Author Topic: Skye  (Read 50958 times)

Offline EatandRead

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Re: Skye
« Reply #105 on: September 08, 2020, 04:41:22 PM »
Skye is the worst attitude woman ever. Ate my money many times, cannot connect but then she kept saying wait lets see..
Then after 5 minutes she said "no" can't connect. wtf

Offline curiouspsychicreadings

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Re: Skye
« Reply #106 on: September 14, 2020, 10:39:39 PM »
I read with Skye this morning after seeing many people say she got predictions and contact correct. I went with general and asked about love life... she said the name Kate or Katie, the only one I know is my cousin she said maybe it has to do with that side of the family... so she kept going and said a woman in your family is missing you and wants to see you... CRAZY my cousin from that side of the family just messaged me that she will be in town in the next 2 weeks and wants to meet up... I haven't seen her in 7 years! She then said something about emotional with a guy around me so I told her yes I have been upset with my ex lately we broke up in May and we talk but it is always me contacting him... so I wanted to see if we would be in contact and she said yes I see 8... so I am thinking within the next week but I do see a reconnection and this time around it being much better... she weirdly knew details about a lot of emotional ups and downs since we started seeing each other, since I am married when we started and I left and my marriage is still in the middle of a separation moving into divorce... she said it felt like there were sad emotions throughout and i have been up and down with a lot feeling like maybe I am making the wrong decision, am I settling if I stay but if I take the leap will me and POI be endgame? She did say she sees a much better connection coming and him coming forward so we will see!

Offline Steven213

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Re: Skye
« Reply #107 on: October 19, 2020, 05:51:04 AM »
any prediction come true from Skye lately? She told me I will receive an email randomly.. waiting for it because her timing is rubbish but she is real one on CP

Offline Joy

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Re: Skye
« Reply #108 on: December 08, 2020, 06:07:41 AM »
Be careful because it seems to me she can read you. I mean, what is on your mind, intentions, something like that. I wrote about my experience with her before so I won't repeat myself. Against my prior decision, I used some karma points I had not cashed (they had piled up) and I dialed in because that way I don't have to buy 10 min. Plus her rate was discounted. The last reading was about some "European looking guy" I was supposed to meet this summer and chat with him online (never happened of course). The only reason I called again now was a guy she actually predicted in my life way back when she was new at CP and more than half her current rate for what I remember. Ever since, none of her predictions about this or any other guy panned out. Nothing from the work predictions either. On many occasions she'd give me names or events that will happen but they would be of tiny to no significance to me and my life. More like things that make you say, "Oh, yeah! Wow! The barista really gave me my coffee in a red cup today and they serve in white cups here! Wow! She predicted that!" So what? Wow indeedy, if it were for free.

While I am happy for everyone else to whom she predicted big, truly life-changing events. I cannot say the same. Maybe it is just that she is not connecting on that level with me but only on some small things or things that don't matter.

So she did predict this guy and even told me, "Date him." Ever since then, she basically says turn your back, he is immature. Good thing I only listened the first time. He is not immature. He is a very serious and responsible guy. Weird thing is, the first time I did not ask her about him in particular but I asked generally what she would predict, she brought up his name, then said a line I said to him back in the past. I told her that has already happened. She said, "Oh, then it is in the past." I asked her if she wanted to say something about him. She was the one that brought him up this time. She said it was in the past, he was immature and moved on to chaotic talk. Did burn 2-3 minutes while I tried to ask why she brought him up. She predicted correctly a tiny thing about him, i.e. that there will be reconnect. Had to pull teeth from her to get her back on topic and to squeeze out that we will meet again. But she said nothing would happen, he was immature and wanted nothing. Wrong. Something did happen. We met. He approached me. We did reconnect and I learned from his own mouth a lot of what happened and the readings of a bunch of psychics here suddenly sounded like a big drama spoof.

This last time I called Skye, I wanted to talk about him only and without digressions. She started by saying that communication between him and I was not happening right now. I was just about to open my mouth and say that there actually is communication and I simply wanted to know two things, one of them about something he will have to go through, since she can at least tell colors and numbers, and names, she said he was immature and not ready, and the old stuff. I was just about to hang up, when she said something that I was intending to do but more like considering without being sure. I was surprised. Then she said that would give me closure. I remember I was thinking exactly this: "It would give me closure to do this" The way she made it sound was basically me doing it as in giving up on the guy. It was a different context and it was a different kind of closure I meant. It did make me recall and rethink a few other times when she said things I thought. Now I am a bit confuse and I wonder how many times she had actually read my mind only. Maybe this is why predictions were no show. I don't know. Still, I am sure she connects better with some other people just not me.

As for the guy, he did not write back to my last message... he called.

Offline Ems2727

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Re: Skye
« Reply #109 on: December 09, 2020, 06:01:26 PM »
I so want to believe her predictions because they're so specific, and she keeps describing the same guy over and over each reading I get (usually a few months apart), but I wonder if it's just her "go to" description? European. Darker skinned. Well dressed. It's just never clear when I'm going to meet this person and details about him keep changing / shifting

Offline AnxiouslyWaiting2012

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Re: Skye
« Reply #110 on: December 12, 2020, 05:03:34 PM »
I was a Skye fan. I believe she has somewhat of a gift but, I use a new account under another name. Like MaryJo. That is not the name but, it is also not my name. She just asked me if the name was a real name or made up. I have an account under my real name also. She can see your account. Then she kept saying the name that happens to be the name of my best friend. I said is something wrong with her. Do you need to tell me something. I will not call Skye again. That threw me off completely and has me questioning a lot.

Offline Joy

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Re: Skye
« Reply #111 on: December 13, 2020, 01:34:30 PM »
I was a Skye fan. I believe she has somewhat of a gift but, I use a new account under another name. Like MaryJo. That is not the name but, it is also not my name. She just asked me if the name was a real name or made up. I have an account under my real name also. She can see your account. Then she kept saying the name that happens to be the name of my best friend. I said is something wrong with her. Do you need to tell me something. I will not call Skye again. That threw me off completely and has me questioning a lot.

Oh thank you, AnxiouslyWaiting2012! You put that final piece in they puzzle for me, i.e. that she can see the name. No wonder when I called her that time to ask about things that had nothing to do with the POI I called about before, she suddenly said his name . It upset me slightly because before that she so much as told me every time he was infantile and he'd not be back and I should forget him and kept predicting other people and the one time I did not ask about him because I was moving on from him, she started bringing him back. I asked her, "What about him?" because she was the one that brought him up and she did a couple of verbal twists. Took a few minutes of my time for nothing. Then predicted European guy that was neither white nor dark nor inbetween but was also American (???!!!?) And in the last reading she was totally reading my mind about that letter and the closure, only the meaning was different. So yeah, she has some kind of gift for wowing with random things of no consequence to my life and she can certainly read what's on my mind but she can't read my in-depth intentions about it.

Oh, if Skye told me I'd receive an email, I wouldn't expect anything outstanding. Example: Meeting new people, as in exchanging names and a couple of words and then going about your own business, does not constitute making many new friends; "money is coming to you at the end of the week, some bonus, promotion, something from work" was my regular payroll paycheck; "your guides want you to date and have fun" when you are fresh out of a car crash with fractures could not possibly be coming from any well-meaning guides of mine; three colleagues eating cold pizza after hours does not constitute "a party" that is "fun" and with "great food." I'd better stop here. Again, for those who got big predictions, I am really happy for you, guys. I am in the group that mostly got the mailman's name and other small hits of no relevance to my life. As AnxiouslyWaiting2012 suggested, she probably saw my name and the core was info from old readings decorated with reading what's on my mind. I did not get even small irrelevant hits in the last two readings. This should teach me a lesson to stick to not calling.

Offline AnxiouslyWaiting2012

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Re: Skye
« Reply #112 on: December 13, 2020, 02:54:27 PM »
Yes, she definitely see’s the name. She asked me if it’s a real name or made up name. It happens to be a real name just, not my name; it’s my best friend’s name. Then at the end she kept saying the name. I said is something wrong with her? She had a cancer scare. She said, we cannot discuss medical. She’s solid. A very solid person. Lol lol Someone I know told me that years ago Skye predicted her dad’s passing and illness. This has been since she’s been on CP. I thought I could trust Skye. She did not predict a job for me. I had been unemployed for 10 months and calling Skye. Tara and SweetOrange on Keen hit the nail on the head. She kept telling me I was getting engaged last December. I prepared myself for this and nothing happened. I was so pissed off at her and did let her know that. Stopped calling her for months and then started calling again. I will not waste my money on her. She throws out random names. Who’s James or Ben. I know a Ben, my friend’s husband and have no connection with him and I know plenty of James. It’s pretty annoying.

Offline kandyna

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Re: Skye
« Reply #113 on: June 18, 2021, 01:17:01 PM »
Okay yes ALL CP readers can see your name I started a thread on that.
But I Know somewhere on here I said I didn't think she was accurate in 2020 or 2019 after 1 reading. However she was specifically right! but the timing was wrong.. and also this year she has been the most accurate for me, all over the place but accurate. I read with her March and April

-She predicted that I would start a new job by july 5th, I got the offer before july 5th and starting july 7.
-She predicted the company that would hire me the name was apple... but the name was actually pinapple (just dont want to give out the real name)
- She also mentioned that someone would be working for two company when I asked about poi.. It was me  I started a side at a lounge
-She said someone would be working in the food industry, my side hustle was a lounge that serve small finger food.
-she ask who was lisa, you would hear from her soon. I discard it cause idk any lisa. right after her call, I had requested more info for a mba program and the advisor's name was lisa :-X
-you will hear about someone wanting child support lol... a couple of days after my guy friend was venting how the mother of her child want to put him on child support

So far I am still waiting for the love predictions to happen but she keep pushing timeline ..well see and ill keep updating

Offline kandyna

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Re: Skye
« Reply #114 on: July 05, 2021, 04:26:24 PM »
update she was 100 percent right about my new career change!! I am really very GRATEFUL for her I was struggling with wanting more at work and also wanting transition to a different field! she did that (guided me) but GOD and my prayer are main reason for positive changes always
she saw interview date, new boss , coworker , work enviroment etc even salary!

Offline Buttercup

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Re: Skye
« Reply #115 on: February 19, 2022, 05:31:59 PM »
Have you guys seen this?

Offline YellowLove

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Re: Skye
« Reply #116 on: February 19, 2022, 09:20:10 PM »
Have you guys seen this?

Yep, but it was posted here:,6717.0.html

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Skye
« Reply #117 on: November 10, 2023, 09:05:35 PM »
It is so unfortunate that Skye passed. I still get goosebumps thinking about the conversations I had with her.