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has anyone spoke to her before? any prediction came to pass for you? was she accurate? i just spoke to her for the first time and i actually liked her, she is very direct but i cant validate anything at this point
Hi! I spoke with her for a year...nothing she ever said came to pass. My heart was already aching from the situation I was in, and now is aching from the money I’ve spent talking to her, lol
--- Quote from: sarah1 on February 10, 2019, 08:41:34 PM ---Hi! I spoke with her for a year...nothing she ever said came to pass. My heart was already aching from the situation I was in, and now is aching from the money I’ve spent talking to her, lol
--- End quote ---
damn that sucks! how many times did you speak to her? i spoke to her 3 times in the past 2 months and got 3 different outcome readings
Reading changes by what info you feed her.... she told me that me and my POI will get married have kids and all,,, then 3 weeks later I got dumped lol... she said “change of direction” yah ok... never talked to her again.
Not even one person had a prediction come pass to me. Not even the famous Bridgette who seemed right at the now till I listened to other people’s reading and she is scripted..
Spoke to her a lot like for months, she was totally wrong, so is ricky, maira, Betty, Barbara and a lot more. I was in so hurt and in so much paint and got obsessed with psychics and my very first forum was PS. I spoke to almost all of them, spend slots of money, some I spoke to more than others but non I mean non was even close to see what happened or what was happening. And now that I’m over PS (not psychics apparently 😕) the only one I might go back and read with is Lexie I think that was her name (she got few thing right here and there but still wrong on the outcome) and Sadia, she too got few things right and told me that things aren’t the way they seem and wasn’t able to see past it. So I have to give her credit about that.
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