Author Topic: I'm in that place that I hate.  (Read 8655 times)

Offline LAW1974

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2019, 01:57:27 PM »
You know the place. The place in between readings. That place where if you get another reading, you end up regretting it because it doesn't add anything but maybe more confusion. So you don't get a reading. The place where predictions are 2 months out, but you don't see any progress. The place where your head says "damn you're a fool. Just get over it like 'normal' people do" but you heart says "No, it can't just be like this. I need one more conversation. I'm not done yet. You didn't hear me. How? Why?". Ugh, I really hate this place. I reread old chat transcripts and old email readings. I'm sad because my head is winning the fight this time. I do feel like a fool. Two years of just being stupid, desperate. I hate this place. It does get better, right? I mean it HAS to. Anyway, just talking out loud. And yeah, I didn't get a reading...

Fidg -- ME TOO!  All of my predictions are coming up and oddly, I have all of these really strong gut feelings right now....  We can try and be strong together????  This is where you can delve into the numerology or astrology part of it?  I have started reading a little about that and doing a lot of LOA stuff (reading Hilgier and Hicks books) -- it helps.....  It kind of brings it all together?  Just a thought

Offline Yt5587

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2019, 02:58:40 PM »
You know the place. The place in between readings. That place where if you get another reading, you end up regretting it because it doesn't add anything but maybe more confusion. So you don't get a reading. The place where predictions are 2 months out, but you don't see any progress. The place where your head says "damn you're a fool. Just get over it like 'normal' people do" but you heart says "No, it can't just be like this. I need one more conversation. I'm not done yet. You didn't hear me. How? Why?". Ugh, I really hate this place. I reread old chat transcripts and old email readings. I'm sad because my head is winning the fight this time. I do feel like a fool. Two years of just being stupid, desperate. I hate this place. It does get better, right? I mean it HAS to. Anyway, just talking out loud. And yeah, I didn't get a reading...

Fidg -- ME TOO!  All of my predictions are coming up and oddly, I have all of these really strong gut feelings right now....  We can try and be strong together????  This is where you can delve into the numerology or astrology part of it?  I have started reading a little about that and doing a lot of LOA stuff (reading Hilgier and Hicks books) -- it helps.....  It kind of brings it all together?  Just a thought

This is what’s working for me, learning more and more about loa and quantum psychics, you start to realize how much control you have in your destiny. I’ve been practicing a lot of self love and I’ve been scripting for two weeks now and I’m really starting to feel as if it’s happening. It’s crazy how the mind works!

Fidge, you’re so strong! Love you and here for you! ❤️

Offline mstiv

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2019, 03:30:33 PM »
Hi Fidget and everyone else who reads this :) I am new to this site and this is my first post. I really don’t mean to hurt anyone if I say something that maybe doesn’t resonate. I am currently in a situation similar to yours Fidget and I have to admit it’s probably the hardest place to be.. I read a quote once that said “waiting is painful, forgetting is painful but not know which to do is probably the worst kind of suffering”.. it’s so true and sad at the same time but I’ve come to realize that sometimes we put ourselves in that situation (not on purpose tho) Sometiens we don’t want to admit  that if we’ve invested so much time, hope and money to a situation and nothing or hardly anything has happened then maybe  it’s the healthiest emotionally  to let go and try to overcome it. It’s definitely not easy and it hurts like crazy b/c the memories and the time shared will always there.  But we have to take care of ourselves  first and fix our interiors emotonally before trying to embark on a relationship. I can assure you we will get through it! ;)  In my situation I’ve decided to try to let go. It hit me this morning that if nothing positive has happened thus far then that’s a sign from the universe telling me to move on and be happy on my own until he comes back or someone else comes that really appreciates everything I have to offer. To everyone reading this I would say by happy, life is to short to spend it suffering or waiting for something or someone to change... if something is meant to be it will eventually happen at it own time when the univers feels like you are ready :) hope it makes you feel a little better <3

Offline sawthelight

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #18 on: January 30, 2019, 03:35:08 PM »
Hi Fidget and everyone else who reads this :) I am new to this site and this is my first post. I really don’t mean to hurt anyone if I say something that maybe doesn’t resonate. I am currently in a situation similar to yours Fidget and I have to admit it’s probably the hardest place to be.. I read a quote once that said “waiting is painful, forgetting is painful but not know which to do is probably the worst kind of suffering”.. it’s so true and sad at the same time but I’ve come to realize that sometimes we put ourselves in that situation (not on purpose tho) Sometiens we don’t want to admit  that if we’ve invested so much time, hope and money to a situation and nothing or hardly anything has happened then maybe  it’s the healthiest emotionally  to let go and try to overcome it. It’s definitely not easy and it hurts like crazy b/c the memories and the time shared will always there.  But we have to take care of ourselves  first and fix our interiors emotonally before trying to embark on a relationship. I can assure you we will get through it! ;)  In my situation I’ve decided to try to let go. It hit me this morning that if nothing positive has happened thus far then that’s a sign from the universe telling me to move on and be happy on my own until he comes back or someone else comes that really appreciates everything I have to offer. To everyone reading this I would say by happy, life is to short to spend it suffering or waiting for something or someone to change... if something is meant to be it will eventually happen at it own time when the univers feels like you are ready :) hope it makes you feel a little better <3

Wow great first post!  Agree completely!

Offline Kat23

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #19 on: January 30, 2019, 05:25:38 PM »
Hi Fidget and everyone else who reads this :) I am new to this site and this is my first post. I really don’t mean to hurt anyone if I say something that maybe doesn’t resonate. I am currently in a situation similar to yours Fidget and I have to admit it’s probably the hardest place to be.. I read a quote once that said “waiting is painful, forgetting is painful but not know which to do is probably the worst kind of suffering”.. it’s so true and sad at the same time but I’ve come to realize that sometimes we put ourselves in that situation (not on purpose tho) Sometiens we don’t want to admit  that if we’ve invested so much time, hope and money to a situation and nothing or hardly anything has happened then maybe  it’s the healthiest emotionally  to let go and try to overcome it. It’s definitely not easy and it hurts like crazy b/c the memories and the time shared will always there.  But we have to take care of ourselves  first and fix our interiors emotonally before trying to embark on a relationship. I can assure you we will get through it! ;)  In my situation I’ve decided to try to let go. It hit me this morning that if nothing positive has happened thus far then that’s a sign from the universe telling me to move on and be happy on my own until he comes back or someone else comes that really appreciates everything I have to offer. To everyone reading this I would say by happy, life is to short to spend it suffering or waiting for something or someone to change... if something is meant to be it will eventually happen at it own time when the univers feels like you are ready :) hope it makes you feel a little better <3

Wow great first post!  Agree completely!

It is easy for friends, psychic to say "let it go" but each one of us handle pain / grief differently.... we go thru stages ...sadness, depression, fear of loneliness, anger   time heals all pain..maybe numb the pain... we moved on when our focus are elsewhere situation, new POI etc...

Offline Miller1336

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2019, 05:46:07 PM »
Oh I feel ya! I’m in that spot too. Now I’m finding stuff to do around the house. I’m glad I’m working late tonight!!!

For me I’m just trying to breathe. I feel like an addict going into withdrawals cept this time I’m going to meditate and keep busy and just thank my lucky stars that I am alive and healthy.

During this whole process I am learning about my own self-worth. Why do I keep going down the path where there’s no reward. I want the damn cheese and not the mouse trap if you know what I mean. It’s time to try some new and it’s called focusing on myself which is very strange for me because I’ve never done that.

Sending you some positive vibes. Push through. Get that damn cheese!!!

Offline Jili1945

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2019, 07:02:42 PM »
@Fidget: Thanks for sharing your story. I'm in the same situation and totally understand you. I admit that it's a really hard place and waiting is painful. Frequent readings add confusions. Time frames come one after another and nothing happens. I heartily understand you and I'm experiencing the same exact. Stay strong and I am sure it will crack one day ... hopefully very soon.

Offline KotaSwan

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2019, 10:50:54 PM »
Sorry Fidget that you are feeling this way. I know that pain and have been feeling the same. One thing that did help is knowing what is meant for me will happen...if you are religious you can say God will give it to me no matter what and if you are not I know the universe will fulfill my desires at the right time when I am ready. I have been trying to not read right now and just see how things pan out from the past readings and stay hopeful about the future. I am trying to keep myself busy with tv, long work hours and friends. It does help sometimes....sending you love and hugs <3

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2019, 11:38:05 PM »
I totally feel your pain and struggle with this. Something I began doing in the beginning of December that worked for me was that I just got completely frustrated and just had a real desire to be done with this whole situation as it's gone on for so long. I then started telling myself "It's done. It's over. I don't even care anymore. This is ridiculous. I don't have time for these games. I'm letting go of all hopes and expectations now. I'm tired of feeling this way. I want to let go of the situation now." I seriously repeated this to myself over and over each time I'd cry, or felt myself becoming angry about it all, or started thinking about him and the situation. It started to work for me a few days later. The hopes began to fade at a rapid pace. The emotional attachments did as well. It really does work but I think one has to get to that place where they are just so sick and tired of feeling the way they do and just waiting and waiting while the other person is just living their life NOT waiting for us.

It's like after I started doing that, a few weeks later this (expletive) begins communicating a lot more often, basically daily, asking me all kinds of questions like if I'm seeing someone etc. Then just last week asks me if we can mend things. And now, it's back to hardly any communication at all. Now I'M REALLY REALLY sick and tired of it and I will begin telling myself the same things as I did before and add in there "HE IS NOT EVER GOING TO CHANGE! NEVER!"..........and the next time the prick comes around filling me up with more empty words I won't even CONSIDER the words.

So yeah, repeating something to yourself sort of like trains your emotions and subconscious mind and honestly, it feels so freeing. If our predictions are to come to pass, they will either way, but at least you can be free from the emotional attachments to the situation that tend to slowly eat us up inside over time. Each time I feel like I need to get a reading or an update........I just ask myself "Is this dude REALLY worth all that? Not so much. I could be using this money on myself or saving it instead of squandering it on him." Essentially, that's what we are doing. We are spending money on these POIs and exes. Might as well just give them the money directly lol. It would be the same exact thing. I understand getting updates every 3 or 6 months, but I'm talkin about the binges and weekly and even monthly updates. We could be using that on ourselves instead of spending it on them. They don't appreciate it anyway LOL. They'd never appreciate the fact that we stressed so much over them that we called psychics. They'd just think we were lunatics. LOL.

Offline ZZ2112

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2019, 11:43:36 PM »
Attachment is the root of suffering - Buddha

I'm in the same place right now. I keep telling myself to wait out the predictions but every other day I find myself scrolling through the available psychics then talking myself out of another reading
Even if I try to keep myself busy, there's still a constant battle in my head of "What ifs". Big hugs to everyone, let's all stay strong and rant here instead of succumbing to another reading ❤

Offline mstiv

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2019, 12:46:44 AM »
Everyone reading this thread remember you are not alone :) most of us here are going through similar situations that are so painful and sometimes so hard to overcome! I totally agree with Miss Philospher that you have to reach that point where you feel fed up and drained from putting your all and not getting anything back. Not everyone might be there or even get to that point but if you do, try to see it as light shinning on you and guiding you towards a better, happier place where you come out stronger and wiser. Use your strength to pull you through... find what makes you happy again.. if you want to cry then cry, if you want to hide and not see anyone for some time then do so :) or if you feel like you would feel better talking to an advisor then do it too.. the key here is to not hold yourself back from venting or dealing with the situation in your own way. We are all different and handle things differently but I think one thing we all have in common is that we want to be us again.. be happy and joyful again. Even though we don’t know each other in person we are here for support, to empower each other to become better and overcome our situations whether it is through advisor tips or just lovely words of support and encouragement. I’m new here but I’ve been reading the comments and I feel so happy to see I am not alone and most importantly see that I have you’re  support. Sending everyone lots of love and a massive thank you for being so kind <3

Offline sawthelight

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2019, 01:17:44 AM »
I totally feel your pain and struggle with this. Something I began doing in the beginning of December that worked for me was that I just got completely frustrated and just had a real desire to be done with this whole situation as it's gone on for so long. I then started telling myself "It's done. It's over. I don't even care anymore. This is ridiculous. I don't have time for these games. I'm letting go of all hopes and expectations now. I'm tired of feeling this way. I want to let go of the situation now." I seriously repeated this to myself over and over each time I'd cry, or felt myself becoming angry about it all, or started thinking about him and the situation. It started to work for me a few days later. The hopes began to fade at a rapid pace. The emotional attachments did as well. It really does work but I think one has to get to that place where they are just so sick and tired of feeling the way they do and just waiting and waiting while the other person is just living their life NOT waiting for us.

It's like after I started doing that, a few weeks later this (expletive) begins communicating a lot more often, basically daily, asking me all kinds of questions like if I'm seeing someone etc. Then just last week asks me if we can mend things. And now, it's back to hardly any communication at all. Now I'M REALLY REALLY sick and tired of it and I will begin telling myself the same things as I did before and add in there "HE IS NOT EVER GOING TO CHANGE! NEVER!"..........and the next time the prick comes around filling me up with more empty words I won't even CONSIDER the words.

So yeah, repeating something to yourself sort of like trains your emotions and subconscious mind and honestly, it feels so freeing. If our predictions are to come to pass, they will either way, but at least you can be free from the emotional attachments to the situation that tend to slowly eat us up inside over time. Each time I feel like I need to get a reading or an update........I just ask myself "Is this dude REALLY worth all that? Not so much. I could be using this money on myself or saving it instead of squandering it on him." Essentially, that's what we are doing. We are spending money on these POIs and exes. Might as well just give them the money directly lol. It would be the same exact thing. I understand getting updates every 3 or 6 months, but I'm talkin about the binges and weekly and even monthly updates. We could be using that on ourselves instead of spending it on them. They don't appreciate it anyway LOL. They'd never appreciate the fact that we stressed so much over them that we called psychics. They'd just think we were lunatics. LOL.


Offline poorprincess

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2019, 01:57:18 AM »
@Fidget, for what it is worth. I feel this way exactly. Thank you and everyone who has chimed in for being brave enough to share it and reminding someone like me that I am not alone. Hang in there, sending you all my positivity. There is this strange feeling of comfort in solidarity. <3 :)

Offline jcanya

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2019, 07:04:50 AM »
I hope you get to "my place" one day where you stop with the readings and just live your life because things are going to happen whether a psychic tells you or not. all readings do is cause you anxiety over something that may or may not happen. remember how life was before you got hooked on readings? don't you miss that?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: I'm in that place that I hate.
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2019, 03:17:53 PM »
Thanks everyone for your kind responses. I know most people have been in "that place" and it's an ugly, ugly spot to be in. I'm good today. Sometimes it just sneaks up on you like a ton of bricks smacking you in the head. I don't want more readings. I really just want to be happy again. I was happy and alone after my divorce. It definitely is possible to be happy and alone. I have great friends, colleagues, kids, and extended family so I'm not "lonely". I actually fly pretty well solo, if I do say so myself. No answers, people who "ghost" you, unfinished business can really play with your head. I'm coming to the realization that moving ahead despite the "unfinished business" may just be the lesson that I have to learn. I need to not only forgive my POI for his running away and leaving me hanging, but I also have to forgive myself for my 2 year unhealthy reaction to it. I know I'm a good person with a good heart. I know that at some point this will be just a part of my history. I'm working very hard at letting go of the past as well as obsessing over the future. The here and now is what is important.

