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Offline simsim

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« on: February 07, 2019, 10:00:46 PM »
« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 07:57:16 AM by simsim »

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: My Personal Story!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2019, 10:48:54 PM »
Wish you the best! Believe in yourself :)

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: My Personal Story!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2019, 11:07:53 PM »
I decided to never has a psychic reading ever again after two years exactly of having them, i had my last reading today with my Go to adviser and said my goodbyes... This experience caused me more harm emotional and mentally than good. I will be telling you the story of me and my POI and who i talked to and what predictions were made and what came to pass.

I met my POI online on a dating App in march 2017, we clicked instantly and chatted daily before we decided to meet, I live in Toronto and he lives in New york. He both drove half way to meet each other and spent a weekend at a hotel.... it was magical! the chemistry, the mental and sexual connection. we just clicked!

after that trip things changed, i left like something was off. when i confronted him he told me "i'm trying to figure this out because you're awesome". after that he decided its best we stay friends because of the distance isn't realistic and because his a closeted homo... no one knows about him... that hurt me because who likes being friend-zoned right?


i spoke to Bridgette because that's who i was recommend from an outside source and she told me right away strong connection cord and she picked up on his fear, shame and the trip... i was blown away honestly! she told me he fell for me and fell for me hard.

but sadly after the trip he haven't talk much due to drama which i caused and just did what Bridgette said, let him go and let him come to me.... that was in May (spring) yet he always stayed in contact hitting me up and flirty on my social media. till in July (summer 2017) he came to Toronto for the first time on a family trip..... he blew up my phone weeks before coming down here and when he got here i never had him contact me this much ever!!! what you doing? where are you? when can i see you? drinks?

of course he slipped away from the family at night and went out at night, it was magical!!!! he was blushing the whole time and his face was red haha... that was love there and it was strong.

after the trip and he went home, i missed him and told him i wanted to see him again. let me come down, lets try it out ext... he pushed me away again and huge drama as before, lets stay friends. its not "realistic" with the distance and him not being out..... i took it hard again and bridgette told me its not over he will be back.... so i held back as i was advised and reached out to his Bday in sept, sending him a surprise gift.. he loved it!! (during that time he went back to normal by watching all my Instagram stories and flirting). yet he HID his stories for me to push me away....

Bridgette always told me i'll be meeting someone new and my POI will be back,,,, in OCT 2017 i met someone out of the blue and it was fire!!!!!!!!!! i really liked this guy and stopped caring about my POI that much.... once my POI saw me with someone and posting stories..... right away he unhid his stories from me so i can see them again and came FLYING BACK into my life...chatty and flirty again but i didnt care... but i never stopped loving him... always have been..

The relationship with the new guy was so good after 4 months we talked about marriage and so i cna keep him in the country because his a DR from mexico.... that's when i started to doubt and question who should i pick!!! i was loosing it.... MY POI came back into my life flirting and chatty and im with an amazing guy.... but sadly the DR dumped me overnight and we haven't saw each other again, he didnt say goodbye to me or anything and went back to mexico... it was tooo hard on him bridgette said and i believe her because he was crying for days his roomate told,,, yet so was i.

My original POI was still in my life flity and chatty and we talked on the phone again and he heard me cry for the first time, i came clean about how i feel i fucked up the relationship with the DR because i want over him and was one foot in and footout......... i asked him PLEASE TELL ME DO YOU LOVE ME??? BE HONEST!!! it doesnt make sense why do you keep coming back and getting jealous!

he said he only loves me as a friend;;;; i spoke to Bridgette and Vincent that time ..... both told me it was a lie and he was in fact in love with me... however bridgette said the DR will be back yet Vincent said its over (i gave them both lots of info)  this was in Feb 2018

In march i called bridgette for a follow up readign about the DR and right away she told me someone strong came into his energy and his in a committed relationship, she said things changed. cant see us together or anything because energy is all over the place..... i thought she was crazy!!1 impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were supposed to get married and pick out the rings.... one week lately i found out it was true, he did meet someone in mexico and till today they are a loving strong couple (2019).... he did come back on my social media adding me reaching out in summer just to tell me he got into med school because he was proud, but thats about it... friends from a far.

in April/may i was still in contact with my original POI the only i really love and we were planning on going on a trip together and meeting up again.... by that time he admitted he did in fact has feelings for me but cant give me his heart yet because we havent see each other more than twice which is ok.... so Bridgette was right again and she told me in the past his hard wires and doesnt like to express emotion.... he told me on that phone call "i dont like to talk about feelings"... but i forced him to answer it

sadly the trip we had planned didnt happen because work schedule on his part then i offered i'll drive down to New york and he actually offered to drive down to toronto for me.... but when that started to pann out he hesitated from the distance and worried (his a worrier as bridgette said also).

again i kinda gave up and kept my distance because i didnt want to cause drama and lose him for couple of months like i did before.... i learned my lesson... (that was in spring 2018)

yet Bridgette also told me there is still another person coming in... wtf???? WELL IT HAPPENED OUT OF THE BLUE AGAIN!! summer 2019 i met someone and it was intense very fast. we spent each day together.... posting photos together and my original POI was in my life but i lost pateint on his ass honestly but for the first time he contacted me saying how much torture it was him seeing me with someone els, and how evil it was of me to put him through that... i was caught of guard because he shuts me out and doesn't tell me what his feeling...... we were talking a lot during that time!! but my POI said everythign would be diffrent if he lived in Toronto and its only like this because of the distance... not being realistic....i never hated the word "realistic" as much since i met him.

sadly the summer relationship with guy#3 didnt last and i got dumped, he was simply not ready and had his own demons... emotional scars that he told me about.

after two relationships and my strong feeling my main POI,,, i said enought is enough with the fucking excuses!!! im coming down to new york... i miss you and i love you... we chatted on the phone and again he tells me the distance isnt realistic... so i had to break it down for his stubborn ass and told him im not expecting anything,,,, lets just go with the flow and see what happens as friends so we cant hurt eachother..... He liked that and it was a phone convo, but he told me the distance isnt realistic but the way i put it and explained it made sense to him but admited he was meeting people and going on dates around and trying to build a life in new york because he already has trouble getting close to people let alone a guy in Canada AGAIN BRIDGETTE WAS RIGHT he doesnt get close to people easily!!! and said that sounded amazing because that sounded "realistic to him" ...... his bday was around the corner and he recently got his own place... so for me to come down and spend at his place would been a good idea for me... especially because his a closet case homo as i mentioned.... sept 2018 i sent him another bday gift as suprise and he blew up my phone again saying how amazing it was off me and all.... then asked him again couple days later? would u really like if it i came down? he said that would be awsome!!!!!

Now in OCT 2017 it all went to SHIT!!!!!!! when i started to text him about the dates of me to come down he ghosted me for 3 weeks many many times???????? WHAT THE FUCK?????!!!!!!

i called Bridgette and she told me its because its getting real and his worried that his family members will swing by when im there (they are religious Muslims btw) and his scared of that.

yet after being ghosted again and it was the first time i snapped!!! told him im tired of this back and forth bullshit and many we should cut ties....thats when he replied right away saying "maybe its for the best, you deserve someone who's 100%"... i told him i love him but was tired of it...he didnt reply LOL.

Bridgette told me in the past his scared of giving himself to me because he feels he aint good enought, insecure and scared i'll dump him and break him..... which i can see by the way he replied.

after a month OCT 2018, i reached out to make things right,,,, i did snappp... i love this guy,,, no reply,,, again,, no reply and again,,, no reply,, i asked him why are you ignoring me yet watch my Instagram stories??? no reply!!! 3 months no reply yet creeps my social media!!!!!! he didnt even wish me a happy birthday this year (dec 2018).

I spoke to bridgette, narnia and sammie... they each told me that there will be a reconnection in FEB except narnia said 3rd week of jan. (she was wrong)...... sammie and naria said he is deeply in love with me but his talking to someone to fill up the void.... i did some social media stalking,,, i learned he mad another gay friend who is married. so i stalked his stories some other account...

They were right my main POI has meet someone and has been seeing someone and from my stalking it was early OCT 2018.

when i saw i contacted Bridgette right away without me asking my question she told me right away there is someone around heart sinked because he was right, i saw a photo.....

Sammie said there would be a reconnedtion in feb and there was,,, i blew up his phone askign why the fuck his ignoring me!! did he meet someone? whats up... give me closure.

he finally replied "last time we spoke i gave you closure. i dont have feelings and you need to move on. im really sorry you're hurting, it makes me feel like shit".....yet that was not the case!! it was me supposed to come down and let see what happens naturally!!!!!!!!!!!!  this was feb 4 2019.

So i decided fuck these psychics and fuck this POI.... because i was emotionally DESTROYED!!!!! i never cried this much,,,, he wont give me more info or tell me anymore details or reply to my texts. i was shut out... the closet homo im in love with, moved out, made gay friends and now has a BF.  EVERYONE WAS WRONG but bridgette, sammie and naria on picking this shit up.

Which is why i spoke to all 3 for the last time and ending my journey with psychics and working with reality,,,, my POI is an asshole! (feb 7 2019)

all 3 psychics told me HE WILL BE BACK! and this relationship wont last! its him trying to fill a void becayse he hates being alone with is why he didnt do the distance thing with me but will be back to try and fix this because he does in fact has strong feelings for me...

-Bridgette said again i'll me meeting someone new out of the blue that i'll fall in love and he will be coming back to fight for my heart and i'll pick if i want him. she his with another closet homo which brings no threat to him having coming out of the closet to his Muslim family (which is true) ye twith me he would have too, because one of us would need to move countries long term....hi not giving his heart to this guy its only on the surface he doesnt do deep emotions (who knows anymore) -  this guy holds no threat for him - HE Fights true love -- it scares him to death -- this guy is just passing through his life (knowing my luck i doubt that lol) --  he will 100% be back!!!!  -- focus on your career you will be very rich (she picked up on what i do for a living lol)

- Sammie said (and this woman is very direct not for everyone) --  has a real struggle with the long distance -- He was looking to fill a void --- He does still have feelings for you and this person that entered the picture is absolutely temporary --- He will come back around and want to try again. He will do this in a back/forth kind of way but I do see you will once again embark on this journey of relationship with him --- He feels he let you go even though you were never his either. So that feeling is going both ways ---  process of a couple of months before you feel you are truly giving this a real try again.

- Narnia said --- I do feel that he will come back and try to fix this and will give me a real chance ---  I don't see this other situation for him lasting long at all (the bf) ---  he is fighting himself and his feelings for you (also picked up his a closet homo) ---- he does have strong feelings and lied about not having them (he did it before so i can see that) ---  he doesn't know how to open up 100%--- Doesnt have feelings for this new guy which makes it easy for him, its all on the surface.

I spoke to 3 psychics on here!!! talked to Bridgette way too many time over the past two years and naria and sammie twice each only with not so much info given they randomly picked up on the second person along with Bridgette..... The rest on PS were wrong including the famous vincent.

thats my experience and like i mentioned i wont be waiting on my POI anymore even though i love him,,, i need to heal now and move on and i will. i wont be talking to psychics anymore and told my main my goodbye.... i doubt he will be back and trying to fix this and i dount he doesnt have feelings for this new person or he would be his bf)

hope my experience shed some light on yours by stating TIMING is impossible to predict! this has been for two years and he picked someone els realistically and said he has no feelings for me (working with reality) its impossible to predict future and psychic source only gave me false hope or i would put up with this asshole to start with.

thanks for the read!

Judgement free...honestly speaking do u really want someone who is playing those kind of games with u? Vincent was right or am i missing something? U shouldn't want to be a after th ought or 2nd best... i dont think i could deal with a gay man....but again no judgement

Offline Natashanyc

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Re: My Personal Story!
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2019, 11:48:33 PM »
@Natashanyc    No vincent was wrong!! when i spoke to him he said his single and that he isnt seeing anyone and that he has a commitment phobia... it that was true he would be with someone now lol.

also we are all gay men there are no women in this senario ;)

sadly in the gay world there are many closet guy and many with issues due to bad experinces... i tried my best by always being there for him and trying to show him that im trust worthy and not in it to hurt because most gays are just about sex.

Maybe i read wrong because i thought u said Vincent told u its over....but anyway im glad u clarified that!

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Re: My Personal Story!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2019, 02:48:47 AM »
I’m happy for u! U will find someone deserving of your love:)

I decided to never has a psychic reading ever again after two years exactly of having them, i had my last reading today with my Go to adviser and said my goodbyes... This experience caused me more harm emotional and mentally than good. I will be telling you the story of me and my POI and who i talked to and what predictions were made and what came to pass.


I met my POI online on a dating App in march 2017, we clicked instantly and chatted daily before we decided to meet, I live in Toronto and he lives in New york. He both drove half way to meet each other and spent a weekend at a hotel.... it was magical! the chemistry, the mental and sexual connection. we just clicked!

after that trip things changed, i left like something was off. when i confronted him he told me "i'm trying to figure this out because you're awesome". after that he decided its best we stay friends because of the distance isn't realistic and because his a closeted homo... no one knows about him... that hurt me because who likes being friend-zoned right?


i spoke to Bridgette because that's who i was recommend from an outside source and she told me right away strong connection cord and she picked up on his fear, shame and the trip... i was blown away honestly! she told me he fell for me and fell for me hard.

but sadly after the trip he haven't talk much due to drama which i caused and just did what Bridgette said, let him go and let him come to me.... that was in May (spring) and he did by hitting me up and flirty on my social media. till in July (summer 2017) he came to Toronto for the first time on a family trip..... he blew up my phone weeks before coming down here and when he got here i never had him contact me this much ever!!! what you doing? where are you? when can i see you? drinks?

of course he slipped away from the family at night and went out at night, it was magical!!!! he was blushing the whole time and his face was red haha... that was love there and it was strong.

after the trip and he went home, i missed him and told him i wanted to see him again. let me come down, lets try it out ext... he pushed me away again and huge drama as before, lets stay friends. its not "realistic" with the distance and him not being out..... i took it hard again and bridgette told me its not over he will be back.... so i held back as i was advised and reached out to his Bday in sept, sending him a surprise gift.. he loved it!! (during that time he went back to normal by watching all my Instagram stories and flirting). yet he HID his insatgram stories for me to push me away....

Bridgette always told me i'll be meeting someone new and my POI will be back,,,, in OCT 2017 i met someone out of the blue and it was fire!!!!!!!!!! i really liked this guy and stopped caring about my POI that much.... once my POI saw me with someone and posting stories..... right away he unhid his stories from me so i can see them again and came FLYING BACK into my life...chatty and flirty again but i didnt care... but i never stopped loving him... always have been..

The relationship with the new guy was so good after 4 months we talked about marriage and so i cna keep him in the country because his a DR from mexico.... that's when i started to doubt and question who should i pick!!! i was loosing it.... MY POI came back into my life flirting and chatty and im with an amazing guy.... but sadly the DR dumped me overnight and we haven't saw each other again, he didnt say goodbye to me or anything and went back to mexico... it was tooo hard on him bridgette said and i believe her because he was crying for days his roomate told me,,, yet so was i. (he couldnt stay in the country)

My original POI was still in my life flity and chatty and we talked on the phone again and he heard me cry for the first time, i came clean about how i feel i fucked up the relationship with the DR because i was not over him and was one foot in and footout......... i asked him PLEASE TELL ME DO YOU LOVE ME??? BE HONEST!!! it doesnt make sense why do you keep coming back and getting jealous!

he said he only loves me as a friend;;;; i spoke to Bridgette and Vincent that time ..... both told me it was a lie and he was in fact in love with me... however bridgette said the DR will be back yet Vincent said its over (i gave them both lots of info)  this was in Feb 2018

In march i called bridgette for a follow up readign about the DR and right away she told me someone strong came into his energy and his in a committed relationship, she said things changed. cant see us together or anything because energy is all over the place..... i thought she was crazy!!1 impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we were supposed to get married and pick out the rings.... one week later i found out it was true, he did meet someone in mexico and till today they are a loving strong couple (2019).... he did come back on my social media adding me reaching out in summer just to tell me he got into med school because he was proud, but thats about it... friends from a far.

in April/may i was still in contact with my original POI the only i really love and we were planning on going on a trip together and meeting up again.... by that time he admitted he did in fact has feelings for me but cant give me his heart yet because we havent see each other more than twice which is ok.... so Bridgette was right again and she told me in the past his hard wires and doesnt like to express emotion.... he told me on that phone call "i dont like to talk about feelings"... but i forced him to answer it

sadly the trip we had planned didnt happen because work schedule on his part then i offered i'll drive down to New york and he actually offered to drive down to toronto for me.... but when that started to pann out he hesitated from the distance and worried (his a worrier as bridgette said also).

again i kinda gave up and kept my distance because i didnt want to cause drama and lose him for couple of months like i did before.... i learned my lesson... (that was in spring 2018)

yet Bridgette also told me there is still another person coming in... wtf???? WELL IT HAPPENED OUT OF THE BLUE AGAIN!! summer 2019 i met someone and it was intense very fast. we spent each day together.... posting photos together and my original POI was in my life but i lost pateint on his ass honestly but for the first time he contacted me saying how much torture it was him seeing me with someone els, and how evil it was of me to put him through that... i was caught of guard because he shuts me out and doesn't tell me what his feeling...... and told me "enjoy his company temporary for now, but no touching"..... we were talking a lot during that time!! but my POI said everythign would be diffrent if he lived in Toronto and its only like this because of the distance... not being realistic....i never hated the word "realistic" as much since i met him.

sadly the summer relationship with guy#3 didnt last and i got dumped, he was simply not ready and had his own demons... emotional scars that he told me about.

after two relationships and my strong feeling my main POI,,, i said enought is enough with the fucking excuses!!! im coming down to new york... i miss you and i love you... we chatted on the phone and again he tells me the distance isnt realistic... so i had to break it down for his stubborn ass and told him im not expecting anything,,,, lets just go with the flow and see what happens as friends so we cant hurt eachother..... He liked that and it was a phone convo, but he told me the distance isnt realistic but the way i put it and explained it made sense to him but admited he was meeting people and going on dates around and trying to build a life in new york because he already has trouble getting close to people let alone a guy in Canada AGAIN BRIDGETTE WAS RIGHT he doesnt get close to people easily!!! and said that sounded amazing because that sounded "realistic to him" ...... his bday was around the corner and he recently got his own place... so for me to come down and spend at his place would been a good idea for me... especially because his a closet case homo as i mentioned.... sept 2018 i sent him another bday gift as suprise and he blew up my phone again saying how amazing it was off me and all.... then asked him again couple days later? would u really like if it i came down in nov 2018? he said that would be awsome!!!!!

Now in OCT 2017 it all went to SHIT!!!!!!! when i started to text him about the dates of me to come down he ghosted me for 3 weeks many many times???????? WHAT THE FUCK?????!!!!!!

i called Bridgette and she told me its because its getting real and his worried that his family members will swing by when im there (they are religious Muslims btw) and his scared of that.

yet after being ghosted again and it was the first time i snapped!!! told him im tired of this back and forth bullshit and maybe we should cut ties....thats when he replied right away saying "maybe its for the best, you deserve someone who's 100%"... i told him i love him but was tired of it...he didnt reply LOL.

Bridgette told me in the past his scared of giving himself to me because he feels he aint good enought, insecure and scared i'll dump him and break him..... which i can see by the way he replied.

after a month OCT 2018, i reached out to make things right,,,, i did snappp... i love this guy,,, no reply,,, again,, no reply and again,,, no reply,, i asked him why are you ignoring me yet watch my Instagram stories??? no reply!!! 3 months no reply yet creeps my social media!!!!!! he didnt even wish me a happy birthday this year (dec 2018).

I spoke to bridgette, narnia and sammie... they each told me that there will be a reconnection in FEB except narnia said 3rd week of jan. (she was wrong)...... sammie and naria said he is deeply in love with me but his talking/seeing someone... i did some social media stalking,,, i learned he made another gay friend who is married. so i stalked his stories from some other account...

They were right my main POI has meet someone and has been seeing someone and from my stalking it was early OCT 2018. whic is prob why he didnt want me to come down

when i saw that, i contacted Bridgette right away without me asking my question she told me right away there is someone around heart sinked because she was right, i saw a photo.....

Sammie said there would be a reconnedtion in feb and there was,,, i blew up his phone askign why the fuck his ignoring me!! did he meet someone? whats up... give me closure.

and he finally replied "last time we spoke i gave you closure. i dont have feelings and you need to move on. im really sorry you're hurting, it makes me feel like shit".....yet that was not the case!! it was me supposed to come down and let see what happens naturally!!!!!!!!!!!!  this was feb 4 2019.... even ym friend's were wtf is he talking about????

So i decided fuck these psychics and fuck this POI.... because i was emotionally DESTROYED!!!!! i never cried this much,,,, he wont give me more info or tell me anymore details or reply to my texts. i was shut out... i asked him if he met someone and he wouldnt answer me... the closet homo im in love with, moved out, made gay friends and now has a BF.  EVERYONE WAS WRONG but bridgette, sammie and naria on picking this shit up that he was seeing someone. while bridgette told me some random guy and this is not a love interest yet they are dating....

Which is why i spoke to all 3 for the last time and ending my journey with psychics and working with reality,,,, my POI is an asshole the fucker led me on many times and didnt keep his distance when he saw me with someone els! (feb 7 2019)

all 3 psychics told me HE WILL BE BACK! and this relationship with the new guy wont last! its him trying to fill a void becayse he hates being alone with is why he didnt do the distance thing with me but will be back to try and fix this because he does in fact has strong feelings for me... which i honeslty dount at this moment.

-Bridgette said again i'll me meeting someone new out of the blue that i'll fall in love and he will be coming back to fight for my heart and i'll pick if i want him. she said his with another closet homo which brings no threat to him having coming out of the closet to his Muslim family (which is true) yet with me he would have too, because one of us would need to move countries long term....hi not giving his heart to this guy its only on the surface he doesnt do deep emotions (who knows anymore) -  this guy holds no threat for him - HE Fights true love -- it scares him to death -- this guy is just passing through his life (knowing my luck i doubt that lol) --  he will 100% be back!!!!  -- focus on your career you will be very rich (she picked up on what i do for a living lol)

- Sammie said (and this woman is very direct not for everyone) --  has a real struggle with the long distance -- He was looking to fill a void --- He does still have feelings for you and this person that entered the picture is absolutely temporary --- He will come back around and want to try again. He will do this in a back/forth kind of way but I do see you will once again embark on this journey of relationship with him --- He feels he let you go even though you were never his either. So that feeling is going both ways ---  process of a couple of months before you feel you are truly giving this a real try again.

- Narnia said --- I do feel that he will come back and try to fix this and will give me a real chance ---  I don't see this other situation for him lasting long at all (the bf) ---  he is fighting himself and his feelings for you (also picked up his a closet homo randomly) ---- he does have strong feelings and lied about not having them (he did it before so i can see that) ---  he doesn't know how to open up 100%--- Doesnt have feelings for this new guy which makes it easy for him, its all on the surface.

I spoke to 30 psychics in the past two years yet i only mentioned 3 here for a reason!!! talked to Bridgette way too many time over the past two years and naria and sammie twice each only with not so much info given they randomly picked up on the second person along with Bridgette..... The rest on PS were wrong including the famous vincent by saying no other person and bullshit.

thats my experience and like i mentioned i wont be waiting on my POI anymore even though i love him,,, i need to heal now and move on and i will. i wont be talking to psychics anymore and told my main my goodbye.... i doubt he will be back and trying to fix this and i dount he doesnt have feelings for this new person or he would be with him)

hope my experience shed some light on yours by stating TIMING is impossible to predict! this has been for two years and he picked someone els realistically and said he has no feelings for me (working with reality) its impossible to predict future and psychic source only gave me false hope or i would put up with this asshole to start with.

thanks for the read!

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: deleted
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2019, 08:28:46 AM »
Peace. There is no need to attack anyone like this. We all have right to say how you feel but it’s upto U how you take it and analyse them. To call someone mental is not ethics at all, this is my personal view. There are many ways to support someone by not hurting. We all grown up.

