Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True

bitwine mila


hi all  :) has anybody read with Mila Laksa on bitwine? She gave me some predictions for this weekend  :-* I have a big event coming up. It is important for me to ask about her. I am very nervous for this event. I guess me going is the only way to tell if she is legit or not {predictions come to pass or not}. i am very anxious.

Did she know you were going to this event?  Also i think you should have posted this under store front since this is suppose to be for predictions that have come to pass.


--- Quote from: Love2lovenj on February 12, 2019, 01:28:35 AM ---Did she know you were going to this event?  Also i think you should have posted this under store front since this is suppose to be for predictions that have come to pass.

--- End quote ---

sorry im a newbie. LOL. Yes i told her i am going. She gave predictions about the event. I am just super scared to go.


--- Quote from: unicornlove on February 12, 2019, 01:38:39 AM ---
--- Quote from: Love2lovenj on February 12, 2019, 01:28:35 AM ---Did she know you were going to this event?  Also i think you should have posted this under store front since this is suppose to be for predictions that have come to pass.

--- End quote ---

sorry im a newbie. LOL. Yes i told her i am going. She gave predictions about the event. I am just super scared to go.

--- End quote ---

I wish you  hadn't told her.  Then if she would have said you will be going to a function and this will happen then you would have known she was connected and legit.  Now she is probably just goong off things you have told her.  :(

Yes but if she was a legit psychic she would have picked up that there was an event coming up.  You will see as you continue to get reading when someone is legit.  They will bring up something that you didn't mention and they couldn't guess.  Just giving you a tip as other point out too that you need to make certain the reading can't apply to just anyone.  Hope that helps.


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