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

So please be aware of this when you read with him.  It may be a biased reading that you receive from him.

He an arrogant jerk with terrible energy. Please don’t waste your money. Nothing he ever says is accurate either.

I wanted to post that this reader was actually accurate about my old POI from years ago. He was one of the few that said he was not looking for a serious commitment with me and I should move on.  He was definitely accurate.


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