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Bitwine - Autumn Rivers

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I had a reading with her last year after my break up. She predicted me and my poi would get back together. We haven't gotten back together but doesn't mean her prediction as wrong because it still doesn't mean we won't.

I am hoping she is correct but have to ask, does she give everyone a positive outcome, especially as it pertains to relationships? Has anyone gotten a negative outcome from her?


--- Quote from: Chitowngirl on August 23, 2023, 10:32:47 PM ---I am hoping she is correct but have to ask, does she give everyone a positive outcome, especially as it pertains to relationships? Has anyone gotten a negative outcome from her?

--- End quote ---

Someone let me see their reading with her and she told this person that there will be obstacles and things wouldn't be reliable for awhile so I take it it's not positive and also not super negative. More like "Hey, I see contact but it's going to be shaky for awhile before it gets to that point."

Hi, long time lurker here. I tried autumn rivers via e-mail based off the posts about her on here. She told me I wouldn’t get a job for 2-3 months and I started a job 12 days later. I know timing is tough so … meh. But then, the real reason I got the reading was to ask if me and my ex husband would get back together and I’m so confused. She said that she gives it a 75% chance that we will get back together and that she knows it looks high but “it’s not that high”. Confusing. $10 email reading though so hey. Whatever . Anyways, a lot of reputable store front readers have told me between September and the end of the year pretty much… so pretty soon I’ll have my own review post for you guys on here and man is it going to be lengthy. 😂


I’d say 75% is very high! And 12 days is quite a bit less than 2-3 months but yeah maybe timing isn’t her thing? She has said that to me a couple of times and the write up on Bitwine also says to not get too tied into her timing predictions so it’s hard to say. Can’t wait to hear who worked or didn’t for you when the time comes. When I asked her a while ago how she does her readings she told me that she uses playing cards along with her intuition so maybe for her it’s more about outcomes than timing? Seems like from what I’ve read on here at least that is her strength and she acknowledges it. Hoping she’s right for us!


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