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Bitwine - Autumn Rivers

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same here! Mine should be around 5-7 weeks. Is yours a big prediction or contact etc?


--- Quote from: Jellybean123 on July 15, 2020, 06:18:20 PM ---same here! Mine should be around 5-7 weeks. Is yours a big prediction or contact etc?

--- End quote ---

It's not about contact prediction, it's bigger than that, she said 2-3 months from now, I shall see...

Btw, she also has a shop on Ebay & her price seems a bit cheaper in here:

For her price she is awesome, super sweet too. Got a little confused as to what she was saying kinda back tracked then contradicted a few parts but overall i liked her

I really like Autumn Rivers. She’s very ethical and explains things well. Her first contact prediction was right but her final prediction of ex returning hasn’t come to pass. It was predicted for March then pushed to May- I know she says her timing is off but I just don’t see it happening now.


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