Well I sure as hell hope she isn't accurate lol about 2 weeks ago I ordered a reading from her and she indicated that I'm going to lose my job this year and there are so many other things she sees that I could be doing but that everything will be okay after things reboot.... I've been at my organization for over 10 years and she saw other things like marriage this year too, but if I lose my job according to her, I don't see how I can remain financially stable and get married at the same time 🤔 anyway it freaked me out, I asked for clarification, she ignored me in the comments sh, also she described a POI like I'd say incorrectly, like harshly. Idk if she was just going along with my dramatic description of things lol but it didn't resonate with me. Anyway, I pray she's wrong about the career thing, other readers actually see the opposite but only time can tell.....