Author Topic: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?  (Read 12909 times)

Offline user5942

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Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« on: October 09, 2018, 06:16:36 PM »

Offline maroonlight

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 02:03:27 AM »
For me, not one of them. I went through dozens, from the cheapest to the most expensive. Not one thing happened. I also used the most "popular" ones.

Offline Heather

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2018, 07:03:50 PM »
Natasha is a licensed psychologist from what I understand, and she’s always been accurate in picking up the present situation. Still waiting for predictions, but she has this way of making me feel better.

Offline sleepyeyes

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2018, 10:15:02 PM »
For me Tara and Kyra are heavy hitters.

Offline Heather

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2018, 08:00:02 PM »
Well, Natasha predicted something for me about my job, and it was the exact opposite. The other day went to hell in a hand basket. I’m guessing the other prediction probably won’t pan out either.

Offline LucyDiamond

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2018, 07:50:13 AM »
For me, Drusilla and then Cheyanne.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2018, 08:51:13 AM »
I've talked to the following:

In 2013 I was calling about an ex and spoke with the following:
Demi: Wrong, opposite happened, and predictions never happened all fairytales
Abrielle: Wrong, opposite happened, and predictions never happened all fairytales
Maryanne: Wrong, opposite happened, and predictions never happened all fairytales
Anasela: Wrong, opposite happened, and predictions never happened all fairytales
Uli: Totally wrong, opposite happened
Aliza: Wrong, and right at the same time and I will explain below after my list is done.
There were a few more but I really don't remember their names as they were the cheaper fraud readers.

People I've spoken with about current ex before we even broke up back in 2015:
Leo: Wrong and it was a negative reading at the time as well but it was still wrong lol
Walter: He told me my ex was going to get me a necklace for Christmas and he was correct with that, but that's it and wrong on everything else.
Rogers: Wrong and predictions never happened

People I spoke with This month (November 2018):
Logan: The first reading on November 2nd (this month), she gave me chills with what she picked up and felt very very accurate. In the first reading she said she was being shown a map with pushpins in it. Well, my ex has gone back and forth from my state to another state once a year every year for the last 5 years. That gave me chills. She then told me he didn't know where he belonged. That gave me chills because he's said that to me a few times before. She said he would "get his shit together" and step up and come forward to me "just before his birthday" in the month of March 2019. She said he isn't suppose to be in that other state as it "wasn't his vibration". I specifically told her that I felt there was a third party involved. She then told me I was falsely accusing him. She said "I"m hearing false accusations". I felt she was off on that one. she told me he loved me so much and "love is the vibration between you two." However, I called her again on November 25th (this month) to get an update and she gave a completely opposite reading. This time she said he loved me but it just wasn't that strong and that it faded two years ago. She then told me he would try to reconcile with me but that it would be many many months after his birthday. She then told me that HE CURRENTLY HAS A GIRLFRIEND and that they'd break up in February 2019. She said there was "love" between them and blah blah. I asked her how long they'd been together as a test question. She then told me since the end of August. That's complete bullshit. Not only did she tell me he had NO ONE just 25 days prior to that, which was well past August and even went so far as to tell me that I was falsely accusing him, but he actually had reconciled with ME on September 7th lol. We got into a fight and broke up again one month later in October, but yeah he was all up my ass and I know for a fact there was no one else at that moment in time. So yeah, completely full of shit. She upset me so much that I had to call Aliza right after that. I'll explain about Aliza in a moment. 
Saphira: She was so full of shit I had to hang up on her within the first 5 minutes.
Darlene: Full of shit and hung up on her too within the first 5 minutes.
Camille: She was GOD AWFUL and I definitely got a refund for that call

That brings me to Aliza. I began calling her back in the beginning of 2014 about a different ex. She was BANG ON with the current energies etc. Her prediction timings suck. I never consider them. The guy did end up coming back around 13 months later but I was then already involved with someone else so I wasn't interested. However, during that time I asked her if anyone else was coming into my life. She accurately described my POI two months before he entered. She said he would have two children, divorced, and really liked fine wine. ALL correct. Although, when he first came in he wasn't quite divorced yet. His divorce was final one year later, but all in all, very accurate.

I then began calling Aliza about current ex in February of 2015. To my shock, she said there was a third party but that it wasn't going to go anywhere and it wasn't anything serious. I didn't believe her at all. Thought she was full of shit. However, 2 months later, I found out she was right. He had been talking to someone else during the time I called Aliza. I was devastated. She is STELLAR and THE BEST at picking up third parties without you ever asking about it. She is STELLAR at picking up the here and now energies. I just never pay attention to her "outcomes" or predictions other than if I ask if a new guy is coming in, then I listen intently to her description of said man.

I called Aliza on November 7th (this month) and asked for a general read on the current ex. She took off with her usual stellar accuracy and, again, picked up a third party. She said it was flirting and that this chick's energy was inconsistent and "in and out" and that their connection would dissolve. Again, I never list to her timing cause it always has sucked. Lol. His behavior reflected her reading all the way. I then had to call her AGAIN on November 25th after the bullshit reading from Logan just to see if there was any truth in it. I asked her for yet another general reading. This time his energy was a bit different and turning around toward me, which his behaviors were fitting that too to a small degree. This time, she said she got a "faded/lingering" third party energy which means that connection is dissipating and will be completely done within the next week. She felt it was "already gone" but I didn't and I gotta go with my gut. I do feel it's fading, I'm also an empath to a degree. I just have issues separating my emotions from my own intuition. Nevertheless, this time she added more in and told me that there were a couple of "personality traits" of his that were coming through strongly that she wanted me to be aware of. She said he was self righteous (yes he is). She said he will purposely hold back on communication and reconciliation in an attempt to "punish" me (yes he's done that quite a few times before to which I then would end up breaking and trying to reconcile with him instead, but I didn't do that this time nor do I have any desire to). She said he feels that if he holds back long enough that I'll break and be in the mode of "ok I give up! Please take me back!". I haven't ever really approached it in that manner in the past but close to it. So, yeah, she was definitely connected to his narcissism. I asked her if there would be someone else coming into my life, and she went on to describe this person to a T and even told me I'd connect with him in February. That is right in line with my other two go to readers, Kisha and Shelly. I am not reading with anyone else new ever again. For me, it's a waste, and my favorite three are always right without fail for years for me.

Anyway, that's my review. CP is full of full of shit readers and they are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too expensive for the bullshit they spew. Aliza is very expensive but she's very worth it for picking up third parties and I call her for that purpose only, so it's not often at all. The rest, all garbage. 

Offline marciamia

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2019, 03:04:06 PM »
That brings me to Aliza. I began calling her back in the beginning of 2014 about a different ex. She was BANG ON with the current energies etc. Her prediction timings suck. I never consider them. The guy did end up coming back around 13 months later but I was then already involved with someone else so I wasn't interested. However, during that time I asked her if anyone else was coming into my life. She accurately described my POI two months before he entered. She said he would have two children, divorced, and really liked fine wine. ALL correct. Although, when he first came in he wasn't quite divorced yet. His divorce was final one year later, but all in all, very accurate.

I then began calling Aliza about current ex in February of 2015. To my shock, she said there was a third party but that it wasn't going to go anywhere and it wasn't anything serious. I didn't believe her at all. Thought she was full of shit. However, 2 months later, I found out she was right. He had been talking to someone else during the time I called Aliza. I was devastated. She is STELLAR and THE BEST at picking up third parties without you ever asking about it. She is STELLAR at picking up the here and now energies. I just never pay attention to her "outcomes" or predictions other than if I ask if a new guy is coming in, then I listen intently to her description of said man.

I called Aliza on November 7th (this month) and asked for a general read on the current ex. She took off with her usual stellar accuracy and, again, picked up a third party. She said it was flirting and that this chick's energy was inconsistent and "in and out" and that their connection would dissolve. Again, I never list to her timing cause it always has sucked. Lol. His behavior reflected her reading all the way. I then had to call her AGAIN on November 25th after the bullshit reading from Logan just to see if there was any truth in it. I asked her for yet another general reading. This time his energy was a bit different and turning around toward me, which his behaviors were fitting that too to a small degree. This time, she said she got a "faded/lingering" third party energy which means that connection is dissipating and will be completely done within the next week. She felt it was "already gone" but I didn't and I gotta go with my gut. I do feel it's fading, I'm also an empath to a degree. I just have issues separating my emotions from my own intuition. Nevertheless, this time she added more in and told me that there were a couple of "personality traits" of his that were coming through strongly that she wanted me to be aware of. She said he was self righteous (yes he is). She said he will purposely hold back on communication and reconciliation in an attempt to "punish" me (yes he's done that quite a few times before to which I then would end up breaking and trying to reconcile with him instead, but I didn't do that this time nor do I have any desire to). She said he feels that if he holds back long enough that I'll break and be in the mode of "ok I give up! Please take me back!". I haven't ever really approached it in that manner in the past but close to it. So, yeah, she was definitely connected to his narcissism. I asked her if there would be someone else coming into my life, and she went on to describe this person to a T and even told me I'd connect with him in February. That is right in line with my other two go to readers, Kisha and Shelly. I am not reading with anyone else new ever again. For me, it's a waste, and my favorite three are always right without fail for years for me.

Anyway, that's my review. CP is full of full of shit readers and they are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too expensive for the bullshit they spew. Aliza is very expensive but she's very worth it for picking up third parties and I call her for that purpose only, so it's not often at all. The rest, all garbage.

Did stuff with Aliza ever pan out?

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: Who is the most accurate with predictions on CP?
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2019, 08:01:25 PM »
That brings me to Aliza. I began calling her back in the beginning of 2014 about a different ex. She was BANG ON with the current energies etc. Her prediction timings suck. I never consider them. The guy did end up coming back around 13 months later but I was then already involved with someone else so I wasn't interested. However, during that time I asked her if anyone else was coming into my life. She accurately described my POI two months before he entered. She said he would have two children, divorced, and really liked fine wine. ALL correct. Although, when he first came in he wasn't quite divorced yet. His divorce was final one year later, but all in all, very accurate.

I then began calling Aliza about current ex in February of 2015. To my shock, she said there was a third party but that it wasn't going to go anywhere and it wasn't anything serious. I didn't believe her at all. Thought she was full of shit. However, 2 months later, I found out she was right. He had been talking to someone else during the time I called Aliza. I was devastated. She is STELLAR and THE BEST at picking up third parties without you ever asking about it. She is STELLAR at picking up the here and now energies. I just never pay attention to her "outcomes" or predictions other than if I ask if a new guy is coming in, then I listen intently to her description of said man.

I called Aliza on November 7th (this month) and asked for a general read on the current ex. She took off with her usual stellar accuracy and, again, picked up a third party. She said it was flirting and that this chick's energy was inconsistent and "in and out" and that their connection would dissolve. Again, I never list to her timing cause it always has sucked. Lol. His behavior reflected her reading all the way. I then had to call her AGAIN on November 25th after the bullshit reading from Logan just to see if there was any truth in it. I asked her for yet another general reading. This time his energy was a bit different and turning around toward me, which his behaviors were fitting that too to a small degree. This time, she said she got a "faded/lingering" third party energy which means that connection is dissipating and will be completely done within the next week. She felt it was "already gone" but I didn't and I gotta go with my gut. I do feel it's fading, I'm also an empath to a degree. I just have issues separating my emotions from my own intuition. Nevertheless, this time she added more in and told me that there were a couple of "personality traits" of his that were coming through strongly that she wanted me to be aware of. She said he was self righteous (yes he is). She said he will purposely hold back on communication and reconciliation in an attempt to "punish" me (yes he's done that quite a few times before to which I then would end up breaking and trying to reconcile with him instead, but I didn't do that this time nor do I have any desire to). She said he feels that if he holds back long enough that I'll break and be in the mode of "ok I give up! Please take me back!". I haven't ever really approached it in that manner in the past but close to it. So, yeah, she was definitely connected to his narcissism. I asked her if there would be someone else coming into my life, and she went on to describe this person to a T and even told me I'd connect with him in February. That is right in line with my other two go to readers, Kisha and Shelly. I am not reading with anyone else new ever again. For me, it's a waste, and my favorite three are always right without fail for years for me.

Anyway, that's my review. CP is full of full of shit readers and they are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too expensive for the bullshit they spew. Aliza is very expensive but she's very worth it for picking up third parties and I call her for that purpose only, so it's not often at all. The rest, all garbage.

Did stuff with Aliza ever pan out?

The ex did swing back around my way and began picking up communication and wanted some strange situation to where I basically hold on and wait but he wasn't offering anything else. We are long distance and he won't call on the phone, doesn't ask to see each other on webcam, hasn't left the state that he tried to relocate to and is still there, hasn't made any real offer of commitment. At this moment in time, communication has dropped off quite a bit yet again, but this time I don't care enough to get a reading about it.

I did not meet a new guy in February. However, my prediction for new guy has been for end of April/Beginning of May from Kisha, Shaman Kira, and Shelly. Aliza's timing always sucks and it always has sucked so I never listen to it. I'll come back and update if I meet new guy next month or May.