Author Topic: Feeling someone's energy  (Read 9458 times)


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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2019, 04:14:51 AM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Yes I have seen direct proof it exists...I've had 3 long distance relationships where all 3 guys confirmed things I was picking up on energetically from them, and vice versa they picked up on things from me. One could literally hear my thoughts and would call me on the phone and answer what I was thinking! And I mean he was well aware that he was doing it, it was not a coincidence. One time I was mad at him and "yelled" at him in my head and he called right away and yelled back at me, "don't yell at me in your head like that." I mean that was almost too much, like you lose all sense of having any privacy! Lol

With many different people, not just people I am close to, I have picked up on it when they were say reading an email I sent them, like I can actually hear them reading it in their head and forming their response, and then their reply would come immediately after that. Or, I have woken up in the middle of the night at the exact moment someone sent me an email, knowing that they just one.

Sometimes I just get strong feelings out of nowhere and I won't really know why until I talk to someone and find out they were going through something. Yes these things are definitely real. We are so connected to other people in ways we don't always recognize. Energy is like an ocean and what you think and feel sends ripples out. And those ripples come back from other people.

Wow! This is impressive. I get this with friends sometimes, but not to this degree. This is on a whole other level!
I tested this with POI and asked him if he thinks of me at certain times and he said he doesn' that bummed me out, I thought we were connected in that way because it's way too strange sometimes I feel a strong strong energy and I think of him and he would get in contact with me somehow. But he is not that self aware and he could also be lying to me.

But I wish I had your skills, Still tired!

Lol...are you sure??? Because it can get really weird and invasive. Anyway it was my that one ex who really had incredible skills. He was the most psychic person I ever met. And our minds linked together like an echo chamber. It amplified every thought or intention that passed between us and neither of us was really in a good enough head space to handle that. It was a disaster!

I agree with ladya though, sometimes it is the person's higher self sending energy....or their inner self, core self. I mean sometimes people can be a bit disassociated or distanced from their true self. And if they are psychologically fragmented in some way they may send out mixed signals, both energetically and in their actual communication.

Very good point. I agree. And if you’re picking up on it and not realizing you can kinda feel bipolar from the mixed energy. I personally don’t believe you can cut energetic cords with everyone. I’ve tried. If it’s really strong. It won’t work. I think there’s some links that will always remain they just become less frequent or quieter if they’re no longer in your life.


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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2019, 04:28:33 AM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Yes I have seen direct proof it exists...I've had 3 long distance relationships where all 3 guys confirmed things I was picking up on energetically from them, and vice versa they picked up on things from me. One could literally hear my thoughts and would call me on the phone and answer what I was thinking! And I mean he was well aware that he was doing it, it was not a coincidence. One time I was mad at him and "yelled" at him in my head and he called right away and yelled back at me, "don't yell at me in your head like that." I mean that was almost too much, like you lose all sense of having any privacy! Lol

With many different people, not just people I am close to, I have picked up on it when they were say reading an email I sent them, like I can actually hear them reading it in their head and forming their response, and then their reply would come immediately after that. Or, I have woken up in the middle of the night at the exact moment someone sent me an email, knowing that they just one.

Sometimes I just get strong feelings out of nowhere and I won't really know why until I talk to someone and find out they were going through something. Yes these things are definitely real. We are so connected to other people in ways we don't always recognize. Energy is like an ocean and what you think and feel sends ripples out. And those ripples come back from other people.

Wow! This is impressive. I get this with friends sometimes, but not to this degree. This is on a whole other level!
I tested this with POI and asked him if he thinks of me at certain times and he said he doesn' that bummed me out, I thought we were connected in that way because it's way too strange sometimes I feel a strong strong energy and I think of him and he would get in contact with me somehow. But he is not that self aware and he could also be lying to me.

But I wish I had your skills, Still tired!

Lol...are you sure??? Because it can get really weird and invasive. Anyway it was my that one ex who really had incredible skills. He was the most psychic person I ever met. And our minds linked together like an echo chamber. It amplified every thought or intention that passed between us and neither of us was really in a good enough head space to handle that. It was a disaster!

I agree with ladya though, sometimes it is the person's higher self sending energy....or their inner self, core self. I mean sometimes people can be a bit disassociated or distanced from their true self. And if they are psychologically fragmented in some way they may send out mixed signals, both energetically and in their actual communication.

Very good point. I agree. And if you’re picking up on it and not realizing you can kinda feel bipolar from the mixed energy. I personally don’t believe you can cut energetic cords with everyone. I’ve tried. If it’s really strong. It won’t work. I think there’s some links that will always remain they just become less frequent or quieter if they’re no longer in your life.

Yes I think so too. Certain people, I know the connection will always be there. I was just finally able to stop focusing on it (and it was hard to get there, really difficult.)


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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2019, 08:08:02 PM »
I apologize if this was already a thread in the past...

I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.

I can't prove it 100% but I know sometimes I feel certain things and I don't know why they are I feel a strong sense of love or comfort and I wonder where it's coming from, or I feel a ton of anxiety for absolutely no reason and sometimes I wonder if it is because I am connected energetically to someone I care about.

Yes I have seen direct proof it exists...I've had 3 long distance relationships where all 3 guys confirmed things I was picking up on energetically from them, and vice versa they picked up on things from me. One could literally hear my thoughts and would call me on the phone and answer what I was thinking! And I mean he was well aware that he was doing it, it was not a coincidence. One time I was mad at him and "yelled" at him in my head and he called right away and yelled back at me, "don't yell at me in your head like that." I mean that was almost too much, like you lose all sense of having any privacy! Lol

With many different people, not just people I am close to, I have picked up on it when they were say reading an email I sent them, like I can actually hear them reading it in their head and forming their response, and then their reply would come immediately after that. Or, I have woken up in the middle of the night at the exact moment someone sent me an email, knowing that they just one.

Sometimes I just get strong feelings out of nowhere and I won't really know why until I talk to someone and find out they were going through something. Yes these things are definitely real. We are so connected to other people in ways we don't always recognize. Energy is like an ocean and what you think and feel sends ripples out. And those ripples come back from other people.

Wow! This is impressive. I get this with friends sometimes, but not to this degree. This is on a whole other level!
I tested this with POI and asked him if he thinks of me at certain times and he said he doesn' that bummed me out, I thought we were connected in that way because it's way too strange sometimes I feel a strong strong energy and I think of him and he would get in contact with me somehow. But he is not that self aware and he could also be lying to me.

But I wish I had your skills, Still tired!

Lol...are you sure??? Because it can get really weird and invasive. Anyway it was my that one ex who really had incredible skills. He was the most psychic person I ever met. And our minds linked together like an echo chamber. It amplified every thought or intention that passed between us and neither of us was really in a good enough head space to handle that. It was a disaster!

I agree with ladya though, sometimes it is the person's higher self sending energy....or their inner self, core self. I mean sometimes people can be a bit disassociated or distanced from their true self. And if they are psychologically fragmented in some way they may send out mixed signals, both energetically and in their actual communication.

Very good point. I agree. And if you’re picking up on it and not realizing you can kinda feel bipolar from the mixed energy. I personally don’t believe you can cut energetic cords with everyone. I’ve tried. If it’s really strong. It won’t work. I think there’s some links that will always remain they just become less frequent or quieter if they’re no longer in your life.

Yes I think so too. Certain people, I know the connection will always be there. I was just finally able to stop focusing on it (and it was hard to get there, really difficult.)


Happy to see this thread. I do believe in feeling someone energetically even though I know many who don't, including my POI. lol, I always tell him sometimes we think the same thoughts (because we would say the same things at the same time). It's been a hard few weeks for me when POI asked for space and it was just complete silence.
I was sad and upset, and get teary occasionally, but over the weekend - I was just not sure what came over me, it was more intense, and I was sobbing. I don't really sob much, even when I am sad or missing someone. In the last couple of days, I've also been just feeling numb and blah, not feeling like doing anything, and overall down, moreso than the last few weeks. Then he reached out today to check in on me, so I do feel that maybe I was feeling his sadness/energies too. And someone else mentioned feeling their POI's energy shortly before they reached out, I thought that was pretty neat.

Offline BaethanOC

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Re: Feeling someone's energy
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2019, 10:56:26 AM »
I am wondering what experiences have people here had with feeling someone's energy...for example if you are connected to POI energetically, do you feel their love, or when they think of you, or even their anger at you, or any feelings directed towards you? Does anyone have proof that this exists?

I believe that communicating telepathically is possible and we do it all the time with the people we are close with.
Well that's sort of me. I randomly feel other peoples emotions, and even get thoughts or ideas. It is interesting how our brains get ideas, as in is it our brains wiring that re-codes itself to get that ah-ha moment or is in influenced from others, spirits, or even aliens.
I have had several ghosts living with me, one used to play Sudoku with my brain, and another we communicated telepathically as in I didn't have to speak. I only heard their words, not the complete jumble of thoughts racing through our minds.

Something else I have began to notice is that some of my dreams appear to be memories. One I remember is visiting a shop, but the person behind the counter was wearing 1800 hundreds clothing. I then moved from the front door to the middle of the shop, then out the back, as in suddenly jumped. I remember looking and saw a familiar building but the ground was old dirt and weeds, not the car park it is. Some things were current, some were old, even some of the smells. It was very weird.

As for your telepathic communications all the time. Don't get that confused with normal body language. I remember watching a documentary on how 1 year olds communicate without talking. Some of them are very mean.