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Bitwine - Autumn Rivers

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As said in another thread, she was one of the top 5-6 readers out of countless physics I've tried that accurately predicted that my ex wouldn't contact me, without being harsh. Another smaller prediction came to pass. I personally see her is a talented and intuitive card reader but what I like most about her is that she has no positive or negative bias when she does her readings, she just tells you what she sees.

Of course she is not God and she can't connect with everyone, but she did for many of us.

I agree she tell you in plan english what she picks up.  She is cut and dry and doesn't have to draw out what she's saying.  Plus honestly you can't beat her deals.  I did 10 questions for $20 and didn't stuck to one topic which is great.

I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?


--- Quote from: Flyingsoul on February 04, 2019, 03:25:34 AM ---I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

--- End quote ---

Moon Pixie is best at reading the current. Her future predictions are like 50/50.

AR I only read with once... seems good at the current, though her contact prediction for me didn’t happen soooo idk what to think


--- Quote from: marciamia on February 04, 2019, 03:29:27 AM ---
--- Quote from: Flyingsoul on February 04, 2019, 03:25:34 AM ---I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

--- End quote ---

Moon Pixie is best at reading the current. Her future predictions are like 50/50.

AR I only read with once... seems good at the current, though her contact prediction for me didn’t happen soooo idk what to think

--- End quote ---

Reading style wise, I prefer AR, although MP is also very kind and good in her readings. Of course AR is much more affordable and also generous with her time, it seemed she really took her time to look into the card and interpret. Both predictions are for about 3 months time so i will not know until then. Let see..


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