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Bitwine - Autumn Rivers

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A quick update about AutumnRivers general reading that I had in mid of July. She predicted that:

"If there's money arguments or legal things going on don't worry it'll be resolved in your favor within the next few months."

Her prediction just came to pass yesterday, I had a case settlement that the result was in my favor! :)

Any more updates on AR??


--- Quote from: Johnson on December 15, 2020, 11:51:34 PM ---Have anymore predictions come to pass for you guys?

--- End quote ---

I’ve read with her last year and then again last summer. I really don’t know what I would come back to her again cause last years prediction didn’t come to pass and then again this summer prediction never happened, I guess she’s kind of good with the present and that makes you believe but no prediction came to pass for me


--- Quote from: Johnson on December 16, 2020, 03:19:34 AM ---Thank you for replying! I had read with her a couple weeks ago for her yes/no questions and she was vague with the explanation. Everything just seemed generic.

--- Quote from: Oisin16 on December 16, 2020, 03:02:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: Johnson on December 15, 2020, 11:51:34 PM ---Have anymore predictions come to pass for you guys?

--- End quote ---

I’ve read with her last year and then again last summer. I really don’t know what I would come back to her again cause last years prediction didn’t come to pass and then again this summer prediction never happened, I guess she’s kind of good with the present and that makes you believe but no prediction came to pass for me

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I was hyping her up last time because her reading seemed in line with big hitters' predictions...  but on my third reading with her she completely flipped the reading.
I don't know what was happening for the situation to flip 180 degrees like that

She gave me contact predictions which she kept pushing a few weeks. A few weeks would go by and I would check again. She said it and another prediction were “imminent” but it’s 6 weeks past her last timeframe now and nothing so I give up. Annoying that I got sucked in.


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