Author Topic: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers  (Read 56662 times)

Offline Love2lovenj

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Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« on: February 01, 2019, 05:29:40 PM »
I know she's been mentioned in a few threads. It's just so much easier to find info on readers if they have their own thread.

I have read with her 2x and was hoping anyone could share if her predictions have come to pass since she is a tarot reader.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2019, 05:41:45 PM »
I initially thought she was good but neither of her timelines came to pass for me (tried her twice at the end of last year)...

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2019, 05:45:37 PM »
I read with her last year and i believe most of her predictions would have taken place if i would have followed her advice.  Dang free will.  When i read with her back in early Nov she predicted forward movement but honestly things were still at a stand still.  I know some people are just off with timing but was curious to see if her predictions have pan out with others.

Offline Jellybean

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2019, 04:22:29 AM »
I wrote her off because nothing stood out so far and I barely remember what my reading was about.

Offline ladymonarch

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2019, 05:08:52 AM »
I've read with her a few times and she's always been pretty accurate about the past and the present. She gives great details and in general she's super chill. Her contact predictions have been a hit or miss but I still like her :)

Offline Ninacy

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2019, 07:54:28 PM »
As said in another thread, she was one of the top 5-6 readers out of countless physics I've tried that accurately predicted that my ex wouldn't contact me, without being harsh. Another smaller prediction came to pass. I personally see her is a talented and intuitive card reader but what I like most about her is that she has no positive or negative bias when she does her readings, she just tells you what she sees.

Of course she is not God and she can't connect with everyone, but she did for many of us.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2019, 08:12:23 PM »
I agree she tell you in plan english what she picks up.  She is cut and dry and doesn't have to draw out what she's saying.  Plus honestly you can't beat her deals.  I did 10 questions for $20 and didn't stuck to one topic which is great.

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2019, 03:25:34 AM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Offline marciamia

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2019, 03:29:27 AM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Moon Pixie is best at reading the current. Her future predictions are like 50/50.

AR I only read with once... seems good at the current, though her contact prediction for me didn’t happen soooo idk what to think

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2019, 03:37:12 AM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Moon Pixie is best at reading the current. Her future predictions are like 50/50.

AR I only read with once... seems good at the current, though her contact prediction for me didn’t happen soooo idk what to think

Reading style wise, I prefer AR, although MP is also very kind and good in her readings. Of course AR is much more affordable and also generous with her time, it seemed she really took her time to look into the card and interpret. Both predictions are for about 3 months time so i will not know until then. Let see..

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2019, 12:44:15 PM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Another female as if he's dating someone? Is there any way for you to verify it?  Maybe social media friends you can ask?

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2019, 08:16:05 PM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Another female as if he's dating someone? Is there any way for you to verify it?  Maybe social media friends you can ask?

He used to have but I am not sure if he left her. AR said still there, instead of him leaving her she will leave him in 3-4 months. MP said he had in the past but currently none. Scratching my head. Anyway, let see, both saw reconnections with positive from AR but MP did not see positive in long term. I kind of skeptical on long term thing because this is very fluid and we change overtime and whatever they saw now may not be the same even after 1 month. So timeframes is hard to gauge. And spirit don’t use time, they may be able to tell you what happen or is going to happen only in near future, but time will never accurate. So pls look for predictions not the timeframe. A real psychic can have the visions of your future. I had a free reading from a real psychic before, in person. She told me more than 80% accurate without me giving any info, just playing card. But she can’t see far future. She picked up current very well or within few months timeframe.

Offline Love2lovenj

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2019, 08:27:08 PM »
Honestly i would rather know what's going to happen in a months time then 6 months down the road.  Basically like you said time is fluid and anything can change the path in that time.

Offline Flyingsoul

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2019, 09:19:55 AM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Another female as if he's dating someone? Is there any way for you to verify it?  Maybe social media friends you can ask?

He used to have but I am not sure if he left her. AR said still there, instead of him leaving her she will leave him in 3-4 months. MP said he had in the past but currently none. Scratching my head. Anyway, let see, both saw reconnections with positive from AR but MP did not see positive in long term. I kind of skeptical on long term thing because this is very fluid and we change overtime and whatever they saw now may not be the same even after 1 month. So timeframes is hard to gauge. And spirit don’t use time, they may be able to tell you what happen or is going to happen only in near future, but time will never accurate. So pls look for predictions not the timeframe. A real psychic can have the visions of your future. I had a free reading from a real psychic before, in person. She told me more than 80% accurate without me giving any info, just playing card. But she can’t see far future. She picked up current very well or within few months timeframe.

Just an update, Angel Readings (spiritual insights) was wrong on the no female around my POI, Autumn Rivers was right in this context. It was a tough day for me to digest the fact. Also he has no plan to leave her or them as yet. I haven’t got into any readings for past 1 month, and I really don’t want to go back reading when I am really upset. It’s not going to help. The timeframes from oct last year being pushed till now, and I know I can’t keep waiting and believing it anymore. I am letting it go and let the universe to decide for me.

Offline Serendipity

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Re: Bitwine - Autumn Rivers
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2019, 01:57:13 PM »
I read with AR and Moon Pixie recently (both few days apart with similar questions about my POI). Both stated there is chance of reconciliation in a couple of months. However, AR saw the future will be better but MP stated she did not think there is a long term positive outcome. Also AR picked up there was another female around him still but MP said noone. So what you all think?

Another female as if he's dating someone? Is there any way for you to verify it?  Maybe social media friends you can ask?

He used to have but I am not sure if he left her. AR said still there, instead of him leaving her she will leave him in 3-4 months. MP said he had in the past but currently none. Scratching my head. Anyway, let see, both saw reconnections with positive from AR but MP did not see positive in long term. I kind of skeptical on long term thing because this is very fluid and we change overtime and whatever they saw now may not be the same even after 1 month. So timeframes is hard to gauge. And spirit don’t use time, they may be able to tell you what happen or is going to happen only in near future, but time will never accurate. So pls look for predictions not the timeframe. A real psychic can have the visions of your future. I had a free reading from a real psychic before, in person. She told me more than 80% accurate without me giving any info, just playing card. But she can’t see far future. She picked up current very well or within few months timeframe.

Just an update, Angel Readings (spiritual insights) was wrong on the no female around my POI, Autumn Rivers was right in this context. It was a tough day for me to digest the fact. Also he has no plan to leave her or them as yet. I haven’t got into any readings for past 1 month, and I really don’t want to go back reading when I am really upset. It’s not going to help. The timeframes from oct last year being pushed till now, and I know I can’t keep waiting and believing it anymore. I am letting it go and let the universe to decide for me.

Aw :( flyingsoul, I am sorry to hear this. I would be really upset too. Just wanted to chime in on Angel Readings being a little off on picking up people around my SO. First time I read with her she said absolutely no one, and second time she said there's a female who he has to see everyday that she picks up, a female at work that he works closely with or like needs to train, and I have asked him and he said there's no one on his team, he reports to specific people (whom I know) take it for what it's worth

