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Bitwine - Autumn Rivers

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--- Quote from: serenejoy on June 28, 2020, 12:13:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: Realrealwater on June 28, 2020, 12:05:27 AM ---I caught her online recently -
She was on par with my trusted readers.
Still .... let’s see because I’ve been getting told the same thing for a couple of weeks now & I wanna see who was the closest in terms of timeframe (just for my own fun)

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I don't know why this sometimes makes me happy/worries me. When most say very similar time-frames, etc. LOL

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I won’t lie, it has made me a lil more expectant/hopeful.
It’s a blessing and a curse. But it’s a good thing to me that its something that is in mine/those involved energies!

Part of a general reading feom Autumn at the end of May:

’next card is the card that i mentioned at the beginning 'goodluck luck success and good fortune, hard times end.' so this is coming but it maybe about two-three months. it says you have money coming to you unexpectedly as well. . so maybe a gift or finding it or being given it, it can be like. . a raise or something you didn't exactly work for, it can be also the other parts of this card meaning 'wealth prosperity and unexpected money gain'

I just got a completely unexpected call from the owner of my company. In return for agreeing to stay another two years(I wasn’t going anywhere to begin with!) my salary increased by 25000 per year AND I get a 10000 signing bonus. Massive hit for Autumn when nothing at work changes...ever!


--- Quote from: Larryducs on July 01, 2020, 04:53:26 PM ---Part of a general reading feom Autumn at the end of May:

’next card is the card that i mentioned at the beginning 'goodluck luck success and good fortune, hard times end.' so this is coming but it maybe about two-three months. it says you have money coming to you unexpectedly as well. . so maybe a gift or finding it or being given it, it can be like. . a raise or something you didn't exactly work for, it can be also the other parts of this card meaning 'wealth prosperity and unexpected money gain'

I just got a completely unexpected call from the owner of my company. In return for agreeing to stay another two years(I wasn’t going anywhere to begin with!) my salary increased by 25000 per year AND I get a 10000 signing bonus. Massive hit for Autumn when nothing at work changes...ever!

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Congrats, glad she gave you a positive prediction and it came to pass...she gives a fair share of positive and negative outcomes.

updates? Overall how is she with timing, I know she says it is not her strong suit but has she been correct for anyone?


--- Quote from: Jellybean123 on July 15, 2020, 06:13:25 PM ---updates? Overall how is she with timing, I know she says it is not her strong suit but has she been correct for anyone?

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I just had a reading with her last week, she also told me that she is not good with time frames & can only see short-term events. Her prediction is still in Fall so if that happens, I will update.


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