Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
Was not too enthusiastic about her when I last posted but my recent reading was really good, mainly for present but she has got a gift.
Should have posted my thoughts on her here but I posted in the predictions that have passed thread like a dork. Read my thoughts on her there.
Ive read with her twice and it all seems to align with what's going one in my life currently. I guess im just unsure as to whether predictions of hers come to pass for others?
--- Quote from: taurusgirl on January 26, 2020, 10:10:08 PM ---Ive read with her twice and it all seems to align with what's going one in my life currently. I guess im just unsure as to whether predictions of hers come to pass for others?
--- End quote ---
They generally do, but I discourage you from taking her timing as accurate. Her timing has never been accurate for me but everything she says has happened, whether significantly before or significantly after she has said it would.
I really like Autumn Rivers. I've been reading with her for over a year and her predictions and insight have been consistent and accurate. She might not be the best empath and her timing can be off but overall she's been accurate and helpful :)
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