Author Topic: Mystique  (Read 16691 times)

Offline Jbossy25

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« on: February 10, 2019, 03:03:38 PM »
She’s veryyyyyyy good with the cards. Got two contact predictions right for two different people. Y’all try her tell me what u think

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2019, 05:03:55 AM »
Omg!! That’s great to hear. I just did did a reading with her and she predicted my poi would contact me in 3 weeks. So I am eager to see if it happens. But you saying she was accurate for you makes me excited. What time frame did she give u? And when did it end up happening?

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2019, 01:48:46 AM »
Ok love! Will do! Patiently waiting

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2019, 10:47:22 PM »
So I read with her today and she was a huge disappointment. I mean, it was beyond ridiculous.
Basically, she asked for my name and birthday and then started giving me generic information based on my and my POI’s astrological sign. It’s the kind of general garbage you can look up yourself on a astrology website.
She pretended to see certain things -to kinda make it look like she was doing her psychic stuff - ALL WRONG. She asked me  to confirm what she was “seeing” for past and present,  and I straight up told her she was wrong; and she had an excuse for everything. She would say, well maybe this is wrong in the physical plane, but as a psychic, in the emotional/spiritual plane, etc...... Like, if it’s wrong, it’s  wrong. This is verifiable information that I know for a fact to be wrong. What difference does it make which plane you look at? If it’s wrong, it’s wrong. Don’t try to twist it to make it look like you’re accurate.

She also talks about herself and that’s just not cool. I didn’t call to listen to a stranger talk about their life, I called to get insight on my situation.

 All in all, she didn’t appear to have any talent whatsoever. You know how when you read with a great psychic, there are always moments during the reading when they bring up some amazingly detailed stuff that they couldnt have possibly known and you sit there in awe and disbelief (that’s when you know you found a good psychic). Yeah, Mystique is not like that. And I gave her a good 20 minutes. She had a fair chance to prove herself.

If any of you want to read with her, DON’T!! It’s a waste of time.
She gave me a few predictions (which she could’ve easily guessed based on my situation). But her timing is unrealistic (and doesn’t line up with Effie, who is crazy accurate for me). So I wouldn’t count on Mystique’s timeline.

Nice girl, though.
I will report back if anything she said happens, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Wow was it a phone reading or chat? I did chat and only spent 5 minutes with her, cuz I was running out of minutes. I asked literally two questions.

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2019, 11:04:41 PM »
@beee it was a call, not a chat.
I always call because of the whole “tuning into your vocal vibrations” thing.

Oh yeah I forgot about the vocal vibrations part. Okay dang. Now I’m really not counting on her predictions to pan out at all. I wasted so much money on BS. I literally talked to 10 CP psychics. All BS at this point.

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2019, 11:45:43 PM »
@beee it was a call, not a chat.
I always call because of the whole “tuning into your vocal vibrations” thing.

Oh yeah I forgot about the vocal vibrations part. Okay dang. Now I’m really not counting on her predictions to pan out at all. I wasted so much money on BS. I literally talked to 10 CP psychics. All BS at this point.

I read with a handful only. Maybe 5 psychics in 2 yrs and was able to get verifiable information from all of them (some more skilled than others, but still).
 This was a first for me actually. Getting a BS reading. I will never read with a newbie again.

Who do usually read with? I’d love to compare notes if (by any chance) we read with the same ones.

Carlotta- she was spot on about a lot about stuff the first reading. Then the second reading she only talked to me like she was my damn counselor like bitch I’m paying u for answers. Not advice. Sorry. I can go to my damn counselor for that. So never going back to her

Dwayne - he was okay. Nothing special. And didn’t give me much answers. Strictly counseling

Isaac - cut me off at the end with saying “my reading ends here” once I asked for clarity on something he said. Never going to hun again

Kiyiko- she gave me predictions that never occurred. Loved the confidence tho 🤣

Mystique- she seemed okay. Waiting for her predictions to come about. But doubting it

Ivan - waiting for his predictions to pan out. Doubting it too

Jude- seems spot on. Still waiting for his predictions

Carson - a big joke. She kept asking me questions. Like sis. I ain’t here to be asked. I do the asking. I’m paying you. Had to get a refund for her because total waste

All in all. I’m done with CP


Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2019, 11:55:17 PM »
 Sooo disappointing. They were all also the cheaper ones. So I guess I got what I paid for.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2019, 12:34:15 AM »
I read with Mystique and after my first question, she basically told me the cards were quiet and gave me no further insight.  It kind of felt like she was not even trying; I'm glad she didn't waste anymore of my time besides 3 minutes.

Offline alphabetsoup

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2019, 01:59:49 AM »
I tried Kiyiko too.  She gave me a timing prediction, never happened, that was weeks ago.

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2019, 06:02:03 AM »
I read with Mystique and after my first question, she basically told me the cards were quiet and gave me no further insight.  It kind of felt like she was not even trying; I'm glad she didn't waste anymore of my time besides 3 minutes.

I’ve never heard of such a thing. That should be reported. No reader should ever say that

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2019, 04:07:46 PM »
I tried Kiyiko too.  She gave me a timing prediction, never happened, that was weeks ago.

Dang mine never happened either. It’s so sad. They give us all this hope, and she came off so confident and all that for what? Like it makes me so mad. But somehow she has a 4.5 star rating. And so many people wrote reviews claiming her predictions came to pass.

Offline Johanna317

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2019, 05:31:19 AM »
I read with her a few days ago.  She was able to connect to my deceased brother. Even described how she was feeling which were consistent with the way he passed. Also, she was able to describe what my POI's mother told me about how he's feeling about our situation - so i was impressed by that! Kinda cool. She was also able to pick up on the issues that POI is facing. I do think she has a gift. Her predictions for me are for April/May so we'll see how that goes!

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2019, 07:48:38 PM »
I read with her a few days ago.  She was able to connect to my deceased brother. Even described how she was feeling which were consistent with the way he passed. Also, she was able to describe what my POI's mother told me about how he's feeling about our situation - so i was impressed by that! Kinda cool. She was also able to pick up on the issues that POI is facing. I do think she has a gift. Her predictions for me are for April/May so we'll see how that goes!

Wow that’s awesome!! Good luck!! She gave me some predictions for beginning of March. So I hope it all goes well

Offline Johanna317

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2019, 06:32:12 AM »
I read with her a few days ago.  She was able to connect to my deceased brother. Even described how she was feeling which were consistent with the way he passed. Also, she was able to describe what my POI's mother told me about how he's feeling about our situation - so i was impressed by that! Kinda cool. She was also able to pick up on the issues that POI is facing. I do think she has a gift. Her predictions for me are for April/May so we'll see how that goes!

Wow that’s awesome!! Good luck!! She gave me some predictions for beginning of March. So I hope it all goes well

Thanks! I hope all goes well for you!

Offline Beeee1222

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Re: Mystique
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2019, 08:28:27 PM »
Update. Nothing came to fruition. Never reading with her again